京 お野菜バル めい

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 京 お野菜バル めい

住所 :

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.eat-walk.com/baru/index.html
街 : Tokyo

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan
M on Google

Used for lunch on weekdays. The inside of the store is not very large. It is good to be able to eat many kinds of vegetables little by little.
浅井愛未 on Google

We had a daily lunch. I chose meat or fish and tried meat lunch. The price is Omotesando price, but it was very delicious.
Kengo Miyashiro on Google

We used for lunch on Sunday. About 1200 to 1600 yen at lunch. It was delicious but I thought it was Omotesando price. The distance between the table and the next door is narrow.
さくら on Google

う~、どうして星が多いのか疑問ですね。。 ランチでサワラの西京焼きにしましたが、 せっかくの西京焼きが風味もない、パサパサしてなかっただけ、その下に水菜、お重に水菜のサラダ、、パッとした見た目の良さと内容と味と、、二度行くことはないですね。。
I wonder why there are so many stars. . I made Sawara's Saikyo grill for lunch, The Saikyo ware has no flavor, it wasn't dry, just below that, mizuna, heavily mizuna salad, and a nice-looking appearance and content and taste. . .
ひだまりらぼ on Google

表参道ヒルズ内にある「めい」さんへ、お友達4人で予約して行きました。土日や祝日のヒルズ内ランチはやはり予約した方が、席確保するなら確実です。 ボリュームも野菜の味も、お料理の味も、とても美味しくて大満足です。 店内も綺麗ですし、料理提供までの時間も待たされることなくスムーズです。案内された席も、ヒルズにしては、ゆったりで、隣の人とぶつかることなく座れてよかったです。 ただ少し残念なのは、混雑時は、友達との会話が聞こえづらくなること。そこまでは席も離れていないので、会話を聞き返す機会が増えます。 珍しい野菜のバーニャカウダがお気に入りになりました!(^ ^)
I made a reservation with four friends to "Mei" in Omotesando Hills. After all, it is safe to reserve a seat in the hills lunch on weekends and holidays. Both the volume, the taste of vegetables, and the taste of the food are very delicious and very satisfying. The shop is beautiful, and it is smooth without waiting for the time to serve the food. It was nice for the seat that was being guided to be spacious for Hills and to sit without hitting the next person. The only disappointing thing is that when it is crowded, it becomes difficult to hear conversations with friends. Since you have not left your seat until then, you will have more opportunities to listen to the conversation. The unusual vegetable Banya cauda has become a favorite! (^ ^)
Ellie Chuang on Google

Colorful set!
Yuan-Ching Peng on Google

Very good Japanese style food
黃Callie on Google

Great quality Japanese yasai food at Omotesando! This is our last meal in Japan and it's so delightful.:)

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