おしむら歯科・こども矯正歯科クリニック - Nagoya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おしむら歯科・こども矯正歯科クリニック

住所 :

Hosokomecho, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, 〒454-0847 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 454-0847
Webサイト : https://oshimura-dc.com/
街 : Aichi

Hosokomecho, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, 〒454-0847 Aichi,Japan
Ha Ru on Google

I asked for a consultation about correcting children. The female teacher took the time to explain to the children why the teeth were misaligned in an easy-to-understand manner. I was relieved that my child was motivated by the device that made going to the hospital fun. There is also a large kids space, making it easy to go to the hospital even with children. The receptionist and the staff were kind and very nice.
えお on Google

虫歯治療で利用させていただきました。 こども矯正歯科クリニックとの名前ですが、子供から大人まで幅広い年代の患者さんが多数見受けられました。 また、キッズコーナーがあり、親御さんも安心して利用できる歯医者さんだと思います。 治療に関しても、虫歯ができやすい体質なもので多くのクリニックを利用していたのですが、その中でも不快感が一切なかったです。 他クリニックと比べても手際の良さや雰囲気がとてもよかったです。 一番驚いたのは虫歯治療で痛みを感じなかった(最初の麻酔以外)ところです。 麻酔をしても少なからず痛みを感じるクリニックが多い中、痛みが無く、不快感や抵抗感が少ないと感じました。 今後も定期的に利用したいと思いました。
I used it for dental caries treatment. Although the name is Children's Orthodontic Clinic, many patients of all ages, from children to adults, were seen. In addition, there is a kids' corner, and I think that parents can use it with confidence. As for treatment, I used to use many clinics because I had a constitution that was prone to tooth decay, but I didn't feel any discomfort. Compared to other clinics, the dexterity and atmosphere were very good. What surprised me most was that I didn't feel any pain with the dental caries treatment (other than the first anesthesia). While many clinics felt pain even after anesthesia, I felt that there was no pain and there was little discomfort or resistance. I wanted to use it regularly in the future.
ROPE LONG on Google

子どもの矯正でお世話になっています。 子どもの歯並びが気になったのがきっかけでしたが、矯正相談で子どもの全身的な健康、将来を見据えた治療を提案してくださり、納得の治療を提案してくだり、家族で予防歯科に通院しています。 また、先生もスタッフの方もみなさんアットホームであたたかく、優しい雰囲気で子どもも安心して楽しく通院しています。 子どもが歯の学校に入学し、むし歯にならないお菓子の選び方を教えてもらい、学んできたことを報告してくれます。 歯医者さんがこんなことしてくれるなんてびっくりです!!
I am indebted to the correction of my child. I was worried about the child's dentition, but in the orthodontic consultation, he suggested the child's general health and future-oriented treatment, and he suggested a convincing treatment, and preventive dentistry with my family. I go to the hospital. In addition, the teachers and staff are all at home, and the friendly atmosphere makes children feel at ease and enjoy going to the hospital. Your child will be enrolled in a dental school, will be taught how to choose sweets that will not cause cavities, and will report what they have learned. I'm surprised that the dentist will do this! !!
INSEVE. inc on Google

仕事でいくつかの歯科医院と関わっておりますが、 院長先生はじめ、スタッフさんもとりわけ勤勉で知識もあり 患者さんとしては安心して治療を任せられるという印象です。 特に小児矯正については、院長先生が幼少期の体験を踏まえて 治療にあたってくれることもあり、 子ども側・親側双方の視点から的確にアドバイスをしてくれることも いわゆる1つの特徴であると感じます。
I have been involved with several dental clinics at work, The director and staff are especially diligent and knowledgeable. As a patient, I have the impression that the treatment can be entrusted with peace of mind. Especially for pediatric orthodontics, the director is based on his childhood experience. Sometimes they will treat you It can also give accurate advice from the perspectives of both the child and the parent. I feel that it is one of the so-called features.
岡田紗也加 on Google

清潔感があり、気持ちの良い歯医者さんです。 内観はもちろん、受付の方が明るく迎えてくださり、治療に関しても、院長先生や歯科助手さんたちが丁寧に説明や、家庭でのアドバイスもしてくださり、心強いです。 また乳幼児期の食べ方、歯のお手入れの仕方など、小児科さんや保健センターでは教えてくれない事も詳しく教えていただけるので、今では親子共々お世話になっています。
A clean and comfortable dentist. It is encouraging that the receptionist welcomes us not only introspection but also in the treatment, and the director and dental assistants give detailed explanations and advice at home. In addition, parents and children are now indebted to me because they can teach me in detail things that pediatrics and health centers do not teach, such as how to eat in early childhood and how to care for teeth.
A C on Google

