Inagekaigannoshinkeigeka Clinic - Chiba

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inagekaigannoshinkeigeka Clinic

住所 :

細矢ビル 102 3 Chome-20-45 Takasu, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 261-0004
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

細矢ビル 102 3 Chome-20-45 Takasu, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0004, Japan
masumi miyazaki on Google

主人の両親がそろってお世話になりました。 予約をして来院しましたが急患が入ったらしく40分ほど待つとのことでしたが、看護士さんや事務の人たちが話しかけてくださったり、認知症の検査をしてくださったりしたので全然待った感はなく、MRIの検査まで気持ちよく過ごせました。 先生も気さくでとても感じのいい先生でした。 義母の物忘れが気になって検査に行ったのですが、意外にも義父の方に問題があることがわかり、症状がなくても検査を受けてよかったと心から思いました。ありがとうございました。
My husband's parents were all indebted. I made an appointment and came to the hospital, but it seemed that I had an emergency and waited for about 40 minutes, but the nurses and clerical staff talked to me and tested for dementia, so I waited at all. There was no feeling, and I was able to spend a pleasant time up to the MRI examination. The teacher was also friendly and very pleasant. I was worried about my mother-in-law's forgetfulness and went to the test, but surprisingly I found out that my father-in-law had a problem, and I was really happy to have the test even if I had no symptoms. Thank you very much.
前野里美 on Google

I received a brain dock. Both the nurse and the technician are very polite and kind. The teacher is also very kind and polite to explain the MRI. I was relieved because he explained the brain and blood vessels. You can also get an image as a report. When he said, "I'm worried about forgetting things," he also checked for dementia. The hospital is clean and comfortable with good-tasting magazines. We strongly recommend that you take it at this clinic at the Brain Dock.
terrius on Google

I don't want to add a single star. Lu Ritsu stopped working a little, and when I made an appointment for a medical examination online, I got a phone call immediately. I was hearing about my symptoms and was told to come to the hospital right away, but in about 10 minutes I got a call again, and suddenly I couldn't come, so I couldn't see him, so go to a big hospital. , I couldn't write a letter of introduction, and I couldn't find the hospital myself, so it was a one-sided cancellation that made me make a lot of plans. Perhaps there is a consultation appointment form to screen out troublesome customers in advance, but it turns out that it is not really a community-based medical institution.
a arai on Google

頭痛がひどくて行きました。初診もインターネットで予約出来て便利です。予診票もダウンロードでき、記入して持って行ったので、すぐに診察してもらえました。予約制なので、待合室も密では無く、free wifiもあるのは高ポイントです。診察、MRI、結果説明、会計まで一時間足らずで終了しました。 脳の中に異常があるかどうか、画像を見ながら時間を使って丁寧に説明してくれ、重大な病気では無いとわかってホッとしました。 ありがとうございました。
I had a bad headache. It is convenient to make a reservation for the first visit on the Internet. I was able to download the medical examination slip, fill it out, and take it with me, so I was able to see it immediately. Since it is a reservation system, the waiting room is not dense and there is free wifi, which is a high point. The medical examination, MRI, result explanation, and accounting were completed in less than an hour. He took the time to explain carefully whether there was something wrong with his brain while looking at the images, and I was relieved to find that it was not a serious illness. Thank you very much.
秋山勇 on Google

For my elderly mother who suddenly became unable to walk, I made a reservation in advance and asked her to see me with the thought of struggling with straw. The scan was frightened, "I'm scared and can't be jealous," but I managed to put up with it for myself. The male teacher in his late 50s is extremely intimidating (a lot of scary teachers in the Showa era) Why are you here? I was in a bad mood and looked annoyed. (I want you to be sick by chance) I wanted to know the cause of my mother's symptoms, and I wanted to see the teacher and get some advice, but I felt out of place and returned early from the middle. It was a big deal. One of the selling points of Inage Kaigan Neurosurgery is that you can judge dementia and cerebral infarction. Of course, even elderly people who can't even walk should come to the hospital. Inage Beach is a town for the elderly in the first place. Elementary and junior high schools have been consolidated. If it opened in this area, many old people will come. Don't be stupid if you take that attitude towards your patients and family! It will be.
yoshi nabe on Google

かなりの頭痛で当院を診療終了時間の1時間ちょっと前に訪れたのですが来週の予約を促される。 始めは「かなりお待ちいただく事になりますので家に帰る事は出来ますか」聞かれ「2駅離れた所より来てる」と伝えるとかなり面倒くさそうな顔になり来週の予約をとの流れに… 地域の医療をめざしてるとかお気軽にご相談をなどとHPに書かれてるが微塵もそんな事を感じさせないクリニック。 痛みがあったりして行くのが病院であって、検査などを来週にするのは分かるが診療自体を来週の予約へと促すのはかなりあり得なさすぎるのではないでしょうか… 私のこの激痛を来週まで放っておけない…
I visited our hospital a little over an hour before the end of medical treatment due to a considerable headache, but I was prompted to make an appointment next week. At the beginning, when I was asked "Can I go home because I have to wait a long time" and said "I'm coming from a place two stations away", my face looks quite annoying and I made a reservation for next week. … It is written on the website that you are aiming for local medical care or feel free to consult with us, but the clinic does not make you feel such a thing. It is the hospital that is going to have pain, and I understand that the examinations will be done next week, but it seems too unlikely to encourage the medical examination itself to make an appointment next week ... I can't leave this pain of mine until next week ...
no title on Google

