Ibaraki Prefectural Shisui Fujishiro High School - Toride

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ibaraki Prefectural Shisui Fujishiro High School

住所 :

1 Chome-660 Shisui, Toride, Ibaraki 300-1508, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89787
Postal code : 300-1508
Webサイト : http://www.fujishiroshisui-h.ibk.ed.jp/

1 Chome-660 Shisui, Toride, Ibaraki 300-1508, Japan
R on Google

Handball club is too favored. The teacher is too strict. School rules Absolute high school. Discrimination is amazing.
まhiromi on Google

The nearby nature such as the Kokai River and Ushikunuma is also wonderful. Five kobu swan chicks were born this year.
やあいい on Google

GUCCIじゃなくて俺たち繋がる 輪っか 辛い時もいっぱいあった。 でも仲間が一番あった。
It ’s not GUCCI, it ’s a ring that connects us. There were many difficult times. But I had the most friends.
Ton Ton on Google

元藤代南中のイジメてたメンバーの1人が通っている学校。今年三年なので来年度からいなくなる(ダブらなければ)。 盗難の癖は治ったのかな? 高校はハンドボールが強い位で特に特色もない。
A school where one of the members who was a bully in Minami Fujishiro is attending. It's been 3 years this year, so I'll be gone from next year (if I don't dub). Has the habit of theft been cured? In high school, handball is strong and there is nothing special about it.
うん on Google

The punishment and punishment of the modern sentence I want to die. I do not want to rip the grass too. After this bullying is great in this school, please keep it on the wall of the toilet, please put the teacher in the health room to sleep, I think that only people who want to do the hand club are fine. There is also a noisy Senko who has a male-female relationship. It is Chibi more than Wasser
L RR on Google

この高校は頭がおかしいセクハラ教師が沢山いる高校です。 名前は伏せますが、なんの根拠も無く廊下のど真ん中で不純異性交遊だの妊娠だのを女子生徒に怒鳴り散らしたり、男子生徒に体罰紛い、まあ体罰でしょうあれは。そんなことをする男性教師もいれば、生徒指導と言って女子生徒の髪を無闇矢鱈と触りまくる生徒指導部長もいます。他にも、罪もない生徒に嘘を押し付け、周りの教師や学年主任も一緒になって怒り散らす教師もいます。その嘘を作って生徒に押し付けた教師は女性でした。 今お話した通り、男女共におかしな教師だらけの学校。こんな事までしていて問題にならない方がおかしい。こんな高校に星一つだって付けたくはない。 皆さんも高校選びには気をつけて方がいいですよ。 今年は偏差値が高いみたいですがこんな高校にそんな価値ないです。 なんなら、潰れるべき。そういった教師もクビにすべきです。 確信を持って言えるのは、ここに入学したら最後、地獄を見ますよ。
This high school is a high school with a lot of crazy sexual harassment teachers. I will face up, but I do not have any basis, I shout young girls studying that they are pregnant women who are impure heterosexuals in the middle of the hallway, they are a corporal punishment for male students, it is probably corporal punishment. Some male teachers do such a thing, others are student guidance directors who touch student guidance with girls' students hairlessly. There are also other teachers who press lies to innocent students, and the surrounding teachers and school leaders are angry with each other. The teacher who made that lie and pressed the student was a woman. As I told you, school full of funny teachers for both men and women. There is something wrong with not being problematic as long as it is done. I do not want to add a star to such a high school. You should also take care when choosing high school. It seems that the deviation value is high this year, but it is not worth such high school. If anything, it should be crushed. Such teachers should also be fired. With confidence, I can see hell when I enroll here.
菅官房長官のおちん on Google

生徒が無免許運転しているし、たばこ、お酒もやっています。それを学校側に伝えて、動画も見せました。なのに退学どころか謹慎にもならず、部活も続けています。高校というのは、社会にでるための最終段階に近いところなのに、このようなことに対し罰を与えない、それは本当におかしいことだと思います。この学校は生徒を大切にしていないということがしっかり分かりました。 僕が電話しても、敬語で話さず、偉そうな態度を取っているということが電話越しでもわかりました。
Students are driving without a license, and they also smoke and drink. I told the school about it and showed a video. However, far from dropping out, he is not reluctant and continues club activities. High school is near the final stage of getting into society, but I think it's really strange that we don't punish such things. It was clear that this school didn't care for its students. When I called, I found out over the phone that I didn't speak in honorifics and had a great attitude.
橋本環奈 on Google

It is also famous that the current second year high school student took a voyeur of a girl's bath on a school trip ? I'm doing my best at school but rubbing it off

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