Ichihara Animal Clinic - 9-2 Gosho

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichihara Animal Clinic

住所 :

9-2 Gosho, 市原市東 Chiba 290-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 290-0064
Webサイト : http://www.ichihara-ah.com/yoyaku.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

9-2 Gosho, 市原市東 Chiba 290-0064, Japan
チャランアート on Google

The teachers and other employees are very kind and responsive, and the consultation is so polite that I feel relieved. The 15-year-old cat at home helped me many times.
柴チュウ on Google

約9年間、家の愛犬がお世話になってます。 お陰様で最初あったアレルギー症状は治まってます。
My dog ​​has been indebted to me for about 9 years. Thanks to you, allergic symptoms that I had at first have subsided.
nekoneko Jack on Google

We are fully equipped, and we thank you for your diligent and enthusiastic support for medical treatment. Dr. Matsuoka and Dr. Goto have a sincere personality and are constantly working to obtain the latest knowledge, technology, and information about veterinary medicine. Please explain. Reliable teachers who can consult with confidence. All the staff kindly treated us and it is a very good hospital. Not only the health of the pet, but also the owner who loves the pet as a member of the family, I would like to consider the happiness of the family and I would like to cherish my important cat.
うさぎ on Google

ここは要注意 最低な病院。 院長頑固 看護師態度悪い 金亡者の病院。
Be careful here The worst hospital. Director stubborn Bad nurse attitude Gold dead hospital.
Tomoyuki Yamamoto on Google

本当に信頼出来る病院です。 先生方、看護婦さん達には足を向けて寝れません。 何度も大変な時を助けていただきました。 これからもよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m
It's a really reliable hospital. I can't sleep with my feet on the teachers and nurses. Thank you for helping me in difficult times many times. Thank you for your continued support m (_ _) m
Beat maman With Family Dog Diary on Google

コロナ渦に なって 予約制になったので 緊急以外は 余裕もって 予約が取れて ノンストレスです。 前は 順番番号取って 1度 帰って 又 来て 更に待つと言う状況だったので 正直 不満だらけでした。駐車場は13台位で あまり広くありません。 先生も スタッフの方々も 穏やかで 対応が 早い方だと 思います。 先生は 2人いらっしゃいます。 価格は ワクチン接種とか 通常は 普通です。 治療は 最終結論 飼い主が 選択する事だと 先に 見せた犬で 切実に思いました。
Become a corona vortex Since it is a reservation system, except for emergencies Make a reservation with plenty of time It is non-stress. Before, take the turn number Honestly, I was full of dissatisfaction because I was in a situation where I had to come back once and wait again. The parking lot is about 13 cars and is not very large. The teachers and staff are calm I think that the response is quick. There are two teachers. The price is usually vaccination it is normal. Treatment is the final conclusion that the owner chooses I really felt the dog I showed earlier.
chan miho on Google

It is a hospital that you can visit with peace of mind with proper medical examination. You can listen to various stories. Today, my dog, Hime-chan, was indebted to me. The cause is overweight, so the whole diet family will do their best.
Y Towawa on Google

実家で保護した野良子猫のキジトラ3兄弟のうち、1匹が猫風邪の悪化で呼吸状態が悪くなり緊急入院しました。 初めての受診、私も猫を飼ったことがなく不安がいっぱいのなか、先生、スタッフの皆さんに丁寧に対応していだだきました。 鼻グチャ、嗅覚がダメになり、食事も食べなくなり、とても心配しましたが、点滴、強制給仕などなど治療していただき、10日間入院して元気に帰ってきました❣️感謝です。
Of the three brothers of the stray kitten Kijitora who were protected at their parents' home, one of them was urgently hospitalized due to a worsening of a cat cold and poor respiratory condition. At the first visit, I had never had a cat and was full of anxiety, so I started to respond politely to the teachers and staff. I was very worried because my nose and sensation were bad and I couldn't eat any food, but I was treated with intravenous drip, forced waiter, etc., and I was hospitalized for 10 days and returned to good health ❣️ Thank you.

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