Kagura - Toyooka

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kagura

住所 :

14-17 Chuomachi, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 668-0033

14-17 Chuomachi, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0033, Japan
自然人の日記 on Google

Delicious food in a nice atmosphere
kamiru bidan on Google

The fish is really delicious ❗ The natural rock oysters of Maizuru in the summer are super best and ? You should definitely eat
村尾茂貴 on Google

The other day I went there, it's a very nice restaurant, the inside of the restaurant is nice, I let it slow down, and a lot of dishes were delicious.
Chen Chen on Google

こちらの居酒屋さんはハズレがなく、何を食べても美味しいです!! 店員さんも気さくな方で居心地がいいです。 ただ人気店のため予約が取りづらい印象です。
This izakaya has no loss and is delicious no matter what you eat! !! The clerk is also friendly and comfortable. However, it is an impression that it is difficult to make a reservation because it is a popular shop.
wasabi on Google

予約する時に、とても感じよく対応して下さいました。 席だけの予約でしたが、お造りなどご用意しておきますか?と、聞いてくださいました。 2歳の子供と妊婦がいますと申したところ、席には子供用の食器なども用意していただいていました。 前日でしたが、とても気持ちよく対応して頂き、嬉しく思いました。 お造りの盛り合わせはメニューにあった全種が盛り合わせになっていたようです。 店員の方たちもとても愛想がよく、対応して頂き気分よく過ごせました。 また、トイレも(女子用しか見てませんが)広く綺麗でした。便座の除菌剤もあり、手洗いの水も自動感知式でした。 空気清浄機か何かも飲食スペースには置いてあり、消毒液も置いてありました。 座敷はすだれなどで個室になり、足も下ろせるように掘りごたつ式でした。 お店の前には2台ほど置ける駐車スペースがあります。 星4にしたのは、ホームページなどなく、詳細が確認できず、支払いに何が使えるかが分からなかったところです。 お店を探す基準にしていることもあるので、表示されてはいかがですか? 子供が声を出し、うるさくしている中、笑顔で応対して頂き、ありがとうございました。 また機会があれば伺いたいと思います。
When I made a reservation, he responded very nicely. I reserved only seats, but would you like to prepare sashimi? I heard. When I said that I had a 2-year-old child and a pregnant woman, I was asked to prepare tableware for children at the seat. It was the day before, but I was glad that you responded very comfortably. Assortment of sashimi seems to have been assorted with all kinds that were on the menu. The clerk was also very friendly and I was able to spend a pleasant time responding. Also, the toilet was large and clean (I only see it for girls). There was also a disinfectant for the toilet seat, and the water used for hand washing was automatically detected. An air purifier or something was also placed in the eating and drinking space, and a disinfectant was also placed. The tatami room became a private room with bamboo blinds, and it was a digging type so that you could lower your legs. There is a parking space in front of the store where you can put about two cars. I chose 4 stars because I couldn't check the details because there was no homepage and I didn't know what I could use for payment. It may be used as a criterion for finding a store, so why not display it? Thank you for responding with a smile while the child was loud and noisy. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.
わーたん on Google

全部美味しかった〜! ついつい食べすぎちゃいます… 丁寧なお仕事で旬のものがたくさん また機会があれば来店させてもらいます
Everything was delicious! I just eat too much ... Polite work and lots of seasonal things I will come to the store again if there is an opportunity
carlos lopez on Google

ATM 24hr gas station
Diego Domínguez García on Google

They don't speak any English and the menu is only in Japanese BUT the food is sooooo tasty and the stff are just great. Loved it.

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