
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

ダイハツプラザ浪速|大阪市西区のダイハツショールーム - Daihatsu.me


Contact ダイハツプラザ浪速

住所 :

Honden, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0022 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.daihatsu.me/
街 : Osaka

Honden, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0022 Osaka,Japan
東本つたえ on Google

雰囲気も良く店長さん含めスタッフの皆さんが明るいとてもフレンドリーなお店です。 感染予防もバッチリ! 対面商談が出来よかった。 親切丁寧な対応で安心して購入できました。
The atmosphere is good and the staff including the manager are cheerful and very friendly. Infection prevention is perfect! It was good to have a face-to-face business talk. I was able to purchase with confidence due to the kind and polite response.
誠勇 on Google

3月 タフトGターボ納車。初訪問時から店長担当。他の方も書かれてるように店長は熱い人。売るだけの熱さではない、接客の熱意。 正直。だから信用できる。こちらの意に沿ったかたちで最大限に努力してくれる。お店の雰囲気◎スタッフ対応◎ 自分もクチコミを見て訪れた口で、その通りのお店 ここで購入して良かったと思えるお店。お店も正直 自分も正直な感想です。(タフトの満足度は高いです?️予防安全性能Aランク?おめでとう)
March Taft G turbo delivery. In charge of the store manager from the first visit. The store manager is a hot person as others have written. The enthusiasm of customer service, not just the heat of selling. Honesty. So you can trust it. He will do his best in a way that suits his wishes. Atmosphere of the shop ◎ Staff support ◎ The shop that I visited after seeing the word-of-mouth, and I think it was good to buy it here. The shop and honesty I have an honest impression. (Taft's satisfaction is high ?️ Preventive safety performance A rank ? Congratulations)
牧野A on Google

他の方が載せられている通り、初めの相談〜納車まで、店長が全て対応してくれ、お任せできる方でした。 納車も車検までに間に合わせていただき、スムーズに購入できました。 また、子供2人連れての訪問も、始めての訪問から嫌な顔せず、子供達に色々と配慮していただき感謝しております。
As other people have posted, the store manager took care of everything from the initial consultation to delivery, and he was the one who could leave it to us. The car was delivered in time for the vehicle inspection, and I was able to purchase it smoothly. In addition, I am grateful to the children for their consideration, even when visiting with two children, without having to look unpleasant from the first visit.
Yumi Yasuhara on Google

もともとは違うメーカーの車を買うつもりだったのですが、このお店にフラッと立ち寄り、笹本店長やスタッフの方が他のどこのお店よりも信頼できたので、思わずこちらで購入することに(≧∇≦) 笹本店長は、とにかくこちらの要望に沿って希望に応えてくれる方で、“店側が売りたい車よりもお客さまが満足いく車を!”という気持ちが伝わってきます。 車のこと何でも分かっていて、車への愛がすごくって、そんな熱意と誠意のあるプロフェッショナルな店長と出逢えてとても嬉しいです(*⁰▿⁰*) 今まで車はただの足だと思っていたのですが、初めて愛着を持って運転するようになりました(≧∀≦) ありがとうございます♪
Originally I was planning to buy a car from a different manufacturer, but I stopped by this shop and the manager and staff of Sasamoto were more reliable than any other shop, so I decided to buy it here. (≧ ∇ ≦) The manager of Sasamoto is a person who responds to this request anyway, and conveys the feeling that "a car that customers are more satisfied with than the car that the store wants to sell!" I know everything about cars, I love cars so much, and I'm very happy to meet a professional store manager with such enthusiasm and sincerity (* ⁰▿⁰ *) I used to think that a car was just a foot, but for the first time I started driving with attachment (≧ ∀ ≦) Thank you ♪
*Yuko* on Google

こちらでムーヴキャンバスを購入しました。 商談から納車まで文句なし、完璧な対応をしてくださいました。 店長が熱い!即決出来ました。かゆいとこに手が届くとはこの事だと思うほど、話が早くこちらの希望をよくわかってくださいました。 今まで色んなディーラーさんと関わってきましたが、過去一良かったです。納得のいく気持ちいいお買い物になりました。クルマの購入を考えてる人に絶対にオススメしたいです。店長にもハマります(o´艸`)DAIHATSU車はここで買わなきゃ損だと正直、思いました。
I bought the Move Canvas here. He gave us a perfect response from business negotiations to delivery. The store manager is hot! I was able to make a prompt decision. The story was so quick that I thought it was this that I could reach my itchy cousin, and he understood my wishes well. I've been involved with various dealers so far, but it was the best in the past. It was a satisfying and pleasant shopping experience. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking about buying a car. I'm also addicted to the store manager (o´ 艸 `) I honestly thought that it would be a loss if I had to buy a DAIHATSU car here.
大城工業 on Google

とても親切で良い店です。 店も大きい通り沿いで入りやすいです。 いろんな種類の車を展示しているので選びやすいです。
It's a very kind and good shop. The shops are also easy to enter along the big street. It is easy to choose because there are various types of cars on display.
裕豊 on Google

ムーヴキャンバスに決めて良かった~? 笹本店長に出会えて良かった~? 他にいくつか候補があったなかで一番親身になって話してくれたのが笹本店長でした~? こちらの希望に全て応えてくれるんじゃないかというのをすごく感じたのと、近々大阪を離れる事を伝えたらその先の事まで任せて下さいとおっしゃって頂いてほんと頼りになる方だなと思いました~? それにサービス精神旺盛で正直軽自動車でそこまでしてくれるんや~と思うくらい色々頑張って頂きました?✨ こちらのくだらない話にも付き合ってくれる明るい店長ですしね? 女性スタッフの方達も素敵な笑顔で対応して頂きほんとありがとうございました? ほんと素敵なお店素敵な店長素敵な女性スタッフに出会えて良かったです?✨ 何かひとつでも悪口書いてやろうって思ったのですが見つかりませんでした~? 笹本店長ありがとうございました~~?
I'm glad I decided on the Move Canvas ~ ? I'm glad I met the manager of Sasamoto ~ ? Among the other candidates, the one who was the most friendly and talked to me was the manager of Sasamoto ~ ? I really felt that he would respond to all of my wishes, and I think he is a reliable person who told me that he will leave Osaka soon and that he will take care of the rest. It was ~ ? Besides, he has a strong spirit of service and honestly, he did his best to think that he would do that with a light car ? ✨ It's a cheerful store manager who can deal with this silly story ? Thank you very much for the female staff who responded with a wonderful smile ? Really nice shop Nice store manager It was nice to meet a nice female staff ? ✨ I thought I'd write something bad, but I couldn't find it ~ ? Thank you to the manager of Sasamoto ~~ ?
藤本悠二 on Google

We were able to respond very smoothly to delivery! The atmosphere of the shop is always bright and it is easy to enter. I bought a different model from the one I was interested in at first, but I'm happy because he listened to me and recommended the one that suits our lifestyle! !!

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