
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚よし

住所 :

Izumihoncho, Komae, 〒201-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:40PM
Sunday 10AM–7:40PM
Monday 10AM–7:40PM
Tuesday 10AM–7:40PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–7:40PM
Friday 10AM–7:40PM
街 : Tokyo

Izumihoncho, Komae, 〒201-0003 Tokyo,Japan
aki nona on Google

I feel that such a fishmonger is a real fishmonger. Great customer service that wants to be a regular customer. A lot of sashimi and grilled fish
nyan ume on Google

昔ながらの仕出しもやってる魚屋さんです。 ご主人がちゃんと自ら市場で仕入れてますので店先の品は季節によって旬の美味い物がよくあります。価格は値段も良いが物も良いといった感じですが、お買得も多々あります。 私は仕事で近くに行った時は必ず立ち寄り買い物して帰ります。 今では数少ない本当に魚を扱える「職人気質」のご主人ですが気さくな方ですので、素直に聞けば、お勧め、美味しい食べ方など教えてくれますよ。
It is a fish shop that also offers traditional catering. Since the owner properly purchases it at the market, the items at the storefront are often delicious depending on the season. The price is good but the goods are good, but there are many good deals. Whenever I go nearby for work, I drop by and go shopping. Nowadays, I'm one of the few masters who really can handle fish, but I'm a friendly person, so if you ask me honestly, I'll tell you what to recommend and how to eat deliciously.
km am on Google

本当に美味しくてリピートしまくってますw 市内のスーパーは変に油っぽかったり筋っぽかったりしてどこも刺身が美味しくなく調べたら評判が良いここに来て正解でした。 少しお値段は張りますが品はそれ以上にいいと思います。
It ’s really delicious and it ’s repeating. The supermarkets in the city were strangely oily and streaky, and the sashimi wasn't delicious anywhere. It's a little pricey, but I think the product is better than that.
Cat Tokyo on Google

スーパーで購入する魚とは段違い、値段は高そうだけどスーパーのが食べられなくなるほど。 シメサバもちょうど良く赤身がさしていて美味しいしミンククジラの刺身は柔らかくおすすめはニンニクすり下ろしと一緒が良い。 12時頃はさばいている最中で焼き魚も売ってますしおばちゃんも気さく、おじさんは職人て感じで話しにくそうだけど色々魚のことを教えてくれます。 一度食べてみてくださいな。
Unlike the fish you buy at the supermarket, the price seems to be high, but you can't eat the fish at the supermarket. The sashimi is just right and the lean meat is delicious, and the minke whale sashimi is soft and recommended with grated garlic. Around 12 o'clock, I'm in the middle of handling grilled fish, and my aunt is also friendly, and my uncle seems to be a craftsman and it's hard to talk about, but he teaches me various things about fish. Please try it once.
夜叉力丸 on Google

いままで食べた刺身で、一番美味しかったです❗ いつも角○魚類買いに行っていたのですが、 今回たまたまネットで見て行きました。 価格は、 角○より2倍の金額。 同じ量でパル○より200円位高い。 味は、 パル○より3倍美味しいです。 角○より2倍美味しいです。 恵比寿の看板の出てない1人5万円お寿司屋さんのネタより、 1.5倍美味しいと感じました。 調布にあった美登○寿司ネタより3倍美味しかったです。 魚の作り方も丁寧で、場所的に「この場所にこんなに目利きのお魚屋さんがあったなんて」と、 ビックリしました。 見ればわかると思いますが、 透き通るお刺身で、作りもとても丁寧です。 筋も無いけれど(目利きで選んでんるからだと思いますが。)、 そもそも魚に抗って切っていないと言うか。 油の旨味を包丁で殺してない感じです。 (包丁のさばきもお上手なのかなと思いました。) もう、惚れ惚れました❗ また行きたいです? 美味しいお刺身をありがとうございました。
It was the most delicious sashimi I have ever eaten ❗ I used to go to buy Kakujoe fish, I happened to see it online this time. the price is, Double the amount of money from the corner ○. The same amount is about 200 yen higher than Pal ○. The taste is It is 3 times more delicious than Pal ○. It is twice as delicious as Kaku ○. 50,000 yen per person without a signboard of Ebisu From the story of a sushi restaurant I felt it was 1.5 times more delicious. Mito in Chofu ○ It was 3 times more delicious than the sushi material. The method of making fish is also polite, and in terms of location, "There was such a connoisseur fishmonger in this place." I was surprised. As you can see, The sashimi is transparent and very polite. It doesn't make any sense (I think it's because I'm a connoisseur), but Do you say that you haven't cut against the fish in the first place? It feels like the taste of oil is not killed with a kitchen knife. (I thought I was good at handling kitchen knives.) I fell in love with you ❗ I want to go again ? Thank you for the delicious sashimi.
sikiten sumire on Google

First visit. Akakai, lean meat, medium toro, and bonito are all perfect ? Sashimi is so delicious. I had a lot of sashimi thawed at the supermarket, but sometimes I would like to buy a good fish.
Takashi SAKAMOTO on Google

ここのお刺身は美味しい! そして、旬の魚が一番早く並ぶのはここです。 是非一度食べてみてください。
The sashimi here is delicious! And here is where the seasonal fish line up earliest. Please try it once.
ジャスティス on Google

目利きが素晴らしいのでお刺身が凄く新鮮で美味しいです 敢えてどことは言わないけど神楽坂や銀座の名前だけのお寿司屋さんで出てくる刺身よりも上だと思います✨ スーパーの鮮魚店なんかと比べないであげてください(笑) 成城○井の鮮魚よりも全然格上です? しかも安い❗️ カワハギや鯨、白子など料亭で同じものを頼むと2~3倍の値段はするでしょう とりあえず鯨を載せておきますが最高に美味しかったです✨☀️✨ 昭和の前半に生まれた方は給食で鯨が出てたらしいから賛否両論はあるとは思いますが自分の感想では解凍してないから肉厚で最高でした(笑)
The sashimi is very fresh and delicious because it has a great connoisseur I don't dare say where it is, but I think it is higher than the sashimi that appears at sushi restaurants with only Kagurazaka and Ginza names. Please give it without comparing it with a supermarket fish shop (laugh) Seijo ○ It's a lot better than the fresh fish of Ii ? And it's cheap ❗️ If you order the same at a Japanese restaurant such as kawahagi, whale, and shirako, it will cost 2-3 times more. I will put whales for the time being, but it was the best ✨☀️✨ Those who were born in the first half of the Showa era seemed to have pros and cons because whales seemed to have come out for school lunch, but in my opinion it was thick and the best because it was not thawed (lol)

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