
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 加賀津の滝

住所 :

Kabecho, Asakita Ward, 〒731-0215 Hiroshima,Japan

街 : Hiroshima

Kabecho, Asakita Ward, 〒731-0215 Hiroshima,Japan
AN仲枝 on Google

大きな滝ではないんじゃけど、形が好きじゃのう。 駐車場から15分程度歩けば滝までたどり着くことができる。
It's not a big waterfall, but I like the shape. You can reach the waterfall by walking about 15 minutes from the parking lot.
松島研人 on Google

A free parking lot with a toilet when you go up the mountain path. Stop the car and walk for about 15 minutes to get there. There is power and feels good.
亀の子たわし on Google

The toilet in the parking lot of the Minamihara gorge campground is beautiful. I arrive at the waterfall in a few minutes on foot.
Grisaia 0929 on Google

The atmosphere was good while walking at a reasonable distance from the parking lot.
地図三三五 on Google

I went there on December 6, 2021, but I couldn't go because the public toilet was closed and off limits due to a little trouble. So I've never been there, but with expectations I'll give it a five-star rating (laughs)
成田大樹 on Google

写真が下手で申し訳ない。 大きさとしては中型くらいでしょうか? 行くまでの道中、当然舗装されてない道ですが、道幅が広くあちこち整備されていて、歩き易かったです。 4G圏外になってしまい、若干入口がどこかわかりづらかったですが、すぐに看板が出現するので迷うことはないと思います。 答えを言うとトイレの右手側から行けます。 ロープで囲ってますが、落石から人を守るためで、通行禁止になってるわけではないので、ご安心を。 この滝の評価が高いのは、滝の横の明神ダムに向かう階段を登って、滝の上から写真が撮れるという点で評価しました。 崖っぷちから見るか、川の中に入りダイレクトに滝の真上から見ることも出来ますが、危険なので、オススメはしません。
I'm sorry for the poor photography. Is it about medium size? On the way to the road, it was naturally unpaved, but the road was wide and well maintained, making it easy to walk. It was out of the 4G area, and it was hard to see where the entrance was. To answer, you can go from the right side of the toilet. It is surrounded by rope, but please be assured that it is not forbidden to protect people from falling rocks. I highly evaluated this waterfall because I was able to climb the stairs next to the waterfall to the Myojin Dam and take pictures from the top of the waterfall. You can see it from the edge of the cliff or directly into the river from directly above the waterfall, but we do not recommend it because it is dangerous.
ヤスごろ on Google

I will stop the car in the parking lot in front of the shrine and walk. Walk slowly from the parking lot and arrive in front of the waterfall in about 15 minutes. There was a lot of camp trails in front of the waterfall, but the water is clean and it seems good to come and play with the family.
ナポリタン寿司 on Google

・通常時でも中々迫力あり。 ・駐車場有り ・雨の次の日はもっとすごい ・迫力満点 ・駐車場から約10分徒歩。苦ではない ・良いお散歩になる。 ・滝の近くまでいきたいなら、川を渡ることになる。 結果:最高
・ It is powerful even during normal times. ・ Parking available ・ The next day after rain is more amazing ・ Powerful score ・ 10 minutes walk from the parking lot. Not pain ・ It will be a good walk. ・ If you want to go near the waterfall, you will cross the river. Result: best

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