奈良豊澤酒造 - Imaichicho

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奈良豊澤酒造

住所 :

Imaichicho, 〒630-8444 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 630-8444
Webサイト : http://nara-toyosawa.jp/
街 : Nara

Imaichicho, 〒630-8444 Nara,Japan
ひょうふみえ on Google

It was delicious for my son, so I was asked to buy it. Sake lees was also delicious.
sho uchi on Google

It's quite fun to compare only the series that can only be bought at the brewery ✨
SINチャンネル(竹中半兵衛) on Google

I went for the sake of Ginjo sake, but there were two types, and both had almost no difference in name. . . There was a difference in price, but (・ _ ・;)
BRANDO DIO on Google

Nara has delicious rice and water, and there are many famous sakes, but I think Toyosawa Sake Brewery is a brewery that makes delicious sake seriously.
加賀三義 on Google

Four to five years ago, it was a brewery that I had been acquainted with for many years, but I wanted to know what the brewery was like. When I arrived, a woman came out and was returned in 5 minutes. I wanted to stay a little longer. This was a kick, and I broke with the new Kanto staff.
Makazy on Google

A nice place. Minus Ichi couldn't give the double-maru taste of sake. Please forgive me because it is a matter of taste.
yu fu on Google

酒蔵限定純米酒を購入したら、酒粕も頂きました^_^ スッキリとした飲み口。 癖がないので、幾らでも飲める酒
When I bought sake brewery limited pure rice sake, I got sake lees ^ _ ^ A clean drinking spout. Sake that you can drink as much as you have no habit
北林由香里 on Google

ネットで調べてたまたま入った。 ハデでなく静かな営業で買い物しやすかった。選ぶのに試飲があればいいと思う
I checked it on the net and happened to enter. It was easy to shop because it was a quiet business, not a bad one. I wish there was a tasting to choose

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