
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八百屋のまえだ

住所 :

Jusomotoimazato, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0028 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Osaka

Jusomotoimazato, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0028 Osaka,Japan
。ねひ on Google

珍しい野菜とかはないですが、日頃使う食材は揃っていて、全体的に良心的な価格で、旬の野菜なんかは特に安いです。 こないだは買おうとしたピーマンの一つがちょっと熟してきてるんで、、ってので割引してくれました。 店員さんの対応もすごく丁寧やと感じますし、ペイペイが使えるのもありがたいです。
There are no rare vegetables, but the ingredients we use every day are available, and the prices are generally reasonable, and seasonal vegetables are especially cheap. One of the peppers I was trying to buy was a little ripe, so he gave me a discount. I feel that the clerk's response is very polite, and I am grateful that PayPay can be used.
かまんべーる on Google

十三界隈では一番の八百屋だと思います。 値段が安いのもあるのですが、仕入れ日の直前は状態が悪くてもそのままだす店が多い中、ここは鮮度が管理されいます。 生物なので100%はありませんが中が傷んでいたことはまだないです。 ※写真の価格は一例です。
I think that it is the best greengrocer in the area of ​​the thirteen. Although the price is cheap, freshness is managed here, although there are many shops that just leave the shop even if the condition is bad just before the purchase date. Since it is a living thing, there is not 100%, but the inside has not been damaged yet. *The price shown is an example.
Canチョメ on Google

The product lineup is good and the price is cheap, which is helpful. Since the aisle is narrow, it is difficult to enter a stroller or a silver car.
モフモフでお願いします on Google

Anyway, I think it's the best in the area in terms of cheapness and freshness! There is also a fruit shop facing each other, so I don't buy them at the supermarket, but go to the store to buy vegetables and fruits. Eggs are always cheap. There are also rare vegetables from time to time.
ni tubuyaku sunao on Google

十三商店街では安くて良い品があるお店だと思います。いつもレジしてるママさん?愛想が良いです!ママさんの旦那さん?も良い感じのおっちゃん(笑) アットホームな感じで良い雰囲気なお店です。 通路幅が改善されれば、車椅子などで来られる年配者の方も入りやすいのかな、と主観的に見えました。
I think that there are cheap and good products in Juso Shopping Street. Mom who is always registering? It's amiable! Mom's husband? A nice old man (laughs) It is a shop with a homely atmosphere and a good atmosphere. It seemed subjectively that if the width of the aisle was improved, it would be easier for elderly people who come in wheelchairs to enter.
yan kazukin on Google

商店街のかなり奥にあり立地は微妙ですが野菜の鮮度がよく安いです。 特にキノコが安いのでおススメです。
It is located in the back of the shopping street and the location is delicate, but the freshness of vegetables is good and cheap. Especially mushrooms are cheap, so I recommend it.
Gideon on Google

Cheap fruits and vegetables
Siva Factory on Google

Fresh vegetables and fruits are carefully selected

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