J's Bar Akasaka - Minato City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact J's Bar Akasaka

住所 :

赤坂2・14プラザビル B1 2 Chome-14-32 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 107-0052
Webサイト : https://jsbar-akasaka.com/

赤坂2・14プラザビル B1 2 Chome-14-32 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
yuza on Google

This is a quiet restaurant where you can drink quietly.
ka na on Google

A shop belonging to Daiichi Kosho. Whiskey is somewhat famous, but malt lovers feel a bit unsatisfactory.
ぼすとん on Google

混んでいる時に行くと団体様が騒がしいので、一人でゆっくり飲みたい時には、使い辛い。 複数人で飲む時には使えるかなって感じ。
The group is noisy when going when it is crowded, so it is hard to use when you want to drink slowly by yourself. It feels like it can be used by multiple people.
K Y on Google

I like it very much because it has a calm atmosphere. It was a good restaurant that I could have used occasionally when drinking around Akasaka.
K Y on Google

The atmosphere is good, there are many seats, and it's open until midnight, so it's easy to go home with a drink.
Kazuya Akanuma on Google

とても雰囲気のいいBARです。 赤坂の駅前の地下にある気になっていたBARへ。 店内は想像していたより広くてカウンターと結構な数のテーブル席があります。 まずは・・・と思っていつものように「ウォッカマティーニをステアしないでシェイクで。」とオーダー。 いい意味で特徴のない味で、オリーブもお酒にインしていないタイプで「お好みで」と言って出してくれました。 お代わりはもうさっと酔って帰ろうと思ったので、ゴッドファーザーを。
A very nice bar. Go to the BAR in the basement in front of Akasaka station. The inside of the store is larger than expected and has a counter and a good number of table seats. First of all, I thought ... and ordered as usual, "Shake the vodka martini without steer." He said that the olives were of a type that was not included in the sake and had a taste that had no characteristic in a good way. The alternative was to get drunk and go home, so go to Godfather.
Naoya Washizawa on Google

店内は広々としていて、ゆっくりとお酒を楽しむことができます。 バーテンダーの方々のお酒の知識も深く、楽しみながらお酒を飲むことができます。 ケンタッキーバーボンの飲み比べがしたくて無理なお願いをしたのですが、丁寧に対応して頂きました。
The inside of the store is spacious and you can enjoy sake slowly. The bartenders have a deep knowledge of alcohol and can enjoy drinking alcohol. I made an unreasonable request because I wanted to compare the drinks of Kentucky bourbon, but they responded politely.
Amit Vithal on Google

terrible staff attitude. Avoid.

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