パブレスト百万ドル - Inuyama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パブレスト百万ドル

住所 :

Inuyama, 〒484-0081 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 484-0081
街 : Aichi

Inuyama, 〒484-0081 Aichi,Japan
kako on Google

ドキドキしながら入りましたがお店の方が皆さんとても優しくて、丁寧な対応で、逆にビックリ(笑) 口コミ通りにモーニングなのにたくさん出てきて、またまたビックリ(笑) モーニング完食して、カラオケ歌って、ダンディなおじ様と写真まで撮って帰ってきました❣️ 絶対に近くに行ったらまた行こう(笑)
I entered with excitement, but everyone in the shop was very kind and polite, and on the contrary, I was surprised (laugh) Even though it was morning according to the word of mouth, it came out a lot, and I was surprised again (laugh) Morning finished eating, singing karaoke, taking pictures with Dandy's uncle and coming back ❣️ I'll definitely go again if I go nearby (laughs)
ホニャラララ on Google

Master's view of the world, too much information, full of kindness. After 12 o'clock, I entered the store, and it was still okay to wake up, so a cute mom with a smile came to the menu (n’∀ ’) η lost about (?) When my mom ordered me, I asked for food in addition to drinks. “Oh, I think it's okay because I'm on the morning?” Hors d'oeuvre, fruit assortment, tea, oranges. Laughter does not stop! The volume of morning is just as it was before. When I was chatting for a while, the master came to me and went out to chat. Since the master is a playboy, I can talk a lot of exciting stories. And as an artist, a little spiritual story is very interesting. It is recommended that you stay until you feel at home without worrying about time! I'm going to make my stomach tummy!
山田誠治 on Google

大好き過ぎて、週2で通ってます笑 マスターもままも凄くいい人でついつい長居しちゃう今日この頃✨ カラオケも最高に楽しいのでみんなぜひきて欲しいな〜 若い人もお一人さんもカモーン! こればわかるこの楽しさと安心感✨ パブラーになりましょ!
I love it so much that I go there twice a week lol Master and Mama are very nice people and I just stay longer today ✨ Karaoke is also the most fun, so I hope everyone will come! Both young people and one person are camon! This fun and security that you can understand ✨ Become a publer!
YEM on Google

モーニングがすごい? オーナーさん凄く優しくて、犬山に用事があればよりたい店です。 最初はちょっと勇気がいるかもw
Morning is amazing ? The owner is very kind, and if you have a business in Inuyama, it's a better shop. It may be a little courageous at first w
OE. SS on Google

たった500円で、コーヒー一杯にたらふくおまけがついてきます。普通に一食分のカロリーはあるので、行くなら飯は抜いておくことをお勧めします。 一見入りにくい外観ですが、マスターもママも常連さんもアットホームで、とても良いお店です。マスターの話も面白いので退屈もしません。
For only 500 yen, a cup of coffee comes with a bonus. There is usually one serving of calories, so it is recommended that you skip the rice if you go. At first glance, it looks difficult to enter, but the master, mom, and regulars are at home and it is a very good shop. The story of the master is also interesting so I don't get bored.
犬走 on Google

写真にあるように、2月13日まではおやすみです。 偶然マスターにお会い出来たので店内まで見せていただきました。 非常に人の良いマスターで、話が尽きることがありません。 再開したら是非お伺いさせていただきたいです。 外観だけでも芸術って感じですが、中も凄い。 近くに来たら外から眺めるだけでも来た甲斐あったと思えるかと。 お休みなのに対応していただいて、マスターありがとうございました。 名刺もオシャレでかっこいいです。
As you can see in the picture, it's good night until February 13th. I happened to meet the master, so I showed him the inside of the store. He is a very good master and never runs out of stories. I would love to hear from you when it resumes. The appearance alone feels like art, but the inside is also amazing. I wonder if it was worth it just to look at it from the outside when I came near. Thank you Master for taking the time off. Business cards are also fashionable and cool.
Richard Domanty on Google

Their morning service is 10am to 12noon
Andres Gomez on Google

Fantastic surprise in Inuyama. Don't be afraid. The drinks are amazing, the price is cheap for all the complimentary food, and the karaoke and warms hosts make it a great experience.

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