4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact IMPACT

住所 :

Minaminagano, 〒380-0826 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Nagano

Minaminagano, 〒380-0826 Nagano,Japan
TS on Google

50代の私の体重は若い頃と7キロ程しか変わりはないのですが、風呂上がりの自分自身のダブダブの体型にショックを受け一念発起!スポーツジムでは続かないことは経験上わかっていたのでマンツーマンのジムを探しこちらに入会!パーソナルジムは初めてだったので最初緊張しましたが、こちらの方は感じが良く頑張って通おうと決めました。まだ通い初めたばかりですが、私自身が目標とするボディメイクを組んで頂き、夏頃には達成する予定です(笑 インパクトのみなさんよろしくお願いします!
My weight in my 50s is only about 7 kg different from when I was young, but I was shocked by my own body shape after taking a bath and started to wake up! I knew from experience that I couldn't continue at a sports gym, so I searched for a one-on-one gym and joined here! It was my first time at a personal gym, so I was nervous at first, but this one felt good and decided to go there. I'm just starting to go, but I'm planning to make my own body make-up and achieve it around the summer (laughs, thank you to everyone at Impact!
miyuki kobayashi on Google

慢性的な肩こりや偏頭痛、長時間歩くと膝が痛くなったり、と体力、筋力の衰えを感じていました。 運動しなくちゃ!とは思うものの、YouTubeを見ても、体の動かし方が合っているのかさえわからない…。ジムに行ってみたいけど、自分の性格上、見張ってくれる人が居ないとサボっちゃうのが目に見えてる…。パーソナルジムなら!と思うものの継続するにはコストがかかるかな、と思ったり。 そんな時に、【IMPACT】の体験パーソナルレッスンを受けて、内容的にもコストパフォーマンス的にも、これなら私にも続けられる!と、今も楽しく通わせて頂いています。自分に合ったトレーニングを教えて頂けるので、痛かったり苦しい思いをせず、効果的に筋力アップが図れている感覚です。 筋力がついたせいか、肩こりや偏頭痛から解放され、長く歩いても膝は痛くないし、体が疲れにくくなったような気がします!姿勢も良くなりました! 宮原先生、これからもよろしくお願い致します。
I felt a decrease in physical strength and muscle strength, such as chronic stiff shoulders, migraines, and knee pain when walking for a long time. I have to exercise! However, even if I look at YouTube, I don't even know if the way I move my body is right ... I'd like to go to the gym, but due to my personality, I can see that if there is no one to keep an eye on me, I'll skip it ... If it's a personal gym! I wonder if it will cost money to continue. At that time, I took a trial personal lesson of [IMPACT], and I can continue with this in terms of content and cost performance! I still enjoy going there. Since you can teach the training that suits you, it feels like you are effectively improving your muscle strength without feeling painful or painful. Perhaps because of my strength, I was freed from stiff shoulders and migraines, my knees didn't hurt even when I walked for a long time, and I feel like my body is less tired! My posture has improved! Mr. Miyahara, thank you for your continued support.
m m on Google

いつもヘロヘロになりながらトレーニング受けてます!!内容自体は一人一人に合わせて組んで下さるので、初心者の私でも難しい動きがなく家に帰ってからも無理なく続けられます!今まで家でなんとなくやっていた筋トレも、プロに見てもらうと同じ動きでもこんなに違っていたのかと驚きました。 とにかく一回一回のトレーニングが全力で、余すことなく体力を持っていかれます。笑 ですが、宮原さんがしっかりフォローしてくれるのでどんなにボロボロでも行くのが嫌になることはありません!笑 気づいたら二ヶ月終わってますし、いつの間にか体も変わっています!!楽しく続けられるパーソナルジムです!
I'm always training while becoming a hero! !! The content itself is tailored to each individual, so even I, a beginner, can continue without difficulty even after returning home! I was surprised that the muscle training that I had been doing at home until now was so different even with the same movement when I asked a professional to see it. Anyway, each training is the best, and you can bring your physical strength to the fullest. Lol, but Miyahara-san will follow you well, so no matter how tattered you go, you won't be disgusted! Lol Two months have passed when I noticed it, and my body has changed before I knew it! !! It's a personal gym that you can continue to enjoy!
A S on Google

I'm in my late twenties, and I usually go to training for the purpose of relieving lack of exercise and body make-up because of desk work. I used to go to several personal gyms in the past, but for me, who is not good at exercising, I quit because I couldn't keep up with the hard content, high membership fees, and unique atmosphere. At this gym, trainer Miyahara-san has a gentle personality, so it's easy to talk about problems, and he suggests an appropriate load and amount of exercise, and I feel that it suits me. There are times when the load gradually increases, but there is a sense of accomplishment, and it also relieves stress each time. This gym is recommended for those who are not good at exercising and those who want to train hard. I've gradually become able to do various things, so I'd like to do my best to make up my body for the summer. Thank you.
ねね on Google

