Ito Yokado Tsukuno - Sakai

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ito Yokado Tsukuno

住所 :

20-1 Shimodacho, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8329, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 593-8329
Webサイト :

20-1 Shimodacho, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8329, Japan
KAZU A on Google

アカチャンホンポがあるので家族で来店する人が多いです。 ミスタードーナツ、31アイスクリーム、ゲームセンターやガチャガチャコーナーといった小さな子供が喜びそうな専門店やコーナーがあり、大人気です。 食品は、特別安いといった感じは無いですが、品揃えが多いので、便利です。
Many people come to the store with their families because there is Akachan Honpo. There are specialty stores and corners such as Mister Donut, 31 Ice Cream, a game center and a gacha-gacha corner that small children will be happy with, and they are very popular. Food does not seem to be particularly cheap, but it is convenient because it has a large selection of food.
ジンジン on Google

イトーヨーカ堂としては規模が小さめ。 何故かいつも人が少なく活気が無い。 お買い得品も有るのだろうが、食品コーナーの価格は特価品でもたいして安く無い。全体的に品質は良いのだろうが。
The scale is small for Ito-Yokado. For some reason, there are always few people and it is not lively. There may be bargain items, but the prices in the food corner are not very cheap even for bargain items. I think the quality is good overall.
marbouzu on Google

堺市の大阪和泉泉南線、岸和田方面車線沿いに有る『イトーヨーカドー』です。 堺市には元々は、南海本線堺駅前に『イトーヨーカドー』が有ったのですが、思ったほど客足と売り上げが伸びずに閉店してしまいました。 関西では関東系のデパートやスーパーは西武高槻もしかり、西友もしかり、『家電量販店』と違い、余り成功しにくい土壌が有るので、このイトーヨーカドーも心配したのですが、今日まで何とか「持ちこたえて」います。 売り場面積は、それほど広くは有りませんが、逆に言えばそれが良かったのかも知れません。 食品スーパーの『イトーヨーカドー』以外にも、カメラの『キタムラ』や紳士服の『AOKI』や『くまざわ書店』、100均の『キャンドゥ』なども入っており、食べ物系でも『ミスタードーナツ』や『リンガーハット』『ドトールコーヒー』『ロッテリア』『サーティワンアイスクリーム』などが有るので、何かと便利な所が良いと思います。 ATMでは、『ゆうちょ銀行』『三菱東京UFJ』『セブン銀行』が有りますので、何とか成るのでは無いでしょうか・・。 最後に、イトーヨーカドーでの支払いは、現金以外にもnanacoは勿論ですが、クレジットカードやスマホ決済も可能です。 あなたに取って、素敵なお買い得に成ると良いですね!。
It is "Ito-Yokado" located along the Osaka Izumi Sennan Line and Kishiwada direction lane in Sakai City. Originally, there was "Ito-Yokado" in front of Sakai Station on the Nankai Main Line in Sakai City, but it closed due to lack of customer traffic and sales as expected. In the Kanto region, Kanto department stores and supermarkets have a soil that is difficult to succeed, unlike Seiyu Takatsuki, Seiyu, and "home electronics mass retailers", so I was worried about this Ito-Yokado, but I managed to "hold up" until today. "is. The sales floor area is not so large, but conversely, it may have been good. In addition to the food supermarket "Ito Yokado", there are also camera "Kitamura", men's clothing "AOKI" and "Kumazawa Bookstore", 100 average "Can Do", and even food products such as "Mister Donut" and "Ringer Hut". , "Doutor Coffee," "Lotteria," "Thirty One Ice Cream," etc., so I think it's nice to have something convenient. At ATMs, there are "Yucho Bank," "Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ," and "Seven Bank," so I wonder if it will be possible. Finally, Ito-Yokado can be used not only for cash but also for nanaco, but also for credit cards and smartphone payments. I hope it will be a great bargain for you! ..
Kassai Ken on Google

2Fの赤ちゃん本舗をよく利用させてもらってます。2Fはそれほど人も多くないのでゆっくり買い物できます。 1Fのイトーヨーカドーはいつもそこそこ人がいます。ベビーカーだと鮮魚コーナーなら野菜コーナーは少し通りにくいかもです。 赤ちゃん本舗行くなら、屋上に車停めた方が行きやすいです
I often use Akachan Honpo on the 2nd floor. There are not so many people on the 2nd floor, so you can shop slowly. There are always so many people in Ito-Yokado on the 1st floor. If it is a stroller, it may be a little difficult to pass through the vegetable corner if it is a fresh fish corner. If you go to Akachan Honpo, it's easier to park on the roof.
Daigo Neko on Google

レジがいつも早くて助かります。 品揃え、駐車場の入りやすさ、混雑具合を考えるとこの近辺では1番利用しやすいと思います。 2階にアカチャンホンポやゲームセンター、キャンドゥがあるのも有り難いです。 ただ周辺に業務スーパーが進出してきて、最近はお客さんが少なくなった気がします。
The cashier is always quick and helpful. Considering the product lineup, ease of parking, and congestion, I think it is the easiest to use in this area. I am grateful that there are Akachan Honpo, a game center, and Can Do on the 2nd floor. However, I feel that the number of customers has decreased recently as business supermarkets have expanded into the surrounding area.
Nelvin Bacoro on Google

Good place
Mike James on Google

Nice area
Vinny Olievier on Google

A bit limiting in shops, smaller in size compared to other big malls in the area. Also not very convenient to get to from the nearest station

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