Jujo Fuji-jinja Shrine - Kita City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jujo Fuji-jinja Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-14-18 Nakajujo, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0032, Japan

Postal code : 114-0032
Webサイト : https://www.city.kita.tokyo.jp/hakubutsukan/rekishi/fureru/bunkazai/jujo/fujizuka.html

2 Chome-14-18 Nakajujo, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0032, Japan
濱田由美 on Google

今年の12月で道路拡張整備のため、取り壊されてしまいます。 整備後復元すると書かれていましたが、現在の歴史的な文化財はなくなります。 残念です。
It will be demolished for road expansion maintenance in December of this year. It was written to be restored after maintenance, but the current historical cultural assets will be gone. I'm sorry.
昭和の残滓Z on Google

もとはれっきとした円墳であったと思われる。 それを富士信仰という名の下に、ゴテゴテと石段を作ったり墓石みたいのを並べたりと、被葬者不在で随分と酷い扱いを受けて、これでは被葬者も浮かばれないだろうと前々から思っていました。 移設するのであれば石室等を壊さないようにというのは勿論ですが、本来の円墳に戻してあげてほしいです。 ------ 現在「調査中」となっています。 移設事業の計画を示す案内板がありましたが、 その内容たるや驚愕を禁じえませんでした。 古墳であることが確認できているにもかかわらず、 ゴテゴテとしたコンクリートの山を作り直すようです。 被葬者は完全に無視されています。 これじゃあ祟られても文句は言えません。
It seems that it was originally a well-established circular burial mound. Under the name of Fuji worship, he was treated very badly in the absence of burial people, such as making stone steps and arranging gravestones, and he thought that burial people would not come to mind. I was thinking from. Of course, if you want to relocate, do not damage the stone chamber, but I would like you to return it to the original burial mound. ------ Currently "under investigation". There was an information board showing the plan of the relocation project, I couldn't help but be amazed at the content. Despite being confirmed to be an old burial mound It seems to recreate a rugged concrete pile. The burial person is completely ignored. I can't complain even if this is cursed.
西川政良 on Google

Mt. Fuji's artificial hill was gone. This is for road expansion.
* Rue-chan on Google

It is a historically valuable Fujizuka beside Nikko Onari Road, and the local festival (Mt. Fuji) was lively in line with the opening of Mt. Fuji, but it is now very disappointing because of the road expansion. It seems that it will be newly maintained and revived.
Cabala Feng on Google

Interesting little mountain temple.
Dejon Allen on Google

Nice little shrine in the area of a park
Aaliyah Young on Google

Cute little shrine. Free entry.
Isamu Maruhashi on Google

This is a relatively famous local shrine dedicated to a small mound that sort of resembles Mt. Fuji, and therefore the name. There is a summer festival held here.

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