Itsukaichi Central Park - Hiroshima

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Itsukaichi Central Park

住所 :

6 Chome-1-79 Itsukaichichuo, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5128, Japan

Postal code : 731-5128

6 Chome-1-79 Itsukaichichuo, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5128, Japan
Ku Ka on Google

区民まつり こんなに近くで牛見たの初めて
Inhabitant of a ward festival: The first time I saw a cow so close
Kazuomi Endo on Google

必要十分な遊具と公園設備、広場、自転車の走行道路、そして、座る場所が多く、よく出来た公園です。 目が届くので、子供を見るのが楽です。
It is a well-made park with lots of playground equipment and park equipment, an open space, a bicycle road and many places to sit. It's easy to see the children because you can see them.
綾部 れいあやべれい on Google

It is a beautiful park where there is no waste one by one by the silver people. Looking at the cherry blossoms in spring, a pleasant breeze blows in the summer to enjoy autumn leaves in autumn, and you can see the dumplings of stray cats in the winter. The area is small but cozy park.
rider yasu on Google

There is a shade of trees and it is a good place to keep out the heat, and there is also a toilet, which is a good place for children to play with balls.
竹林寿夫 on Google

今朝は何時もよりも複雑な気持ちで目覚ました?広島県が 緊急事態宣言解除されましたが皆様の心の中の本音が知りたいですね?先週土曜日に雨上がりの綺麗な公園ベンチで?休憩しました?何組か可愛いお子さんを連れて楽しそうな遊ぶ姿幸福でした?公園内を何名かが汗をかいて?何周か笑顔でランニング されて平和を感じました?コロナ感染を感じ無かったです?私は心が少しですが平凡?空気が澄み切った?木の香りが美味しいです?小鳥も私の側で鳴いて楽しんでた?4月には 造幣局 に?負けない綺麗な桜が咲ます?イベントも公開します?広島県が 緊急事態を解除されても ?コロナ感染は まだ消滅はしてないです?皆様油断大敵ル~ルを守り?医師様と相談され?ワクチン接種を 早急にしましょう
I woke up with more complicated feelings this morning ? The state of emergency was lifted in Hiroshima prefecture, but I want to know the true intentions of everyone ? Last Saturday I took a break on a beautiful park bench after the rain ? ? I was happy to play with some cute children ? Some people sweated in the park ? I felt peace after running with a smile for several laps ? I did not feel corona infection ? I have a little heart, but mediocre ? The air is clear ? The scent of wood is delicious ? The little bird also screamed and enjoyed ? In April, the mint will bloom ? Beautiful cherry blossoms ? Event will also be released ? Even if the emergency situation is lifted in Hiroshima Prefecture ? Corona infection has not disappeared yet ? Everyone is alert and protects the enemy ? Consulted with the doctor ? Immediate vaccination Shou
はなそら on Google

It's a place that children love ♡ It's full of greenery and heals you.
湯浅みなみ on Google

けっこう、人が(大人も子どもも)いました! ボール遊びする子ども。 今日は天気が良かったから、日向ぼっこになって公園日和でした!
There were quite a few people (both adults and children)! A child playing ball. The weather was fine today, so it was a sunny day in the park!
ミュウツーの逆襲 on Google

ベンチの穴にタバコが刺さってました。残念です。 ここは猫が居ますが餌をあげないでください。 鳥も沢山いますので糞に注意してください。 朝はゲートボール、昼は子供たちの笑い声が 聞こえて、街にとっていいスペースになっています。
There was a cigarette stuck in the hole in the bench. I'm sorry. There are cats here, but please do not feed them. There are many birds, so be careful of feces. Gateball in the morning and children's laughter in the daytime Hearing, it's a good space for the city.

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