
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ガイソー上尾店

住所 :

Izumidai, Ageo, 〒362-0062 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.gaiso-ageo.co/
街 : Saitama

Izumidai, Ageo, 〒362-0062 Saitama,Japan
masahiro on Google

It was constructed by exterior painting and roof cover construction method. Compared to other stores, the fact that even amateurs explained it in an easy-to-understand manner was the decisive factor. After-sales follow-up after work is also handled firmly and you can leave it to us with confidence. I think that there are many cases where a cheaper quote is offered than Mr. Gaiso, but it is not cheap work at all, so I recommend Mr. Gaiso who will explain and work until you are satisfied!
けんちゃん on Google

Thank you for the exterior wall painting and roof cover construction method. Compared to the quotations of other companies, I was able to rely on the quotations based on detailed calculations and convincing proposals. The craftsman's polite work content made me feel like Gaiso. The budget has been exceeded, but I am satisfied that the price is reasonable.
マコト on Google

I asked for the roof cover construction method and exterior wall painting of a 13-year-old house for sale. I made a quotation for 3 companies by NET. The estimated price was in the middle, but unlike the experienced vendors, I was knowledgeable and explained until I was satisfied with various questions, so I decided on Mr. Gaiso. We spent hours discussing the paint color of the outer wall, and the result was as desired. In addition, we received multiple support for problems with the house. The craftsmen were also polite and caring about the details. It was really nice to meet a good trader.
本城隼示 on Google

無料の見積り、調査の段階からドローン、サーモグラフィを用いて家の状態を丁寧に診断していただきました。 家の外壁状態も「時期ではありますが、急ぎではないので2、3年後でも良いとは思います」と正直に説明いただきました。(訪問販売はすぐやった方が…等、しつこい場合が多いですが、そのような対応はありませんでした。) 営業さんはとても明るく 外壁塗装だけではなく 細かな相談にも親切に対応していただけました!! 塗装作業の方も とても丁寧で作業内容も丁寧にお伝え下さいました。 仕上がりもとてもきれいで大満足です!!
From the stage of free estimation and investigation, we carefully diagnosed the condition of the house using drone and thermography. He honestly explained that the condition of the outer wall of the house is "it's time, but it's not in a hurry, so I think it's okay in a few years." (In many cases, door-to-door sales should be done immediately, etc., but there was no such response.) The salesman was very cheerful and kindly responded not only to the exterior wall painting but also to detailed consultations! !! The painting work was also very polite and told me the details of the work. The finish is very beautiful and I am very satisfied! !!
taro oota on Google

Thank you for repainting the exterior, replacing the gutter, and replacing the roof. We were able to introduce you to the Gaiso Ageo store from an electronics store that we have been acquainted with for many years, and gave us a detailed explanation and work from the estimation to the start of construction and the completion of construction, and we were able to leave it to you with confidence. I am extremely grateful. We would appreciate it if you could consult with us when repairing the interior.
akkisan on Google

外壁塗装と屋根のカバー工事などをお願いしました。 施工内容についてはネットで調べても限界があるりますが 見積もりの時のわかりやすい説明は素人にはありがたいものでした。 また、施工後は綺麗な仕上がりに家は見違えました。 ありがとうございます。 外壁、屋根のリフォームの本当の評価は、今後しばらく経過してからになると思います。これからのフォローにも大いに期待しています。
We asked for exterior wall painting and roof cover construction. There is a limit to the details of construction even if you check it online. The easy-to-understand explanation at the time of estimation was appreciated by amateurs. Also, after the construction, the house was mistaken for a beautiful finish. thank you. I think that the real evaluation of exterior wall and roof remodeling will be after a while. I have high expectations for future follow-up.
鈴木信一 on Google

前回の外壁の塗り替えから約11年経ち、モルタルのひび割れなどの劣化が目立つようになっていました。業者さんを選定するに当たっては、見積り金額は勿論ですが、作業方法(工法)などにも注目しました。その中で、ガイソーさん独特の、ドローン撮影による劣化箇所のチェック、足場設置の仕方、洗剤入り高圧洗浄などによって顧客に高品質のサービスを提供したいという、こだわりと言うか、姿勢を感じて決めました。 色や塗料を決める際には、いろいろ迷いましたが、当方の希望を踏まえながら、専門的な立場から分かりやすいアドバイスをいただいて決めました。 施工は、20年余の経験と技能を有する職人さんを中心に、細かいところまで丁寧に仕上げていただきました。作業時は勿論、休憩時や終業持にも部材や道具をきちんと整理されていて安心してお任せ出来ました。 おかげさまで、綺麗な仕上がりには大変満足しております。
Approximately 11 years have passed since the last repainting of the outer wall, and deterioration such as cracks in the mortar has become noticeable. When selecting a contractor, we paid attention not only to the estimated amount but also to the work method (construction method). Among them, I decided to feel the attitude that I want to provide high quality service to customers by checking the deteriorated part by drone shooting, how to install scaffolding, high pressure washing with detergent, etc., which is unique to Mr. Gaiso. rice field. When deciding on the color and paint, I was at a loss, but based on my wishes, I received easy-to-understand advice from a professional standpoint. The construction was done carefully by a craftsman who has more than 20 years of experience and skills. Not only during work, but also during breaks and after work, the materials and tools were properly organized and I was able to leave it to me with confidence. Thanks to you, I am very satisfied with the beautiful finish.
Ken Bando on Google

築10年以上になり、屋根と壁の状態を業者にチェックしてもらったところ、スレート屋根が所々割れており、壁にも苔が生えており所々ひび割れていました。理由は新築時に耐久性の低い材料を使っていたからでした。 見積もりは5社から取りましたが、担当の方が信頼出来る人格であった事、選択肢を多数提案頂きそれぞれについて分かりやすく説明頂いた事がこちらに決めさせて頂いた理由でした。特に自社で施工したお客様のご自宅を訪問させて頂いて施工例を説明頂いた際、お客様との向き合い方に感銘を受けました。施工を担当した責任感と愛情を感じました。この人に担当してもらいたい、と本気で思った瞬間でした。 今回は屋根のカバー工事と外壁の塗装をお願いしましたが。丁寧に作業頂きまして、綺麗に仕上がっております。 業者選びにはしっかり時間と労力をかけましたが、良い業者に巡り合う事が出来たと感じております。貴社の事業発展を祈念しておりますので、今後とも何かと相談に乗って頂きたく宜しくお願いします。
It was over 10 years old, and when I asked a contractor to check the condition of the roof and walls, the slate roof was cracked in places, and moss was growing on the walls, and it was cracked in places. The reason was that we used materials with low durability at the time of new construction. I got quotations from 5 companies, but the reason I decided to do this was that the person in charge had a reliable personality, and that he suggested many options and explained each in an easy-to-understand manner. In particular, when I visited the home of the customer who constructed it in-house and explained the construction example, I was impressed with how to deal with the customer. I felt the responsibility and affection for the construction. It was a moment when I really wanted this person to be in charge. This time, I asked you to cover the roof and paint the outer wall. We have you work carefully and it is finished beautifully. It took a lot of time and effort to select a vendor, but I feel that I was able to find a good vendor. We pray for your company's business development, and we look forward to your continued consultation.

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