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Contact ぬかや斎藤商店

住所 :

Jonokoshi, Yaizu, 〒425-0025 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.nukaya.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Jonokoshi, Yaizu, 〒425-0025 Shizuoka,Japan
佐藤雄二 on Google

The tuna simmered in the hotel and the wasabi kelp were delicious.
まめまめ on Google

鮪の角煮美味しくていつも買って帰ります。 オリジナルの魚河岸シャツも有りますよ。
Kakuni tuna is delicious and I always buy it home. There is also an original Uogashi shirt.
M45 muraben on Google

Skipjack tuna smoke is recommended.
いかチャンネル(ユジュン) on Google

室内に入って左側 小上がりの和室 急な階段を上ってみると畳の部屋が広がり、多数の魚河岸シャツや手拭いのグッズが 素敵な生地がたくさんで目移り 縫いこさんが縫うそうなので多少のサイズの大小はあるようです。 他店ではできない試着もさせていただけるようなので、次は子を連れて試着購入しにいきます。 案内は若奥様?がしてくださり、感じがよかったです。 なまり節もありました 切れこが120円!安い!
Enter the room and left Rising Japanese-style room As you climb up the steep stairs, a room with tatami mats spreads, and many fish riverside shirts and hand towels are available. Lots of wonderful fabrics There seems to be some size of size because Seiko seems to sew. You will be able to try on clothes that you can't find at other stores, so next time you go with your child to buy them. Is the guidance a young wife? It was nice to me. There was also a rounded corner. cheap!
鈴木保雄 on Google

I asked for a fish river bank shirt. I thought it was an ordinary private house, but it has a long history and history. When I went to the second floor, I saw a lot of fish riverbank shirts, received explanations from the shopkeeper's lady, and bought a great one.
やまちゃん on Google

If I buy a fish shirt shirt cape, I will go to Nukaya-san. The girl in the shop is also good and knowing my taste, so I'm listening to selfishness, so I'm saved. I am thankful because it is possible to choose the shirt and shirt choice with a good sense of the daughter without too much loss. It is very good because you can order if there is no size. It is a store of the sorcery.
人生 夢DREAM on Google

昔ながらのお店で色々な商品が手作りで置いてあります? 魚河岸シャツも取り扱っていて焼津を満喫するには是非、行く価値あり?
Various products are handmade in the old-fashioned shop ? We also carry Uogashi shirts, so it's definitely worth a visit to enjoy Yaizu ?
梅田省理 on Google

「魚河岸シャツ」!!! 何だそれは!!?? 焼津に観光に来て八雲通りをブラブラ歩いていたら、こちらのお店の開け放たれた扉脇に「波除け堰と排水小路」との表記が。 「?」と興味をそそられ中へ。 「堰」とは堤を越えた波の水が家の中へ浸水しない様に板を填めて防ぐ工夫だそうで、この地域独特の防災方法らしいです。 お店に控えめに陳列している商品を矯めつ眇めつしていたら、奥さんに「この魚河岸シャツなんか良いわよ」と勧められました。 何でも、焼津の人間なら普通に着ている風通しの良いシャツとの事。 『普通に着てる? ホントかなぁ?』と思ってたら、「堰」の説明にわざわざ出て来て頂いたご主人が、真っ赤な魚河岸シャツを着てました(思わず笑ってスミマセン)。 様々な柄やサイズや生地があり、私はスタンダードな物とオリジナルの物とを買いました。服の方は決して安く無いですが、「魚がし」や「焼津」文字入りのハンカチやポーチなども有るので、お土産に良いですよ。 奮発して2着も買ったので、オマケで鮪の角煮と鰹の時雨煮を付けてもらいました。 焼津に来たらまた新しいシャツ選びに行きますねー。
"Uogashi shirt"! !! !! What is it! !! ?? ?? When I came to Yaizu for sightseeing and walked around Yakumo-dori, there was a notation "Wave weir and drainage alley" beside the open door of this shop. Intrigued by "?" The "weir" is a device that prevents the water from the waves that cross the bank from entering the house by filling it with a board, which seems to be a disaster prevention method unique to this area. When I was scrutinizing the products that were displayed modestly in the store, my wife recommended that "this fish riverside shirt is good". Anything is a well-ventilated shirt that Yaizu people usually wear. "Are you wearing it normally? Is it really? Then, the husband who came out to explain the "weir" wore a bright red fish riverside shirt (laughing unintentionally, Sumimasen). There are various patterns, sizes and fabrics, and I bought the standard one and the original one. Clothes are not cheap, but there are handkerchiefs and pouches with the letters "Uogashi" and "Yaizu", so they are good as souvenirs. I rushed to buy two outfits, so I asked them to add tuna kakuni and bonito simmered in rain. When I come to Yaizu, I will go to choose a new shirt again.

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