
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大和技術教習所

住所 :

Iriya, Adachi City, 〒121-0836 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889788
Webサイト : http://www.daiwa-kyoshujo.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Iriya, Adachi City, 〒121-0836 Tokyo,Japan
MARUMO佐藤順 on Google

毛塚昇一 on Google

上村弘次 on Google

I received a class!
taro annzenn on Google

Costs are saved at a lower cost than a training center of a major manufacturer.
すずきたつや on Google

We recommend that you take classes in a cool time.
gizmo 8810 on Google

講習費用は安いが、講師が酷いもんだ? 講習受けながら、なんかムカつく(笑) 時代錯誤も甚だ痔いモラハラオンパレードです…
The training fee is cheap, but the teacher is terrible ? While taking the course, something kind of stuffy (laugh) Morahara on parade, which is also very anachronistic...
蒼井由依 on Google

全てとは申し上げにくいですが、働く若者達には頑張って欲しいと思います。 こうしたキャンパスも限られますが大切だと思います。
It's hard to say everything, but I would like working young people to do their best. These campuses are limited, but I think it is important.
トーマス on Google

フォークリフトの免許取りました。 学科も技能も温厚な教官で、何回同じミス繰り返すんだってオッチャンがいたけど、何度でも怒ることなく丁寧にミスの指摘をしてくれていました。 5~6人から10人に1台のフォーク(カウンター式電動2台有り)で技能する為、待ち時間が長いけど、好きに休憩してタバコ吸うなりトイレ行くなりして良いとの事だったので、スマホイジって時間潰してました。 1台は新車でもう1台もまだ新しいようです。 リーチ式も1台あったけどつかわれなかった。 昼に休憩する部屋も用意されているので、弁当持参でも食べる場所に困らない。ありがとうございました。
I got a forklift license. He was a mild-mannered instructor with both departments and skills, and there was an Ochan who said that he would make the same mistakes over and over again, but he politely pointed out the mistakes without getting angry over and over again. It takes a long time to wait for 5 to 6 to 10 people to work with one fork (with two counter-type electric motors), but he said that he could take a break and smoke or go to the bathroom. So, I was killing time with a smartphone. One is a new car and the other seems to be still new. There was one reach type, but it wasn't used. There is also a room where you can take a break during the day, so even if you bring your own lunch, you don't have to worry about where to eat. Thank you very much.

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