インド&パキスタン料理 HOT KITCHEN

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact インド&パキスタン料理 HOT KITCHEN

住所 :

Kuno, Koga, 〒306-0212 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Ibaraki

Kuno, Koga, 〒306-0212 Ibaraki,Japan
利根川コナン on Google

チキンビリヤニとチキンカレー? 美味しく頂きました?
Chicken biryani and chicken curry ? It was delicious ?
kero-kero on Google

ランチで訪問。Bセットを注文しました。 カレーはバターチキンとマトンの2種類をチョイス。 辛さは普通を頼んだけどあんまり辛くない。バターチキンは結構甘い感じでした。 注文する前からサラダが提供されましたw ナンは今までのお店の中で一番大きいかも… 真ん中は薄くパリパリ。端は分厚くてモチモチしたパンみたい。 食べ応えは十分です! ドリンクはラッシーにしましたが、サラっとしていて飲みやすいラッシーでした。 次はチーズナン?とかご飯系?を頼んでみようかな。
Visited for lunch. I ordered the B set. There are two types of curry, butter chicken and mutton. I asked for normal spiciness, but it's not very spicy. The butter chicken was pretty sweet. Salad was served before ordering w Nan may be the biggest store ever ... The center is thin and crispy. The edges are thick and chewy like bread. The response to eating is enough! I made the drink lassi, but it was smooth and easy to drink. Next, let's order Cheese Nan ? or rice ?.
タカハシA on Google

I visited for lunch on Sunday. Curry fried rice lunch set 850 yen (rice large serving + 150 yen) and curry lunch B set 900 yen, curry ordered daily beans and chicken & mutton. Nan is free of charge. I'm glad that Nan is big! It was a hot naan with a little salt. The curry is refreshing. it was delicious.
いちゆ on Google

ディナーに、ジャガイモマトンとパラタを食べました。 ジャガイモマトンはパクチー入りで美味しかった。普段はパクチーは入っていないので今日はラッキーでした! パクチー好きな人は店員さんに一言、パクチー好きなんですと声かけると入れてもらえるかもしれません。 パクチーがあればの話ですが。
I had potato mutton and paratha for dinner. The potato mutton was delicious with coriander. I was lucky today because I don't usually have coriander! If you like coriander, you may be able to get it by telling the clerk that you like coriander. If you have coriander.
Moomoo on Google

いつもランチで近くによると利用させてもらっています。外観が小汚いので女性利用者が少ないですが、男性利用率は高い。 店内も質素。 混んでないので穴場です。 オススメは『バターチキンカレー』で初めてのインドカレー&幼児にもおすすめの甘さでコクがあり、Aセット¥800税込から食べれます。 この値段でバターチキンカレーを食べれるのは有難い!他店では高い値段で提供してるので、¥800税込では食べれませんよ(^_^;) セットのラッシーもこの手の店より濃くて美味しく、このお店がお気に入りの理由の一つ。 ナンも大きい部類に入り、お子様セットがメニューにないので老人、幼児にはナンはおおきく、食べきれません。残したナンはお持ち帰りも出来ます。是非お声がけを!ナンは甘党の人にはもっと甘くても良い意見はありますが、ほどよく甘さと塩気があり、3歳の息子がお持ち帰りナンを食べ、2日連続バターチキンカレーを食べたいとせがまれ来店するぐらい気に入ってます。 ビリヤニも古河市のインドカレー店で提供は少ないですが、こちらはランチでも注文出来ます。インド米>日本米なので、オリジナルチャーハンはインド米のほうがおすすめかも。チキンビリヤニ¥1000税込はインド米になり◎味付けは日本人向けに作ってるのでそこまでスパイスは効いてないかな。ご飯の量は多いので満腹になります(汗) カレーの辛さは10辛まで無料でそれ以上は有料になり、ここまで辛さを選べるのは古河市のインドカレー店ではここだけかも。 10辛はココイチの無料辛さMAXより手前ぐらい。辛さに挑戦したい人にはおすすめのお店です。 また、テイクアウト専用のメニューがあるので是非機会があれば注文を。 お店の人は日本語が通じて親切なので接客も気に入ってます?
I always use it for lunch, according to the neighborhood. The appearance is a little dirty, so there are few female users, but the male usage rate is high. The inside of the store is also simple. It's not crowded, so it's a little-known spot. We recommend "Butter Chicken Curry" for the first time in Indian curry & the sweetness recommended for infants, and you can eat it from A set ¥ 800 including tax. Thank you for eating butter chicken curry at this price! Other stores offer it at a high price, so you can't eat it for ¥ 800 including tax (^ _ ^;) The lassi of the set is also darker and tastier than this kind of shop, which is one of the reasons I like this shop. Nan is also in the big category, and since the children's set is not on the menu, naan is too big for the elderly and toddlers to eat. You can take the leftover Nan with you. Please give me a voice! Nan has a sweet and salty opinion, but it's moderately sweet and salty, and my 3-year-old son eats takeaway naan and eats butter chicken curry for two consecutive days. I like it so much that I rarely come to the store. Biryani is also rarely offered at the Indian curry shop in Koga City, but you can also order it for lunch. Indian rice> Japanese rice, so Indian rice may be recommended for the original fried rice. Chicken Biryani ¥ 1000 Tax included is Indian rice ◎ The seasoning is made for Japanese people, so I wonder if the spices are not so effective. The amount of rice is large, so you will be full (sweat) The spiciness of curry is free up to 10 spicy and there is a charge for more than that, so it may be only here at the Indian curry shop in Koga City that you can choose the spiciness so far. 10 spicy is about before Cocoichi's free spicy MAX. This shop is recommended for those who want to try spiciness. Also, there is a menu dedicated to takeout, so if you have a chance, order it. The people at the shop are fluent in Japanese and kind, so I like the customer service ?
Nawab Nasir Mahmood on Google

Amazing Food Best Pakistani/Indian Delicacy ever have in Koga, Pls must Visit.
Jagmohan Singh on Google

Hot Kitchen no one Indian and Pakistani food super cheese nan and nali Nihari Enjoy diners food thanks to Hot Kitchan koga
Asif Waseem on Google

Best in halal Pakistani food there is one mutton curry dish is very tasty

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