I was looking for a personal trainer because self-training at home is sweet to me and easy to frustrate. It's been about a month now, but I can feel that my body has been refreshed. While adjusting the content and number of muscle training, you will be taught carefully each time, so you can go while having fun with peace of mind. When I want to realize the effect quickly, I thought again that it is best to have an expert teacher follow me.
RYO17 on Google

立地も良く、ガラス張りのジムで外からも良く見え安心して通いやすいと思います。 トレーナーは知識豊富でかつ丁寧な指導をしてくれるので、長野市内でパーソナル希望の方は是非! また様々なお客様のニーズに対応してくれるので心配いりません。 筋力UP、姿勢改善、ダイエット、パフォーマンスUPなど、、、 希望や心配事など、あなたに寄り添って目標に向かって一緒に考え、指導してくれるので、 変わりたいと思ってる人は是非そのキッカケをIMPACTで!
The location is good, and the glass-enclosed gym looks good from the outside, so I think it's easy to go there with peace of mind. The trainer is knowledgeable and polite, so if you want to be personal in Nagano city, please come and join us! Also, don't worry, it will meet the needs of various customers. Strength up, posture improvement, diet, performance up, etc. Hopes and worries, etc., will be close to you, think together toward your goals, and guide you. If you want to change, please use IMPACT!
N M on Google

社会人になってから仕事が忙しく運動する時間が持てませんでした。年齢的にも基礎代謝が落ち、体が動かしづらくなってきたので、ダイエットと健康維持を兼ねてジムを探していました。 いくつか一般的なジムの見学に行きましたが、自分の体の状態を知りたいのと、自分に必要なトレーニングをしたい、指導を受けながら効率よく鍛えたいと思い、パーソナルトレーニングに絞って検索しました。 Instagramでトレーニング方法を紹介してくださっていることと、トレーナーの様子がわかりやすかったこと、HPも丁寧に書かれていたので、こちらに決めました。 週2回通い始めましたが、毎日筋肉痛で大変です(笑) 体を動かすことの楽しさ、姿勢や体幹が変わってきたことを実感し、とても楽しく通えています。トレーニング中も細かく動きを見てくれますし、体の仕組みをしっかりわかっていらっしゃるので、説明も指導も的確です。 仕事の合間に行けますし、駐車場も近くにあるので、とても通いやすいです。室内は明るく清潔で、気持ちがいいです。 主人も通うことになり、家族共々お世話になっています。 これから体がどう変わっていくのか、楽しみです!
Since I became a member of society, I have been busy with work and have not had time to exercise. As my basal metabolism declined with age, it became difficult for me to move, so I was looking for a gym for both diet and health maintenance. I went to some general gym tours, but I wanted to know my physical condition, I wanted to train myself, I wanted to train efficiently while receiving guidance, so I narrowed down my search to personal training Did. I decided to go here because the training method was introduced on Instagram, the trainer was easy to understand, and the HP was carefully written. I started going twice a week, but it's hard because of myalgia every day (laughs) I feel the joy of moving my body and the changes in my posture and core, and I enjoy going there very much. They will watch your movements in detail during training, and you will understand how your body works, so explanations and guidance are accurate. You can go between work and the parking lot is nearby, so it's very easy to go. The room is bright and clean and feels good. My husband will also attend, and I am indebted to my family. I'm looking forward to seeing how my body will change in the future!
ムービーボーイ on Google

パーソナルトレーナーを目指していて、経験を積みたいと思いジムを探していた所、インスタでこちらのインパクトを発見しました。 ダイエットやボディメイクだけでなく、姿勢改善や不調改善なども行なっていたので是非とも学びたいと思い、インパクトトレーナーの宮原さんに頼み込み勉強させて頂く事になりました。 パフォーマンスアップやケガの予防のための根本原因から改善するというトレーナーを目指している方から見てもとても深い内容で衝撃を受けました!トレーニングやストレッチなども解剖学を熟知した指導内容になっており、全て理にかなっています。私が以前お客として通っていたパーソナルジムではここまでのサービスは無かったです。 現在、私も駆け出しではありますが宮原先生の指導のおかげもありパーソナルトレーナーとして活動しています。今後も疑問や新しい知識、技術の習得のために宮原先生からアドバイスを受けて頑張っていきます! トレーナーとして活動している方々もお勧めのジムです!自己レベルを確実に上げられます。
Aiming to be a personal trainer, I was looking for a gym to gain experience, and I found this impact on Instagram. In addition to dieting and body make-up, I was also improving posture and illness, so I definitely wanted to learn, so I asked Mr. Miyahara, an impact trainer, to study. I was shocked by the deep content even from the perspective of those who are aiming to improve from the root cause for improving performance and preventing injuries! Training and stretching are all well-versed in anatomy, and they all make sense. At the personal gym I used to go to as a customer, there was no such service. Currently, I am also a fledgling person, but thanks to the guidance of Professor Miyahara, I am working as a personal trainer. I will continue to do my best to receive advice from Dr. Miyahara for questions, new knowledge, and acquisition of technology! This gym is also recommended for those who are active as trainers! You can definitely raise your self-level.

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