Jofuku-ji Temple - Echizen

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jofuku-ji Temple

住所 :

11-26 Gobuichicho, Echizen, Fukui 915-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778777
Postal code : 915-0026

11-26 Gobuichicho, Echizen, Fukui 915-0026, Japan
X M on Google

Beautiful branch cherry blossoms!
2021チャロ on Google

The season of cherry blossoms is wonderful
hiro on Google

Spring is a famous spot for cherry blossoms. Normally the gate is closed.
bakachopper on Google

なんで!!??というくらい知られていないお寺。このお寺凄いんです!!何が?って、このお寺は正式なただ唯一の平家の末裔の方が継がれているお寺なんです。各地に自称、平家の末裔や落武者伝説はわんさかあります。が、しかし、ここのお寺は源平合戦の後、勝利した源頼朝から唯一正式に令が出て、ここの先祖が平家物語で有名なシーン。 平清盛が、幼い頼朝を処刑しようするのを、清盛の継母(池禅尼)が身をていしてかばい、何とか命を助かったというシーン。 ま、そのせいで後に源頼朝は壇之浦で平家を滅亡にまで追いやってしまうわけですが、それは置いておいて。 壇之浦滅亡後、源頼朝は(一族を生かしておく事の危険性をよく知っているはずなのに)幼少の頃に受けた恩を忘れず、池禅尼の息子(平頼盛)を幕府の正式な御家人としたというのだ。その後、その息子(平保盛)が越前守護になった。かなりの厚遇だと思う。それくらい、礼を払っていたんだろうな~。弟の義経への冷遇と比べたら随分違うもんだ。その、平保盛が寺を建立して遥か西の海に沈んだ平家一門の菩提寺となったということだ。僕は、平家物語が好きで各地に訪れているけど、下関の赤間神宮と同じくらい意味深いとこほだと思うし、平家の血が脈々と流れていると思うだけで、僕は興奮してしまうのです。ちなみに、この近くには落人と思われる話や伝説が各地にあり、凄い山深い集落なのに都遊びや神楽、話す言葉の違いなどが点、点と点在していたりするところです。平家物語ファンなら少し調べて頂いて、合わせてこの辺りにこられると面白いと思います。尚、現在は一般的に開かれておらず、電話での問い合わせになってると思うので、連絡してから行ってみてください。後、この辺りは継体天皇の伝説も沢山ありますので、お勧めです!!
why! ! ? ? A temple that is not even known. This temple is amazing! ! what? So, this temple is the only one that is officially the only descendant of the Heike descendant. There are many self-proclaimed descendants of the Heike and legends of the fallen warriors. However, the temple here was the only officially issued order from the victorious Gen Yoritomo after the battle of Genpei, and the ancestors here are famous for the Heike story. A scene where Kiyomori Taira was trying to execute a young Yoritomo, and his stepmother (Ike Zenni) was alive and managed to save his life. Well, because of that, Genori Yoritomo later drives the Heike to the ruin in Tannoura, but keep it aside. After the death of Tannoura, Yoritomo Minamoto (although he should have well known the dangers of keeping his family alive) did not forget the benefits he received as a child, and took the son of Ike Zenni (Hirayorimori) with the formal family of the Shogunate. It was done. Later, his son (Mori Hiraho) became the guardian of Echizen. I think it's quite a treat. I guess I was paying that much. It's very different from my brother's treatment for Yoshitsune. It is said that Hirahomori built a temple and became a family temple of the Heike family that sank in the sea far west. I like the Heike Monogatari and travel to various places, but I think it's as meaningful as Akama Jingu in Shimonoseki, just thinking that the Heike's blood is flowing, and I'm excited It will. By the way, there are stories and legends that are thought to be deceased in various places near this area, and even though it is a great mountainous village, there are places to play in the city, kagura, differences in spoken words, etc. If you are a Heike story fan, I would like you to investigate a bit and find it interesting to come here. Please note that it is not open to the public at this time, and will be contacted by telephone. Later, there are many legends of Emperor Tsutai, so it is recommended! !
T T on Google

It is a temple of the Heike family, and the weeping cherry tree called Hanakugi cherry tree, just behind the gate, is beautiful. There is a charge for the courtyard, but you can enjoy cherry blossoms for free. The parking lot is right in front of the temple entrance.
中山順子 on Google

TVのニュースで【桜が満開???】と言っていたので 早速見に行って来た 駐車場がお寺の真ん前にあるのに すぐにはわかりにくかった? 樹齢60年くらいのしだれ桜で【はながたみの桜】と言うらしい そんなに大きな桜ではないが なんとなく上品な桜だった 今年初の満開の桜???を見せていただきました
As I said [Sakura is in full bloom] in TV news, I went to see right away The parking lot is right in front of the temple. It seems to say [Sakura of cherry blossoms] with weeping cherry blossoms of about 60 years of age It was not so big cherry blossom, but somehow it was refined cherry blossom I was shown this year's first cherry blossom bloom in full bloom
佐竹聖惠 on Google

2022/04/01 初めて来ましたが手入れがされていて無料で見る事が出来ました。風がふく様は散る花びらが儚げな風情で穴場スポットです。
2022/04/01 I came here for the first time, but it was well maintained and I was able to see it for free. The wind is a little-known spot with a fragile atmosphere of scattered petals.
4M-2M on Google

枝垂れ桜「花筐の桜」が咲く頃によく見に来ます。 同時に咲いている梅の花も綺麗です。二本の沈丁花からはとても良い香りがします。
Weeping cherry blossoms I often come to see them when they bloom. The plum blossoms that are blooming at the same time are also beautiful. The two shincho flowers have a very nice scent.

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