The dental assistant who received the treatment felt uncomfortable from beginning to end and was very uncomfortable. Since I had cavities for the first time, I wanted to receive a thorough explanation of the treatment policy, but what should I do with the next appointment without any explanation? When. The chairman's explanation is blunt, and he said that he should be treated early because it is quite big, and when he tried to make an appointment, he could only get it one month later. I was told that there would be no problem. I didn't understand the meaning.
しーちゃん on Google

A beautiful dentist. All the staff are kind, and you can rest assured that you will take the time to treat yourself. I consulted with other orthodontics, but I think Oshimura Dental is focusing on orthodontics for children who do not use the first wire! I am very grateful to be able to leave my child in the nursery.
ミツ on Google

10年近く、治療や定期検診でお世話になっている歯科です。ここ何年か前に、お父さん先生から娘さん先生に代替わりをされ、最近では子供の歯列矯正にも力を入れている医院です。病院自体もキレイです。 歯科医、歯科衛生士、その他のスタッフの人数が多いからか、いつも賑やかな印象です。 混雑する日は駐車場が満車になりがちですが、近隣のコインパーキングとも提携しています。 子供の託児スペースには保育士さんがいて、親も落ち着いて治療を受けられる環境が整っています。 最近、子供がマイオブレース矯正のトレーニングを全て終え、経過観察となりました。治療前は下の前歯の歯並びがガタガタで、学校の歯科検診でもひっかかるような歯並びでしたが、5〜6年通院し続けた結果、見本の歯のように綺麗に整いました。 マイオブレース矯正は、マウスピースをつける子供だけでなく、子供のトレーニングに向き合う親にも根気が必要です。(うちは大人が言わないと、なかなかトレーニングをしたがらなかったので、チクチクと言う必要がありました) ですが、口のトレーニングの全過程を終えてみると、歯並びも良くなり、口周りの妙なクセ(ポカン口など)もなくなり、とても価値のあるものだったと思います。 また、子供が続けて通いたくなるような工夫もされていて、とても暖かな雰囲気です。 大人の治療に関しては、こちらがあれこれ質問しても、先生や歯科衛生士さんは丁寧に向き合ってくれます。気になることは説明を受けるだけでなく、自分から聞いてみると良いと思います。 ただ、人気の歯科のせいか、予約がやや取りにくいです。そして、診察までに待ち時間が発生することもあるので、時間にゆとりのある日に予約を入れるようにした方が、ゆったりとした気持ちでいられると思います。なので星4つとさせていただきました。 コロナ対策も、きちんと取り組んでいるように思われます。
It is a dentistry that has been indebted for treatment and regular examinations for nearly 10 years. A few years ago, my father replaced my daughter, and recently I am also focusing on orthodontics for my children. The hospital itself is also beautiful. The number of dentists, dental hygienists, and other staff is large, so it always gives a lively impression. The parking lot tends to be full on busy days, but we also have a partnership with a nearby coin parking lot. There is a nursery teacher in the childcare space, and the environment is set up so that parents can calmly receive treatment. Recently, my child has completed all my obrace correction training and has been followed up. Before the treatment, the dentition of the lower anterior teeth was loose, and it was a dentition that would get caught in the dental examination at school, but as a result of continuing to go to the hospital for 5 to 6 years, it was neatly arranged like a sample tooth. Myobrace correction requires patience not only for children who wear mouthpieces, but also for parents who face their child's training. (I didn't want to train unless an adult told me, so I had to say it was tingling.) However, when I finished the whole process of mouth training, my teeth were aligned better and there were no strange habits around my mouth (such as Pokan mouth), so I think it was very valuable. In addition, it has been devised so that children will want to continue going, and it has a very warm atmosphere. When it comes to treating adults, even if you ask a lot of questions, the teachers and dental hygienists will take care of you. I think it's a good idea not only to receive explanations about what you are interested in, but also to ask yourself. However, it is a little difficult to make a reservation, probably because of the popular dentistry. Also, there may be a waiting time before the examination, so I think it's better to make an appointment on a day with plenty of time to feel more relaxed. So I decided to give it 4 stars. Corona measures also seem to be working properly.

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