
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リゾナビューティーパーク高崎

住所 :

Iizukamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0069 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.rezona-bp.com/
街 : Gunma

Iizukamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0069 Gunma,Japan
天田樹里 on Google

いつもイメージを伝えると その通りにしてくれます!? また、今後どういった髪型にしたいのか 伝えたりすると 今はこうにしたほうがいい!とか 親身になって一緒に考えてくれる美容室です!!! スタッフさんも個性的で面白い方が多いので 毎回美容室に行くのが楽しみです!
Always telling the image It will do exactly that! ? Also, what kind of hairstyle do you want in the future If you tell You should do this now! And A beauty salon that will help you to think together! ! ! Many of the staff members are also unique and interesting I look forward to going to the beauty salon every time!
みるきー on Google

こちらのお店がオープンしてからすぐにファンになりました それぞれの台が区切られていて隣が気にならないのはとても良いことです まるでコロナ禍を見越したお店作りに感服します もう長年通っているのでほぼお任せ こういうお店が行きつけだと本当に楽ですね また来月伺いますね
I became a fan soon after this shop opened It ’s very good that each stand is separated and you do n’t care about the neighbors. I admire the store's creation in anticipation of the corona disaster. I've been going there for many years, so I'll leave it to you It's really easy to go to a store like this I'll come back next month
asa・ S on Google

The inside of the Asian taste shop is very comfortable and disliked every time. I use products that are kind to both my hair and the environment, and I feel that my hair quality improves every time I go.
金井歩乃佳 on Google

ずっと美容室迷子になっていたのですがここにきてあ!ここだってなりました!! 接客対応もすごく良くて特にシャンプー後のマッサージがすごく上手ですごく好きです笑 丁寧でアドバイスも的確で絶対おすすめです!!
I've been lost in the hair dressing shop for a long time, but come here! It's here too! !! The customer service is also very good, especially the massage after shampoo is very good and I really like it lol Polite and accurate advice is definitely recommended! !!
nabe samrai on Google

清潔な店内にはっきりとした受け答えができる 美人受付スタッフさんがいらっしゃる素晴らしいお店です。 ナチュラルな外観や環境に対してのさりげない配慮をしてくださるところなど さすが"aveda"を使ってらっしゃるなと感じました 。そしてスタッフさん全員が気取らずに程よい距離感で接してくださる素晴らしいお店です! コロナ禍でもアフターコロナもずっとお付き合いさせてもらいたい素敵な美容室です。
You can get a clear answer in a clean store It is a wonderful shop with beautiful reception staff. Places that give a natural appearance and casual consideration to the environment I felt that you were using "aveda" .. And it's a wonderful shop where all the staff are unpretentious and treat you with a reasonable sense of distance! It is a wonderful beauty salon that I would like to keep in touch with both corona and after-corona.
on Google

It is a healing salon with the image of Bali. Rather than the so-called common beauty salon, it is a salon that combines an oriental spa and a beauty salon. There is also a sense of luxury and cleanliness. In the store, which was originally thought to value each space, corona measures have been further strengthened, so you can receive treatment with confidence even at this time. The customer service also conveys the attitude of caring for our customers. Very polite and kind. Of course, the technology is great, but we are constantly incorporating new technologies and products. Maebashi also has an affiliated store, and I have been indebted to it, but I personally recommend the Takasaki store. I think it's a salon where you can feel the value more than the price.
momo egg on Google

産後の女性にとって癒しの場所です。 産後ヘアで心配なことを分かってもらえてすごく嬉しかったです。 白髪も綺麗に染めてもらって、カットもシャンプーも全て完璧でした。 大変満足です。 旦那もカットしてもらってイケメンになって帰ってきました笑
It is a healing place for postpartum women. I was very happy to know that I was worried about my postpartum hair. The white hair was dyed beautifully, and the cut and shampoo were all perfect. I am very satisfied. My husband also cut me and I came back as a handsome guy lol
t 6 on Google

