
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 美茶

住所 :

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Tokyo

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0014 Tokyo,Japan
千克輝 on Google

There are many rare pearl tea shops in Ikebukuro, but I think it's one of the best restaurants in the neighborhood. However, I often drink it in Taiwan, but compared to the other side, there are few rare pearls and the taste of tea is low. It may be unavoidable considering prices and purchase prices.
小林正幸 on Google

台湾で飲んだときのような味で美味しい!価格も¥450で近くのチェーン店より量も多いし、ここのタピオカミルクティーを飲まない理由はないと思います。 経営しているのは台湾ではなく大陸の方ですが、日本語も完璧で親切なお姉さんです。お店も清潔・綺麗で、女性一人でも気軽に入れます。
It tastes like when you drank it in Taiwan and is delicious! The price is 450 yen, which is more than the nearby chain stores, and I don't think there is any reason not to drink tapioca milk tea here. The owner is not Taiwan but the continent, but his Japanese is perfect and kind. The shop is clean and tidy, and even a single woman can easily enter.
ぶたまる on Google

私はタロミルクティーにしてしまったのでくどかったですが、クリームチーズはお茶なら合うなという印象。次回はジャスミンティーなどと合わせたいです。 タピオカは固くて噛みごたえがあっていっぱい入っていて満腹感が得られます。 店内にはぬいぐるみなども多数あるため、フォトスポットがいっぱいあり楽しいと思います。
I made it to Taro Milk Tea, so it was awful, but the impression that cream cheese does not match with tea. Next time I would like to match with Jasmine tea. Tapioca is hard and has a lot of chewing and giving you full feeling. There are many stuffed animals in the store, so I think that there are lots of photo spots and it's fun.
ひろみや on Google

ミルクティーにタピオカ、チーズクリームトッピング、ホットMサイズで600円。結構ボリュームがあります。 席はコの字型にカウンターがあり、丸椅子が5つ置いてあります。写真のような雰囲気で席が狭いので店内で飲むのはなかなか勇気がいります。 チーズは濃くて塩味もしっかり。ミルクティー自体が茶の味が薄く、ミルク感強いのでもはや乳製品を飲んでる気分。タピオカはモチモチ大粒で美味しいです。
Milk tea with tapioca, cheese cream topping, hot M size 600 yen. There is quite a volume. The seat has a U-shaped counter and five round chairs. The atmosphere is like the one in the photo, so it's very hard to drink in the store because the seats are small. The cheese is thick and salty. Milk tea itself has a light taste of tea and a strong feeling of milk, so I feel like I'm drinking dairy products. Tapioca is delicious with mochimochi large grains.
韩淼 on Google

Egg tarts are super delicious! It’s a little expensive, but Yangzhi Ganlu is personally recommended. No sugar is needed, it’s sweet enough.
xianhui wanshan on Google

メニュー表がレジ前にしかないところが不便。 (POPもありますが、メニューの一部のみ) そのせいか、注文に時間がかかり行列になっている様子。 店内も狭く受け渡しの流れもスムーズではない。 容器は比較的大きめ、味はかなり甘めです。
It is inconvenient that the menu table exists only before checkout. (There is also POP, but only a part of the menu) It seems that it took time to order and it became a matrix. The interior of the store is narrow and the flow of delivery is not smooth. The container is relatively large, the taste is quite sweet.
Tommiegruen on Google

タピオカ好きにはたまらないそうです。タピオカは、かなりボリュームがあり、弾力プラスモチモチ感がものすごいです。お腹いっぱいにたまります。他のタピオカ屋の午後ティーチックとは違い、ラテのお茶は奥深い感がありました。 凄い行列ですけどね(^-^)
It seems to be irresistible for tapioca lovers. Tapioca is quite voluminous and has a great elasticity and chewy texture. I'm full. Unlike the afternoon tea tics of other tapioca shops, the latte tea had a profound feeling. It's a great procession (^-^)
lyo ting on Google

台湾人です。タピオカミルクティーが恋しくなったのでこの店で初めて買ってみたけど、こんなにまずいタピオカミルクティーは本当に久々です。 食感はちょっとおかしい(もちもちするというより、硬い)し、注文したジャスミンティーも美味しくない。その上量が少ないのに600円もする。本当に最悪です。 やっぱりこれからは台湾の海外進出のお店以外は試さない方が無難かな…
I'm Taiwanese. I missed tapioca milk tea, so I bought it for the first time at this store, but it's been a while since I've had such a bad tapioca milk tea. The texture is a bit strange (harder than chewy), and the jasmine tea I ordered isn't delicious either. Even though the amount is small, it costs 600 yen. It's really the worst. After all, from now on, it's safer not to try anything other than Taiwan's overseas stores ...

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