
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 武蔵小杉鍼灸接骨院パーフェクトコンディショニング

住所 :

Imaiminamicho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0064 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://kosugi.perf-cond.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Imaiminamicho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0064 Kanagawa,Japan
福永愛文 on Google

首、肩、腰が痛くて痛くてたまらなかったあの日々、、 こちらにお世話になって早3ヶ月が過ぎた頃でしょうか、すこぶる痛みを感じない日々が多くなってきました! しっかり話をきいてくれ、いまの状況にあった施術や、ストレッチ方法などを伝授くださるので、いまの結果に満足です^_^ 任せて安心な接骨院です これからもよろしくです
The days when my neck, shoulders, and lower back hurt and I was dying ... Perhaps it's been three months since I was taken care of here, and there are many days when I don't feel any pain! He listens to me and teaches me the treatments and stretching methods that suit my current situation, so I am satisfied with the current results ^ _ ^ It is a safe osteopathic clinic I look forward to working with you
宇治田里与 on Google

I've been going to have a serious smartphone neck in my online life. My neck and lower back pain has been reduced and my posture has improved. The staff are always smiling and very kind and recommended.
Tomohiro Tahara on Google

We have you carefully check the condition of the day every time. I feel that my posture has improved and the frequency of shoulder and lower back pain has decreased compared to when I first started going. I want to keep going so that my body will not recur!
marine seasi on Google

技術が神すぎます! 本当に、今まで背中を意識した事は、1回もないですが、説明からしてものすごくわかりやすかったです^_^ 1回の施術で、ここまで良くなるんだ!と関心しました^_^
Technology is too divine! I've never really been aware of my back, but it was very easy to understand from the explanation ^ _ ^ I was interested in how much better it would be with one treatment ^ _ ^
0916 toshifumi on Google

It is a lively osteopathic clinic. It seems that he has a good reputation for basic treatment, and he came up with a treatment plan after carefully looking at the current physical condition. Thank you in the future.
Tsuneo Inagaki on Google

Due to bad habits in my daily life, my whole body became stiff and tired even if I sat down or slept, so I decided to undergo the treatment for the first time in a long time. The teacher has changed, but I was asked to relax my body with a painful massage and high bolt, which shows the high skill as usual. Last time, I received the treatment once and it became easier, so I went away completely, but this time, at the strong recommendation of the teacher, I did the second treatment without much time. Certainly I felt the difference in the effect of the second time! After going through for a while, I decided to work hard on my body by overworking. Also thank you.
toshi udatsu on Google

20代までは体のメンテナンスを何もせず、運動していましたが 30歳をすぎて、だんだんと腰が固くなってきたため、ゴルフのスコアが全然伸びませんでした。 痛む箇所は、結果、負担がかかっている部位ですとカウンセリングをしてもらい、原因となる部分を電気で局所治療してもらいました。 何もしていないのとしているのとで違いがわかります。今ではゴルフをはじめ、フットサルなど、スポーツをする日の前後はお世話になってます。 今後もお願いします!
Until I was in my twenties, I was exercising without doing any physical maintenance. After I was 30 years old, I was getting stiffer and harder, so my golf score didn't improve at all. As a result, I was asked to give counseling to the part that was injured, and to locally treat the part that caused the pain with electricity. You can see the difference by assuming that you are not doing anything. Nowadays, I am indebted before and after the day when I play sports such as golf and futsal. Thank you in the future!
Marie thecat on Google

長年悩んでいて、もう治らないと思っていた骨盤の歪みが改善されて感動しています。その他の不調についてもひとつひとつ親身に聞いて下さり、的確な対応をしてくださいます。 技術、知識、説明のわかりやすさ、治療への熱意、衛生面、気配り、全てにおいて素晴らしく、ここに出会えて本当に良かったと思います。
I am impressed that the distortion of the pelvis, which I had been worried about for many years and thought that it would not heal anymore, was improved. Please listen to each of the other problems and take appropriate measures. The technique, knowledge, easy-to-understand explanations, enthusiasm for treatment, hygiene, and attentiveness are all wonderful, and I am really glad to meet you here.

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