何年も前に利用しました。 当時大学生だった私は出来たばかりくらいのこちらの店で新規クーポン(確か全体カラー、カット、パーマ)を利用し予約しました。 雰囲気もよくカウンセリング受ける前に電話番号次回の予約簡単に取れるように登録しておきますと言われいざカウンセリングへ。 私がなりたい髪型(画像)を見せると私の髪質を触ったりちゃんと親身に聞いてくれて、最終的に 全然OKー!こんな感じねー!と若そうな話し方の若くない方(名前も覚えてますがここでは書けないので)が言ってくれてではシャンプーからとシャンプー台へ。シャンプーが終わり席に戻ると「あー。今日はこの髪型やめといたほうがいーね!リタッチだけにしよ!」と軽々しく言われわたしもえ?できるって言われたからお願いしたんです、リタッチだけだといくらなんですか?と聞くと7800円くらいと、、、 私はクーポンで安くできる。またカウンセリングで できないと言ってくれたら諦めた。シャンプー後だからキャンセルしにくい。etc 色々頭が過って半泣きでそんなのおかしいと伝えました。そもそも謝罪も理由もなくあー今日はダメだー。リタッチリタッチみたいな言い方がほんとに気に食わなくて苛立ちもあるしけど自分の毛質も仕方ないとも思うしどうしたらいいか分からなくなりました。 半泣きでリタッチ7800円だったら別の店で 安いクーポン出てたからそっち行くし クーポン使いたいから来たのにそれは酷いです。 と言うと直ぐに店長さんが飛んできてくれて 謝罪し、髪質的に上手くいくかはわかりませんが 今回は店長が最善を尽くします。と言ってくれて 気まずい2時間を絶え納得のいくヘアにさてもらいました。 それからずっとクチコミもよく、雑誌にも載ったり 知り合いの美容師さんからも絶大な支持をもたれてる店長さんということを知りまた行ってみたいとも 思っていますが、たとえその人が辞めていても店の前を通るだけで思い出すし、電話番号が登録されてる事実があるのでもう2度といけません。 美容院であんだけカウンセリングしてもらい 施術始まってからクーポンのない別メニューを 悪気もなく勧めてきて、、、 何年たっても私の憎い思い出は消えないのが辛いです
I used it many years ago. As a college student at the time, I made a reservation using a new coupon (certainly the whole color, cut, perm) at this store that was just opened. The atmosphere is good, and before receiving counseling, I was told that I should register my phone number so that I can easily make the next reservation, so I went to counseling. When I showed the hairstyle (image) I wanted to be, he touched my hair quality and listened to me properly, and finally It's OK at all! It looks like this! A young person who seems to be young (I remember the name, but I can't write it here) told me to go from shampoo to shampoo stand. When the shampoo was over and I returned to my seat, I was lightly told, "Oh, I should stop using this hairstyle today! Just retouch!" I asked because I was told that I could do it, how much would it cost to just retouch? I heard that it was about 7800 yen ... I can get cheaper with coupons. Also with counseling I gave up when he told me I couldn't. It's hard to cancel because it's after shampoo. etc I told him that it was strange because he had a lot of headaches and was half crying. In the first place, there is no apology or reason. Retouch I'm frustrated because I don't really like the wording like retouch, but I also think that my hair quality can't be helped and I don't know what to do. If it's a half-cry and retouch for 7800 yen, go to another store I got a cheap coupon so I'll go there I came because I wanted to use a coupon, but it's terrible. As soon as I said that, the store manager flew in I apologize and I don't know if my hair will work This time the store manager will do his best. Tell me I had an awkward two hours of hair that I was satisfied with. Since then, word-of-mouth communication has been good, and it has appeared in magazines. I also want to go back to know that the store manager has great support from my acquaintance's hairdresser. I'm thinking, but even if the person quits, I remember just passing in front of the store, and there is a fact that the phone number is registered, so I can not do it again. Have that much counseling at the beauty salon Another menu without coupons since the treatment started I've recommended it without malicious intent ... It's painful that my hateful memories never disappear even after many years

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