かわはらこどもクリニック - Kashihara

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かわはらこどもクリニック

住所 :

Jobonjicho, Kashihara, 〒634-0803 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 634-0803
Webサイト : http://www.kawahara-cc.jp/
街 : Nara

Jobonjicho, Kashihara, 〒634-0803 Nara,Japan
こじはや on Google

受付の対応が最悪 偉そうで上から目線で話してくる 一度電話で問い合わせしたことがあるが早口で何言ってるのか全然わからなかったです それに待ち合いで待ってるときも世間話ばかり 仕事する気があるのかないのか 先生は良く見てくれるし話しやすい先生 受付をどうにかした方がいいと思います
The receptionist's response is the worst It looks great and speaks from above I made an inquiry over the phone once, but I didn't understand what I was saying quickly. And when I'm waiting in a meeting, I'm just talking about small things Are you willing to work The teacher looks good and is easy to talk to I think you should manage the reception
toたまご on Google

長く営業してると大切な事を忘れるのですかね?受付の方… 先生は沢山の患者様をまわすのは理解しますがRSを見落とさないで下さい。緊急入院となりました。
Do you forget important things when you are open for a long time? Receptionist ... I understand that the teacher turns a lot of patients, but don't overlook RS. It was an emergency hospitalization.
s o on Google

受付の方は塩対応ですが、先生はすごく的確に診察して下さります。 信頼出来る先生で、何年もお世話になっています。
The receptionist is salt-friendly, but the teacher will be able to see you very accurately. I am a reliable teacher and have been taking care of me for many years.
asami sato on Google

とても綺麗な病院でした 生後2ヶ月程の時に病院へ行った際は、別部屋に案内してもらい幼児と接触がないようにしてくださいました 受付はたまに塩対応ですが先生は優しい方では
It was a very beautiful hospital When I went to the hospital when I was about 2 months old, I asked him to guide me to another room so that he would not come into contact with the infant. The reception is sometimes salty, but the teacher is kind

Even if you make a reservation, you will have to wait an hour. What are you booking for? Everyone will come here when they are babies. As it grows larger, it will gradually move to a place with less waiting time. Also, the receptionist is looking from above. Only annoyed auntie. Perhaps my grandpa and grandson came to the hospital the other day, and if my child was waiting in front of the TV, wait here! here! I pulled it with caution. Then why not turn off the TV?
しみこ on Google

こどもの話をしっかり聞いてくれる優しく穏やかなお医者さん。 こどもがいつもお世話になっています。 とても人気ですが、初診以外はweb予約ができるので、待ち時間も比較的少なめです。(今はコロナ禍で、風邪症状の有無で時間帯を分けてくれています。) かなりお忙しいのに、先生は保護者、こどもの話をかなりしっかり聞いてくださり、説明も時間をとってしてくださるので、とても信頼しています。小さなことですが、個人的には初めて来院したとき、先生がこどもをしっかり名前で呼んでくださって、予防接種のあと、頑張ったねと頭を撫でてくれたことがすごく嬉しかったです。今も名前でしっかり呼んでくださいますし、長男の診察に来たときに、2週間前に来院した連れてきていない次男の様子も聞いてくださったり、一人ずつしっかり患者さんを診てくださっているのだなぁと感じています。 他の口コミに書いてあるように、受付さんたちはお忙しそうな印象は確かに受けますが、対応が悪いとまで感じたことはありません。感じ方は人それぞれだと思いますが、診療は信頼している先生にしっかり診ていただいているので、受付さんの対応はそこまで気になりません。
A gentle and gentle doctor who listens to children's stories. Children are always indebted. It's very popular, but you can make online reservations except for the first visit, so the waiting time is relatively short. (Now it's a corona sickness, and it divides the time zone according to the presence or absence of cold symptoms.) Even though I am quite busy, the teacher listens to the stories of parents and children quite well and takes time to explain, so I trust him very much. It's a small thing, but personally, when I first came to the hospital, I was very happy that the teacher called the child by name and stroked my head after the vaccination. He still calls me by name, and when I come to see my eldest son, he asks me about the second son who came to the hospital two weeks ago and hasn't brought me, and he sees each patient one by one. I feel that it is. As mentioned in other reviews, the receptionists certainly get the impression that they are busy, but I have never felt that the response was bad. I think that each person feels it differently, but I don't really care about the receptionist's response because the doctors who trust me give me a thorough examination.
K “kaeru” on Google

赤ちゃんの頃から通っていて、7才現在ほとんど行く機会がなくなりましたが、安心感があり、他の小児科にもいくつか行ったことがありますが何かあればやはりここに来ます。 たしかに予約しても待つことが多いのですが、こんなもんだと諦めています。昼前が空いていたりしますが、たまたまかもしれません。 8:30からのウェブ予約で速攻予約して若い順番を取って、一番乗りくらいでいけば、待ち時間なしで行けたりします。ただ、今はコロナ禍での対応で受付時間が色々分かれているようですので、事前のご確認必須です。
I've been attending since I was a baby, and now I'm 7 years old, I have almost no chance to go, but I feel relieved and I've been to some other pediatrics, but if anything, I'll come here. Even if I make a reservation, I often wait, but I have given up on this. It may be vacant before noon, but it may happen. If you make a haste reservation from 8:30 on the web, take the youngest turn, and go to the first ride, you can go without waiting. However, it seems that the reception hours are different now due to the correspondence with the corona virus, so it is necessary to check in advance.
yobo yobo on Google

【かわはら子供クリニック】 kawahara clinic for the children こちらの病院の先生は、とても親切で的確に処置してくださいます。子供が病気になったらこちらを使わせてもらってます。 他の病院では見つけられなかった肺炎を見つけて下さって、大きな病院に直ぐに移してくださいました。 ウェブから予約出来るので、順番が来るまで車で待っていられることもあり、少し遠くからでも行かせてもらってます。
[Kawahara Children Clinic] kawahara clinic for the children The teacher at this hospital is very kind and will do the right thing. I use this when my child gets sick. He found pneumonia that could not be found in other hospitals and immediately moved him to a larger hospital. Since you can make a reservation from the web, you may be waiting by car until the turn comes, so I am allowed to go from a little far.

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