海鮮フランス料理 尾野 - Kobe

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 海鮮フランス料理 尾野

住所 :

Hoshigaoka, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0032 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 655-0032
街 : Hyogo

Hoshigaoka, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0032 Hyogo,Japan
kei tyan on Google

美味しかった 家族経営と 聞いていますが シェフからの 指示なども 丁寧な言葉使いで とても 好感を持ちました
was delicious I heard that it is a family business Instructions from the chef With polite language I liked it very much
9 9 on Google

I had a full course at lunch. As it may happen, the meat plate was more delicious than the seafood. I would like to use it again.
ダイアナミーコ on Google

Thank you for your kindness from the time of booking the shop. In the evening, there is a course of ¥ 2500 ¥ 3400 ¥ 4500 ¥ 6300. I chose fish or meat as the course because I chose the course for ¥ 3400. Dessert is an extra charge, but you can eat 4 kinds of dessert for 380 yen. The French food that can be eaten with chopsticks was delicious. Please bring a refill for the bucket. As for wine, I failed a little because I didn't know which wine would suit the dish, probably because there was no sommelier.
apple on Google

バスで星陵台3丁目周辺、垂水一美味しいというフレンチのランチへお伺いしました。まず、オーナーと思われる男性の電話対応がとても良く、素敵なお店なのだろうと思い実際に行ってみると、とても丁寧な接客でひた。ランチは1900円をオーダー。スープ、バケット、そしてメインが魚とお肉を選べます。 どちらも美味しくて最高でした。デザートも食べたかったですが、調子にのってバケットを食べすぎたので次回です、、、お隣が頼んでいましたが、可愛らしいドルチェのアソートが美しかったです。美味しそうです。
We took a bus to a French lunch around Seiryodai 3-chome, where Tarumi was the most delicious. First of all, I thought that the man who seems to be the owner had a very good telephone response, and I thought it was a nice shop, and when I actually went there, I was very polite. I ordered 1900 yen for lunch. You can choose fish and meat for soup, bucket, and main course. Both were delicious and awesome. I also wanted to eat dessert, but I ate too much bucket, so next time ... My neighbor asked me, but the cute Dolce assortment was beautiful. It looks delicious.
Yuya Abe (ユーヤベ) on Google

星稜台にあるおしゃれなフレンチ料理屋。地元では有名で、おしゃれなご夫婦や家族がランチされていました。 場所もわかりやすく、駐車場もあり、アクセスはしやすいと思います。駅からは少し遠いのでバスか車ですね。 コースをいただきましたが、ワインとともにすべて食べたかったなぁと。車ではそれが難しいので、やはりバスで来るのが一番です。
A fashionable French restaurant on Seiryodai. Famous locally, fashionable couples and families were having lunch. The location is easy to understand, there is a parking lot, and I think it is easy to access. It's a little far from the station, so it's a bus or a car. I had a course, but I wanted to eat it all with wine. It's difficult to do by car, so it's best to come by bus.
トモ on Google

リーズナブルな価格のランチの中で一番安い2100円のお料理を頂いた。 スープも一口目はあっさり、徐々に旨みに導かれて行くような。 さっとオーブンしたフランスパンも添えられたバターの相性もいい。 連れはラム私はスズキのパイ包み。 共に価格を抑えた分手をかけて工夫を凝らしたお料理。 食後のホットコーヒーはビターが効いた本格的なコーヒーだったので少々驚いた。 しっかりしたランチを手軽にリーズナブルな価格で頂いた。
I got the cheapest 2100 yen dish among the reasonably priced lunches. The first bite of the soup is light, and it seems that the taste is gradually guided. It goes well with butter, which is served with a quick oven of French bread. My companion is Lamb I'm a sea bass pie wrap. Both are dishes that have been devised with a lot of effort to keep prices down. I was a little surprised that the hot coffee after the meal was a full-fledged coffee with bitterness. I had a solid lunch easily and at a reasonable price.
Hashimoto Naoko on Google

20年以上通っているお気に入りのお箸でいただくフレンチ。 スタッフもジーンズというカジュアルさ。 パン、バター 前菜:穴子のアラビアータ サラダ:鱧と海老のサラダ グリーンソース スープ:サツマイモの温かいスープ 魚料理:鯛のソテー キャロットソース 口直し:シークワーサーとてんさい糖のシャーベット メイン:牛フィレステーキ 赤ワインソース デザート:4種盛 紅茶 フルコース 5000円 メインアップ料金 500円弱 デザート 420円 味もお値段も満足 時間短縮営業の為フォアグラのコースはやってないそうです
French with your favorite chopsticks that have been around for over 20 years. The staff is also casual with jeans. Bread, butter Appetizer: Conger eel arabiata Salad: Conger and shrimp salad with green sauce Soup: Warm sweet potato soup Fish dish: Sauteed sea bream with carrot sauce Rehearsal: Citrus depressa and sugar beet sorbet Main: Beef fillet steak with red wine sauce Dessert: 4 kinds Tea Full course 5000 yen Main up fee: less than 500 yen Dessert 420 yen Satisfied with the taste and price It seems that the foie gras course is not done because of the time saving business
さくら on Google

I was very satisfied with the carefully prepared dishes ❗ (Fish main course) It was delicious and I was able to enjoy it, so even if there is a little more volume ?

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