鉄板焼き 梅田屋 - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鉄板焼き 梅田屋

住所 :

Imaike, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0850 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 464-0850
街 : Aichi

Imaike, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0850 Aichi,Japan
YUYA on Google

ご家族で経営されている老舗梅田屋 メニューはとてもシンプルですが、味は抜群です。ここでしか味わえません。 何よりもお母さん、お父さんがとても愛想がよくいつも気持ちが良いです。
A well-established Umedaya run by a family The menu is very simple, but the taste is outstanding. You can only taste it here. Above all, my mom and dad are very friendly and always happy.
Y Gon (ごん) on Google

美味かったです!味サイコーです! 豚ホルモンがいいですねー! 早い時間帯にいったから、バイトさん1人でホールを回していました。バタバタしてましたが20:00くらいからは女将さんらしき人が出勤!テキパキ仕事をされてました。 ビールを美味しく飲めるお店です。昔からあるお店で常連さんが多そうですね。また来たいお店です。
It was delicious! It is taste great! I think swine hormone is good! I went to an early time zone, so Mr. Bye was alone turning the hall. I was clattering but around 20: 00 I thought the lady majesty was going to work! I was working hard. It is a shop that you can drink beer deliciously. There seems to be a lot of regulars at an old store. I also want to come back to the store.
kita nisiharu on Google

It was a teppanyaki restaurant, but I thought it was really delicious. When I returned to Nagoya, I definitely wanted to go. The owner of the shop was also a friendly person.
Y N on Google

It is a visit immediately after opening on Saturday. It is the first time that there are many reservations and only the counter is vacant. The sweet and spicy miso, which goes well with beer and rice, is tightly entangled with hormones and vegetables, and you are likely to overeat it.
MASA MASA on Google

Fresh hormon seasoned with miso base is baked on an iron plate with vegetables and eaten. Add garlic and pepper as you like. Many people put rice or udon in the shime and stir-fry it.
成田勉 on Google

人情ホルモン梅田屋さん ここの名物はみそ味のホルモン焼きで赤みそベースで名古屋味。 でも癖になるおいしさなのです。 ほかの地方の取引先も何度もつれていきましたけど、みなさん大喜びです。 それで、牛すじ煮込みは結構幻メニューで3~4回に1回くらいしか食べることができません。 御飯もおいしく炊けていてそこも大好きです。 塩分なんか考えると「身体に悪いんだろうなぁ~」とか思いながらもついつい。。 みんなに知ってもらいたいけど、すこし教えたくない。 そんなお店です。
Humanity hormone Umedaya The specialty here is miso-flavored hormone grilled with red miso base Nagoya taste. But it is delicious to be jealous. Other local business partners have been tangled many times, but everyone is overjoyed. So, you can eat beef stew only once in 3-4 times with a fantastic menu. I also cook delicious rice and I love it there. When I think about salinity, I'm thinking "I think it's bad for my body," but I'm stuck. . I want everyone to know, but I do not want to teach a little. It's that kind of shop.
のじきん on Google

豚ホルモン、牛カルビとセンマイ 野菜はもやしとニラを選択 これに玉ねぎがついてきて、店員さんが鉄板で焼いてくれます その間、水キムチとどて煮でビールを 金曜日の仕事終わりなのでとても美味しい どて煮はかなり甘い、想像以上に甘くて苦手でしたが、地元出身の知り合いはうまいうまいとガンガン食べていました やがて肉も焼き上がります。 こちらも赤味噌とタレがかなり甘いけど美味しい、ビールが進む 締めはホルモンとうどん、また焼いてもらいましたがこれまた甘い 個人的には甘さ控えめのほうが好きですが、なかなか美味しかった
Pork hormones, beef ribs and maimai Choose sprouts and Chinese chive as vegetables The onion comes with this, and the clerk cooks it on an iron plate. Meanwhile, boiled beer with water Kimchi It’s very good because it’s Friday’s work. Doteni was rather sweet, I was not so sweet as I imagined, but my acquaintance from the locals was eating deliciously. Eventually the meat will be baked. The red miso and the sauce are also very sweet, but they are delicious, and the beer goes on. I had the noodles cooked with hormones and udon again, but this one is also sweet Personally, I prefer less sweetness, but it was delicious
くみくみ on Google

大好きなお店です。 店員さん(おじさん)も感じがよくて雰囲気も最高です。好きなホルモンや野菜を選んだら目の前で仕上げて下さいます。 出来上がるのをいろいろつまみながら待つのも楽しい時間です。 ビールが進む進む〜(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎) 定期的に通いたくなります。
it's one of my favourite stores. The clerk (uncle) also feels good and the atmosphere is great. Choose your favorite hormones and vegetables and finish them right in front of you. It's also a fun time to wait while pinching the finished product. Beer goes on ~ (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎) I want to go there regularly.

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