
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ケドモリ岐阜店

住所 :

Jotodori, 〒500-8441 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://kedmori-h.jp/
街 : Gifu

Jotodori, 〒500-8441 Gifu,Japan
久島美穂 on Google

おいっちゃん on Google

なべてる on Google

The atmosphere is good.
花エクボ on Google

My friend wore these shoes so I went there. It's been a while since I bought the shoes and started wearing them, but it's very good. I went on a trip, but my legs didn't hurt and I didn't mind walking a lot. This is the first shoe that fits my foot like this. If you think that shoes are also a part of your body, it's a reasonable price. Thank you for introducing a good product.
キノコハハ on Google

オリジナルの中敷きを作ってもらうことができ、色が選べたり、名前を入れてもらうことができたり、特別感のある一足を手に入れることができます。日常ばきとして使うことで、足の健康をまもってもらえる感じがします。 腰痛持ちだった母や弟は、こちらの靴を履いて毎日散歩をすることで治りました。デザインも豊富なのでリピートで購入しています。
You can have your own insoles made, you can choose the color, you can put your name on it, and you can get a pair with a special feeling. By using it as a daily routine, I feel that my feet are healthy. My mother and younger brother, who had back pain, were cured by wearing these shoes and taking a walk every day. There are a lot of designs, so I buy it repeatedly.
花灯 on Google

はっきり言いまして…私には高嶺の花!というくらい、お高いです。でも、履き心地は抜群です。機能性は勿論、デザインも色合いも素敵な物が揃っています!店内の写真を、お断りされたので お伝えできないのが残念ですが…作品展を見るような気分で入ってみても良いと思います。試し履きは出来ますし、足を見てアドバイスも頂けます。
To be clear ... Takamine's flower to me! It's so expensive. However, the comfort is outstanding. Not to mention functionality, we have wonderful designs and colors! It's a pity that I can't tell you the photos inside the store because I refused to do so ... I think you can enter as if you were looking at an exhibition. You can try it on, and you can get advice by looking at your feet.
クンタママ on Google

自分なりに靴には気を遣ってきました。 靴をみて良い靴だったのですが、対応が今までの自分の靴選びを否定されたようが言葉ばかりで?? 自信が溢れる説明でしたがお客のを否定 ではなく、受容してからセールスしてほしい。 商品が良くても悲しい対応では勿体ない
I have been careful about shoes in my own way. It was a good shoe to look at the shoes, but it seems that the correspondence was denied my choice of shoes so far ?? The explanation was full of confidence, but the customer was denied. I want you to accept it before selling it. Even if the product is good, it is not good for a sad response
またちゃん on Google

テーマパークやちょっと歩かなければならない所にお出掛けするときは、ケドモリの靴は必須です。もちろん、普段もケドモリの靴です、健康のためだけではなく、お洒落な靴が沢山あって、いつもワクワクします。 また、丁寧な対応をしてくださるので、安心して靴選びができます。
Kedomori shoes are a must when you go to theme parks or places where you have to walk a bit. Of course, I usually wear Kedomori shoes, not only for my health, but also because there are many fashionable shoes, which is always exciting. In addition, you can choose shoes with confidence because they will respond politely.

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