Iryo Hojin Sato Dental Clinic - Niigata

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iryo Hojin Sato Dental Clinic

住所 :

3-28 Kobariminamidai, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 950-2026
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–7PM

3-28 Kobariminamidai, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2026, Japan
小島昌子 on Google

Kind and polite, it is a very beautiful dental fashion ♪
小林佑介 on Google

The interior was beautiful, the teacher was gentle and the reception was good.
T T on Google

追記です。 201803 以前悪い口コミ書いてから行ってないんですが、姿勢が変わっていれば近いのでまた行こうかなと思ってレビューみましたが、超八百長臭い高評価ばかりで辟易しました。 高評価してる人が全てこの1件しか口コミ書いてない・・・ 明らかに関係者・知り合いみたいな人が頼まれて書いるじゃないでしょうか。 私もそうですが、口コミ書く習慣がある人は何件も書きますから。 もしくは、いつもは書かないけど「凄く腹がたったから今回だけ書く!」は有り得る気がしますけど。 1件だけ高評価書く人なんて普通いませんよ、しかもこんなに沢山。 本当、医療関係は誠実に商売してほしいです、怖いです。 以下以前書いた口コミ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 数年前に外観をリニューアルして非常に綺麗です。 それだけ流行ってる?または儲けてる?どちらだろうとドキドキしながら入ったら全くダメでした。 恐らく「インプラント」を進めて儲けているのでしょう。 私は他の歯科なら治療して残せる歯を「残せない」と言い切られ「インプラント」を進められました。また、言い方なども功名で、決して押し付けがましくなく丁寧な説明で逆に不安をあおって来て、自分自身が「抜いてインプラントしなければならない」と思わせる内容でした。 以前通院していた歯科が転居して遠くなったのでこちらにしようと思いましたが、診察されて不信感を持ち、以前の医院に行ったらやはり「抜かずに治療」を進められました。その医院には決して「抜きたく無い」や「他の医院でインプラントを進められたけど抜かずにすまないか?」などの余計な事は言わずに診察してもらいました。 地元で長年営業しているようなので腕は良いのでしょう、接客も丁寧でした。 だからこそ「抜かなくても良い歯」を「抜いてインプラントしなければ選択肢が無い」風に不安をあおるやり方に嫌悪感を覚えます。 恐らく状態の悪い歯を抜かずに治療するのは手間もかかって利益も少ないのでしょう。 私の場合は治療途中で1年くらい放置してしまってかなりまずい歯でしたので余計そうだと思います。 でもやはりお金の問題じゃなく、抜いたら二度と生えてきませんからね。 親身になってほしいです。
P.S. 201803 I haven't been to it since I wrote a bad review before, but I thought it would be better to go again if my posture had changed, so I tried reviewing it, but I was terrified at the very high praise. All the people who appreciate it have only written this 1 review... Apparently people who are related people or acquaintances are asked to write it. As with me, if you have the habit of writing reviews, you will write many. Or, I don't usually write it, but I think it's possible to say "I'm so angry that I'll write this time!". There isn't an ordinary person who writes only one highly rated item, and there are so many. Really, I want you to be honest in your medical business, which is scary. The reviews I wrote before -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ The exterior was renewed a few years ago and it is very beautiful. Is it so popular? Or are you making money? It was completely useless when I entered with excitement. Perhaps they are making money by promoting "implants". I was told that I couldn't leave teeth that could be treated with other dentistry, and I was pushed forward with "implant". In addition, the wording was also good, and the explanation was not easy to press and the explanation was polite, but on the contrary, I felt uneasy and made me think that I had to pull out and implant. The dentist that I used to go to was moved to a new place, so I thought I should go here, but I was distrusted by the medical examination, and when I went to the previous doctor's office, I was able to proceed with "treatment without removing it." I asked the clinic to consult me ​​without saying anything extra, such as "I don't want to pull it out" or "Is it possible to proceed with implants in other clinics, but are you sorry?" Since I have been operating locally for many years, I think my skills are good, and the customer service was also polite. That's why I feel disgusted by the way I am worried about the "tooth that does not have to be pulled out" and "I have no choice unless I pull out and implant". Probably, it would be time-consuming and less profitable to treat without removing bad teeth. In my case, I left it for about a year in the middle of treatment and had bad teeth, so I think it seems to be extra. But it's not a matter of money, because once you pull it out, it won't grow again. I want you to be kind.
高橋彰 on Google

先日、虫歯の治療で行かせていただきました。説明や治療が本当に丁寧で、痛みが少なく安心できました。 院内もきれいで清潔感があり、落ち着いて治療に臨むことができました。 最後に虫歯の予防法について説明があったので、毎日実行しています。
The other day, I went to treat dental caries. The explanation and treatment were really polite and there was little pain and I was relieved. The hospital was clean and clean, and I was able to calm down and start treatment. Lastly, there was an explanation on how to prevent dental caries, so it is carried out every day.
佐藤かおり on Google

先日、奥歯の激痛で予約もせずにこちらの医院に行きました。 予約もしていなかったし、飛び込みで行ったので、かなり待つことを覚悟していったのですが、先生が何人かいるようですぐに対応してくれました。 レントゲンの説明も素人の私でも分かるように説明してくれたので、納得して治療できたのがよかったです。 受付や衛生士さんの対応も優しくて安心しました。 また、何かあったらお願いしようと思います。
The other day, I went to this clinic without making a reservation due to severe pain in the back teeth. I didn't make a reservation and went in diving, so I was prepared to wait quite a bit, but there seemed to be several teachers who responded immediately. The explanation of the X-ray was explained so that even an amateur could understand it, so it was good that I was convinced and treated. The reception and the hygienist's response were kind and safe. I would also like to ask if there is anything.
seekzu dao on Google

The previous dentist didn't feel very good at making an appointment, so go here nearby. The reception is very nice and all the hygienists are very friendly. The teacher feels a little busy (laughs), but his skill is certain. It was a quick and easy-to-understand treatment with less pain.
0225 gz on Google

インプラントの事書いてあるレビュー見ました。 私もこちらでインプラントにしました。笑ったときに見える歯が神経が死んでいて黒ずんできたから。 いくつか種類がありましたが、高いもの、安いもの、それぞれ良い面悪い面を、資料と先生の説明を頂き納得したうえで選ばせて頂きました。 金額は他の歯医者と同じか少し安い位です。 他治療でも何度もお世話になっていますが「金儲け…」な印象は受けたことはありません。話が合う合わないの範疇の話かと。 嫌だったら行かなきゃ良い。しかも追記が医者に行った事では無く、他のレビューに対してとかどんだけ恨み深いんだよ。一週回って同情します。以上。
I saw a review about implants. I also made an implant here. The teeth you see when you laugh are nervous and darkened. There were several types, but I chose the ones that are expensive and cheap ones, both good and bad, after understanding the materials and explanation of the teacher. The amount is the same as or slightly cheaper than other dentists. I have been indebted many times for other treatments, but I have never received the impression of making money. It ’s a category that does n’t fit. If you don't like it, you should go. Moreover, it wasn't that the appending went to the doctor, but it was enviable for other reviews. I sympathize around the week. that's all.
y o on Google

“融通が利く...”通う医者を決めるのは これに尽きると思います。 上からものをいう先生、金儲け感の強い 医院に通う必要はありません。 此処はきちんと患者さんの希望に耳を 傾けてくれる歯医者さんです。
“Flexible ...” It ’s the doctor who decides to go I think it comes down to this. A teacher who speaks from above, has a strong sense of making money You don't have to go to the clinic. Here, listen to the patient's wishes It is a dentist who can tilt.

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