数週間続いた頭痛で受診しました。診察が始まり、症状を説明してもほぼ聞く耳持たずな態度ですぐに「MRI撮りましょう」の一言。現在の症状でMRIまで撮る必要があるか分からないから相談したい旨を伝え、金額も受付で全く説明がなかったため合わせて教えてほしいと伝えたところ、「MRIが撮りたくてきたんでしょ?金額は7000円しないくらいですけど高いとお感じならなんで来たんですか笑」と失礼極まりない事を言われました。金額が問題ではなく話を聞かずに即MRIを撮ることにされたことに不信感を感じたと伝えたところ、「ここは内科ではなく脳外科なので」と開き直られました。この感じ悪い藪医者は信じられないのでMRIだけは撮って帰ろうと思い実施。結果MRIでは重大な問題が見つからず、引き続き診察をしたところ、知見がないからか投げやりで「コロナで頭痛の方もいるんでコロナかもしれませんね」と。仕事の都合でつい先日PCRも抗原検査も受けて陰性で症状も勿論ないためその可能性は極めて低いと答えると、「数週間前にかかった後遺症かもしれませんね」とコロナと決めつけ。抗原検査の陰性=かかったことがない、という基本的な情報も分からない、どう考えてもまともな医者ではありません。 最終的にはロキソニンを処方するだけ。 処方箋の話をする時も「一錠50円ですけど大丈夫ですか」と馬鹿にしてきました。 MRIでお金を稼いでいるただの検査所の様な病院なので決しておすすめしません。
We visited a few weeks followed by headache. Examination begins, immediately in such without almost hear ear also describes the symptoms attitude word of "Let's take MRI". Inform them that you want to talk do not know whether there is a need to take up to MRI in the current symptoms, amount of money also was told that I want you to tell together because there was no explanation at all at the reception, would you have wanted to take the "MRI? Amount of money but much is not 7000 yen high and why did you come laughs, "if you feel I was told that the pole ball rude. When the amount of money was reportedly felt the distrust that has been to take an immediate MRI without hearing the story, not the problem, was Hirakinaora as "Because this is brain surgery rather than medical." This feeling is incredible bad bush doctor out I will go home to take MRI alone. Result not found in MRI serious problems, I continued was the examination, a or negligent because there is no knowledge and "I might corona in do some people of headache in the corona." And its potential for of course there is no symptoms at just the other day PCR also also received antigen test negative on account of work answer extremely low, Kimetsuke the corona as "Maybe it took sequelae a few weeks ago." Never took negative antigen test =, also I do not know basic information that, not if decent be considered a doctor. Only to eventually prescribe Loxonin. When you talk of prescription also I have been to fool the "okay but is one tablet 50 yen or". Not recommended in any way since the hospital, such as the laboratories of only earns money by MRI.
しんとみ on Google

脳ドックで受診しました。予約は電話が話し中だったので、スマホでネットから予約しました。アナログな私でもわりと簡単に予約できました。 最初に予約した日にちが都合が悪くなってしまい、キャンセルしようとしましたが、予約画面からはキャンセルできませんでした。仕方がないので、クリニックの問い合わせフォームに変更の依頼を入れました。ネットから予約の変更もできると、良いと思いました。 駐車場はありませんが、近隣の商業施設の駐車場が2時間まで無料です。院内は混んでいたのですが、予約の人は優先との事で、ギリギリ2時間で終わり、追加料金無くホッとしました。 MRIは昔他院で受けた時ほどうるさくなく、音楽が流れていて比較的快適でした。結果の説明はすぐに呼ばれました。画像が鮮明でびっくりしました。記憶をつかさどる海馬が太くて立派だと褒められ、うれしくなりました。脳は割と詰まっていて隙間が少ないそうですが、なんと白い小さなシミがポチっとできていました。全体的には年相応か若い位と言われ、一安心しました。ありがとうございました。
I had a medical examination at the brain dock. I made a reservation online on my smartphone because the phone was busy. Even I, who is analog, could easily make a reservation. I tried to cancel because the date of the first reservation became inconvenient, but I could not cancel from the reservation screen. I couldn't help it, so I put a change request in the clinic's inquiry form. I thought it would be nice to be able to change the reservation online. There is no parking, but parking at nearby commercial facilities is free for up to 2 hours. The hospital was crowded, but the person who made the reservation was given priority, so it ended in just 2 hours and I was relieved at no additional charge. The MRI wasn't as noisy as it used to be at another hospital, and it was relatively comfortable with music. The explanation of the result was called immediately. The image was clear and I was surprised. I was happy to hear that Kaiba, who controls my memory, was praised for being thick and splendid. It seems that the brain is relatively clogged and there are few gaps, but what a small white spot was popped. Overall, I was relieved to hear that it was suitable for my age or young. Thank you very much.

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