中華料理 聚鮮楼

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 聚鮮楼

住所 :

Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, 宮城県Sendai, 〒981-3133 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877888
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–11PM
Tuesday 8AM–11PM
Wednesday 8AM–11PM
Thursday 8AM–11PM
Friday 8AM–11PM
街 : Miyagi

Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, 宮城県Sendai, 〒981-3133 Miyagi,Japan
雄一野村 on Google

融通きく対応ですごくいい! 泉で飲み屋全てを行ったことがない、逆に言うと泉で全ての飲み屋に行ったことがない事がない私の意見としては、個室でコロナ対策バッチリだし、申し分ないと思います! テイクアウトもやっているので、餃子の持ち帰りはおすすめです! 食べ方は酢と胡椒のみ! 胡椒はえっ?!と思うくらい大量に入れていいです! とりあえず餃子の食べ方の酢、胡椒をお試し下さい!
Flexible support is very good! I've never been to all the bars in the fountain, or conversely, I've never been to all the bars in the fountain. In my opinion, it's a perfect corona countermeasure in a private room, and I think it's perfect! We also take out, so it is recommended to take the dumplings home! The only way to eat it is vinegar and pepper! What about pepper? !! You can put in as much as you think! For the time being, please try vinegar and pepper, which is how to eat dumplings!
しんせんぐみ on Google

家族で食べに行きました。 子供はラーメンを頼み、自分は味噌ラーメンのセットを頼みました。 普通のラーメンは鳥の出汁がかなり効いていて美味しかったです。普通のラーメンなのに、しっかりした味付けです。 味噌ラーメンはとっても熱々でした。 野菜がくたくただったのが少し残念です。 中華飯もボリュームたっぷりで美味しかったです。 全体的にサラダもついて、デザートもついて、セットで頼むととてもお腹がいっぱいになります。 たいていのラーメンは食べきる子供ですが、ここでは量が多く残してしまいました。 美味しくてボリュームたっぷりで、満足感が高めです。
I went to eat with my family. The child asked for ramen, and he asked for a set of miso ramen. Ordinary ramen was delicious because the chicken stock was quite effective. Even though it's ordinary ramen, it has a solid seasoning. The miso ramen was very hot. It's a bit disappointing that the vegetables were stuck. The Chinese rice was also generous and delicious. If you order a set with a salad and dessert as a whole, you will be very full. Most ramen are children to eat, but I left a lot here. It's delicious and generous, with a high degree of satisfaction.
みーたん on Google

野菜炒め、エビチリなどの単品料理をつまみにビールで晩酌。 量はやや少なめ。お味はとても美味しいです。お値段は料理の量と比較すると高めでしょうか。 同行者も味を気に入ってました。 きれいな店内で美味しい中華料理が楽しめます。
Evening drink with beer with a single dish such as stir-fried vegetables and shrimp chili. The amount is a little small. The taste is very delicious. Is the price higher than the amount of food? The companion also liked the taste. You can enjoy delicious Chinese food in the beautiful restaurant.
郷右近衛 on Google

The menu is abundant and delicious! And I am very happy that it is reasonably priced. I visited the store for the first time and was very satisfied.
Fuu TORY on Google

Mapo tofu has a spicy finish with a lot of pepper and white mess. The lunch set meals are great deals. The staff at the store also provided a pleasant customer service.
Donnie on Google

初めて伺いました。お昼時に妻と二人で回鍋肉定食、五目あんかけ焼きそば(揚げ麺)単品黒酢酢豚を注文 回鍋肉定食/味付け濃過ぎずちょうど良く豆 鼓の風味がさらりと香ってシャキシャキキャベツと豚肉でご飯が進む一品  焼きそば/塩メインの味付けで鶏がらスープが効いたあんは絶品!野菜、海鮮具材も新鮮で麺も硬過ぎずおススメです。 酢豚/黒酢あんが絶妙で肉も柔らかく白ご飯が何杯もいけそうな(大喰らいなんです)1品 共通で量も価格帯からするとやや多め! 大満足!! また伺います!
I visited for the first time. Twice-cooked meat set meal with my wife at noon, ordered Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba (fried noodles) separately black vinegared pork. Twice-cooked meat set meal / seasoned. One dish: Yakisoba / salt-based seasoning with chicken soup is excellent! Vegetables and seafood ingredients are fresh and the noodles are not too hard and are recommended. Vinegar pork / black vinegar sauce is exquisite, the meat is soft and it seems that many cups of white rice can be eaten (it's a big eater) One item is common and the amount is a little large from the price range! Very satisfied! !! I will visit you again!
俊彦大友 on Google

先日、配達の手伝いで納品にお伺いした泉中央の「中華料理 聚鮮楼(じゅせんろう)」さんでお昼ごはん。 日替りメニューA「豚肉と長ねぎ炒め定食」をオーダー。 冬のねぎは甘みがたっぷりで美味しい。 ねぎと豚肉の甘みと醤油ベースのタレが合わさって、ご飯が一気に進みます。 少しだけ値上がり(380円→530円)しましたが「台湾ラーメン」「棒々鶏ラーメン」も安くて美味しいです。
The other day, I had lunch at "Chinese Cuisine Jusenro" in Izumichuo, who visited me for delivery with the help of delivery. Order the daily menu A "stir-fried pork and green onions set meal". Winter onions are sweet and delicious. The sweetness of green onions and pork and the soy sauce-based sauce combine to make the rice go on at once. The price has risen a little (380 yen → 530 yen), but "Taiwan ramen" and "Bon bon chicken ramen" are also cheap and delicious.
JinYing Lin on Google

麻婆豆腐,the best in this area!

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