亀石の滝 - Shinshiro

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 亀石の滝

住所 :

Horaiji, Kadoya, Shinshiro, 〒441-1944 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 441-1944
街 : Aichi

Horaiji, Kadoya, Shinshiro, 〒441-1944 Aichi,Japan
T G on Google

It's not famous and it's close but you can go there quickly, but it's impressive.
ナベヤネン on Google

いきなり目の前に! 想像よりも立派で感動した!
Suddenly in front of you! I was impressed with it more than I imagined!
Akira M on Google

水量は多くはないが高さがあるので迫力があります。 水が澄んでいて綺麗なのが素晴らしい。この辺りのカワノ水はどこもきれいです。
The amount of water is not large, but it is powerful because it is tall. It is wonderful that the water is clear and beautiful. Kawano water around here is clean everywhere.
candy train on Google

It is basically a waterfall with a small amount of water. However, the 32m high, almost vertically steep monolithic appearance is spectacular and worth a visit.
Kenji Matsumoto on Google

落差は約30メートル。実物を見ると写真よりも大きく見えます。 なお、当日は水量が少なかったため、滝つぼの手前まで近づくことができました。
The head is about 30 meters. When you look at the real thing, it looks bigger than the picture. The amount of water was small on the day, so I was able to get close to the waterfall.
Yoshimasa Gimbara on Google

I walked with a camera ? and a tripod for about 2 hours on foot from the prefectural forest parking lot.
津村秀次 on Google

前日の雨が嘘のように晴天の1日でした。 正に目に青葉でした。 滝も心地よい音にとても癒されました。
The previous day's rain was a fine day like a lie. It was green leaves in my eyes. The waterfall was also soothed by the pleasing sound.
se ka on Google

落差数十メートルを誇る 愛知県民の森の最深部に位置する 滝です 日頃は水量少な目なようです 雨天3日続いた翌日お伺いしました 県民の森駐車場から 歩いて1時間強です 整備された遊歩道がありますが 微妙に登り坂で砂利道です 紅葉の時期にはまた違った景色を楽しめそうです 日頃の運動不足にはいいと思いますが 当方は筋肉痛確定です(^_^;) 日帰り温泉もあるようで 帰りに寄るのもいいかと ただ営業時間が15時までのようです 熊には遭遇しませんでしたが マムシにはお出迎えいただきました (^_^;)
Located in the deepest part of the Aichi Prefectural Forest, which boasts a head of several tens of meters It's a waterfall It seems that the amount of water is small on a daily basis I visited the next day after 3 days of rain It is a little over an hour's walk from the prefectural forest parking lot. There is a well-maintained promenade, but it is a gravel road with a slight uphill slope. It seems that you can enjoy a different view during the autumn leaves I think it's good for lack of exercise on a daily basis, but we have confirmed muscle pain (^ _ ^;) There seems to be a day trip hot spring, so it's okay to stop by on the way home It seems that the business hours are until 15:00 I didn't encounter a bear, but a pit viper welcomed me. (^ _ ^;)

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