Hotarugaike Station

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hotarugaike Station

住所 :

1-5 Hotarugaike Higashimachi, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan

Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

1-5 Hotarugaike Higashimachi, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan
奥村政哉 on Google

For transfer when heading to Itami Airport. Transfer station for Hankyu and Osaka Monorail.
猪野修康 on Google

この駅は大阪国際空港に行く最寄り駅になります。 以前一度この駅から歩いて空港まで行ったことがありますが、よっぽど 地理に明るい人でなければやめたほうがよろしいです。 空港施設に入るのにかなり迂回しなければならず、危うく搭乗時間に遅れそうになりました。 空港の人や他の乗客にご迷惑をおかけする ところでしたので非常に 心配しました。 なんといってもモノレールで行くのが一番安心です。 時間が ある程度予測つくので 非常に安心です。ちなみに運賃は空港まで200円です。
This station is the closest station to Osaka International Airport. I've walked from this station to the airport once before, but if you're not very geographically savvy, you should stop. I had to make a considerable detour to enter the airport facility, and I was almost late for boarding time. I was very worried because I was about to inconvenience the people at the airport and other passengers. After all, it is safest to go by monorail. It is very safe because the time can be predicted to some extent. By the way, the fare is 200 yen to the airport.
黒猫の曲がり尻尾2 man on Google

Very convenient rail connection from Itami Airport. From the monorail, take the Hankyu train to the center of Osaka Station in about 15 minutes. From the second floor, a connecting passage. There is a lunch box store. There are elevators and escalators.
ヨッパのホッシー on Google

One month after the opening of Minoh Arima Electric Orbit, it opened in April 1910. It was a semi-express and ordinary stop for a long time, but it became an express stop in 2003. A transfer station for the Hankyu Takarazuka Line and the Osaka Monorail. The Hankyu line is convenient for going to Umeda, Takarazuka, and Minoo, and the monorail line is convenient for going to Osaka International Airport and Kadoma City. There is also a small commercial facility in front of the station, and it is convenient because there are regular buses and taxis are resident.
nosuke tsukky on Google

ほたるがいけ駅と読みます。 阪急宝塚線、大阪モノレール線で2階通路で乗換可能です。 千里中央と蛍池、万博記念公園、門真市、大日がおそらくモノレールで利用者がかなり多い駅だと思います。 この駅は特に大阪伊丹空港利用者が多く、阪急への乗換が殆どです。 伊丹空港へは関空、梅田や難波、天王寺、神戸京都方面からは空港リムジンバスが運行していますが、阪神高速池田線は途中の豊中南~加島あたりが非常に混む為、時間が無い時は面倒でも阪急&モノレール利用が間違いないです。 いつからか阪急は急行以上も停車駅になった為、利便性はかなり向上しています(阪急は空港への新路線を検討している様ですが、個人的にはあまり必要ないと思います)。 この駅の嫌な点としては、朝夕ラッシュ時の乗換え客同士のすれ違いです。 とにかくモノレール→阪急の利用者が多く、しかも連絡通路が狭い為、気を付けないと肩が当たったりします(右側通行とありますが、通路が狭く守らない人間が多い為)。 リニューアルして通路に土産店や千鳥屋が出来たのですが、正直無しにして全部通路にしてや・・・って思ったのは私だけではない筈(現にコロナ禍で開店後すぐに閉店した店もあり)。 周辺はルシオーレという商業ビル(Book 1st、スターバックス、コープ、しまむら、ドラッグストア、各専門店、豊中市立図書館などが入居)があり、2階で駅直結なので便利です。 近隣に住むことをお考えの方は、子供がいない人や単身者には良いと思います。 ただ、子供がいる場合はやめた方が良いと思います。理由は伏せますが、豊中市立18中校区は特にやめましょう。 子供有り世帯は住所は刀根山や千里園にされることをお勧めします。清風荘は良いところなんですが、18中なのでダメです。
It is read as Hotarugaike Station. You can transfer at the 2nd floor passage on the Hankyu Takarazuka Line and Osaka Monorail Line. Senri Chuo and Hotarugaike, Expo'70 Commemorative Park, Kadoma City, and Dainichi are probably monorail stations with a large number of users. This station has many users at Osaka Itami Airport, and most of them transfer to Hankyu. Airport limousine buses run from Kansai International Airport, Umeda, Namba, Tennoji, and Kobe Kyoto to Itami Airport, but the Hankyu Ikeda Line is very crowded from Toyonaka Minami to Kashima on the way, so when you don't have time, There is no doubt that you will use Hankyu & Monorail even if it is troublesome. Since Hankyu has stopped more than express trains for some time, convenience has improved considerably (Hankyu seems to be considering a new route to the airport, but I personally don't think it is necessary). .. What I don't like about this station is the passing of passengers during the morning and evening rush hours. Anyway, there are many users of monorail → Hankyu, and since the connecting passage is narrow, you may hit your shoulder if you are not careful (there is a right side passage, but there are many people who do not keep the passage narrow). After the renewal, a souvenir shop and a staggered shop were opened in the aisle, but I shouldn't be the only one who thought that I should make all the aisles without honesty. There is also a store). There is a commercial building called Luciole (Book 1st, Starbucks, Corp., Shimamura, drug store, specialty stores, Toyonaka City Library, etc.) in the vicinity, and it is convenient because it is directly connected to the station on the 2nd floor. Those who are thinking of living in the neighborhood are good for people without children or for singles. However, if you have children, you should stop. I can't explain the reason, but let's stop especially Toyonaka City 18 Junior High School District. For households with children, it is recommended that the address be Toneyama or Senrien. Seifuso is a good place, but it's not good because it's in the middle of 18.
Tan Le on Google

from about information,
B Prakoso on Google

Starting point for Airport Limousine Bus
Hendro Witjaksono on Google

This station is convenient for travelers who depart or arrive from Itami airport or Kansai airport

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