Kagonoya - Hino

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kagonoya

住所 :

6 Chome-1-1 Tamadaira, Hino, Tokyo 191-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 191-0062
Webサイト : https://kagonoya.food-kr.com/shop/detail/0594

6 Chome-1-1 Tamadaira, Hino, Tokyo 191-0062, Japan
ママちょこ on Google

孫の卒業祝いでお食事しました。 担当の長谷川さん 親切で明るく、好感の持てる スタッフさんでした。 はかまを着替える時 隣の空き部屋まで使わせて頂きました。 長谷川さん どうもありがとう。
I had a meal to celebrate my grandson's graduation. Mr. Hasegawa in charge Kind, cheerful and likable It was a staff member. When I changed my hakama, I used it up to the next vacant room. Mr. Hasegawa Thank you very much.
朋子伊東 on Google

I ordered eel kamameshi and tendon soba set for lunch. Both were delicious with a warm sauce. Corona measures were also perfect.
Papa Kosodate on Google

なぜか寿司食べたい? と思い、帰路途中検索したら、多摩平店あり。 家族も食べ放題行きたいと言ったので、 よし、パパの小遣いで奮発しちゃおう!と入店。 しゃぶしゃぶは豚肉で美味しいことは美味しくて、出汁が選べるのでそのおかげか、 満足感あるんですね。 寿司は一度に10貫まで頼めるので、 これはこれで満足。 炙りシリーズもあり、サーモン、ホタテ、海老、ブリも炙ってあり、これも美味しい。 しゃぶしゃぶも寿司も、 そばもうどんもラーメンも食べたい人は、 満足しますね。
I want to eat sushi for some reason ? I thought, and when I searched on the way back, there was a Tamadaira store. My family also wanted to go all-you-can-eat, so Alright, let's inspire with your dad's pocket money! And entered the store. Shabu-shabu is pork and it's delicious that it's delicious, and you can choose the soup stock, so maybe that's why I'm satisfied. You can order up to 10 pieces of sushi at a time, so I am satisfied with this. There is also a roasted series, and salmon, scallops, shrimp, and yellowtail are also roasted, which are also delicious. Shabu-shabu and sushi For those who want to eat soba noodles and ramen I'm satisfied.
domestic on Google

個室利用。 メガネをかけた男性店員がドアノックなし&「失礼します」なしで毎度ドアを勢いよく開けてきたので驚くし腹立たしかった。 他のスタッフはしっかりしていただけに1人によって印象が下がるのは勿体無い。 新人と言ったわけでもなさそうだったので教育制度より怠慢から来ているものなのだろうか。
Use a private room. I was surprised and annoyed because the male clerk wearing glasses opened the door vigorously every time without knocking on the door & "excuse me". It's no wonder that the other staff members are solid and the impression is lowered by one person. I didn't seem to be a newcomer, so I wonder if it came from negligence rather than the education system.
蘇志燮 on Google

ここの食べ放題は本当に美味しい。 ゆず庵と違ってデザートが食べ放題じゃないのが残念。 デザートが食べ放題なら毎月行っても良いくらい好きなお店。 店員の対応はたまに微妙な人がいる。 開店時間が9時からになってるが実際は11時からの開店。 10時に行って開いてなかったので星マイナス2つ。
All-you-can-eat here is really delicious. It's a pity that dessert is not all-you-can-eat unlike Yuzuan. If you can eat all-you-can-eat dessert, you can go there every month. The clerk's response is sometimes subtle. The store opens from 9 o'clock, but actually it opens from 11 o'clock. I went to 10 o'clock and it wasn't open, so I got two stars.
cathy wu on Google

nice restaurant
keisuke mago on Google

Iberico meat and Shrimp Tempura was so delicious ?
James Ness on Google

A little expensive but quite tasty. The range of food is suitably diverse and there are several types of meat available. The somewhat remote location is also quaint but may be troublesome for others.

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