Honda Dream Okazaki - Okazaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honda Dream Okazaki

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Tatsumiminami, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0874, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 444-0874
Webサイト :

1 Chome-1-1 Tatsumiminami, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0874, Japan
本田圭一 on Google

初めてドリーム店で、購入させて頂きました♪ 接客も良いですが電話対応が納得いきませんね。こちらから掛けると面倒さそうになっている 契約後、粗品がないのが残念 高価な商品を購入したので責めてティシュ一箱でも 店が大きくなるとサービスも
I bought it at the dream store for the first time ♪ The customer service is good, but I'm not satisfied with the telephone response. It seems to be troublesome to hang from here It is a pity that there are no crude products after the contract I bought an expensive product, so I blame it and even a box of teash will provide service when the store grows
masafumi sakai on Google

初めてのバイク購入で心配でしたが、店長さんが最初から最後まで簡潔に案内してくれたので、とても気持ちよく手続きを進めることが出来ました。 また、納車時にも丁寧に説明やアドバイスをして下さいました。 自信を持ってお勧めできるお店です。
I was worried about buying a motorcycle for the first time, but the store manager gave me a brief guide from the beginning to the end, so I was able to proceed with the procedure very comfortably. He also gave me detailed explanations and advice when delivering the car. It is a shop that you can recommend with confidence.
能登漢ゲェジ on Google

他店で買ったスーパーフォアの点検でお世話になりました。もうスーフォア売っちゃったけど。他店購入バイクでも嫌な顔せずに点検引き受けてくれて助かりました。 対応はバイク店と言うより車のディーラー並で丁寧。さすがはドリームの看板背負ってるなと。安心してホンダのバイクを任せられます。 整備士の兄ちゃんからもアドバイス頂き良いバイクライフを送ることができました。 ホンダのバイクに乗り換える時はここで購入しようと思います。
I was taken care of by checking the super fore bought at another store. I already sold sufo. Even a motorcycle purchased at another store took care of the inspection without a bad face and was saved. Correspondence is polite like a car dealer rather than a motorcycle store. As expected, I'm carrying a dream signboard. You can leave your Honda bike with confidence. I was able to send a good motorcycle life with advice from my brother. I would like to purchase here when I switch to Honda motorcycle.
半クラッチの人生(YAMASHO) on Google

初めてのバイクをホンダドリームさんで購入しました! 店員さんと整備の方々の接客がとても素晴らしい! そして、メンテナンス等も初心者に対して分かりやすく、とても丁寧に教えてくれます? このお店でバイクを買ってとてもよかったです❗
I bought my first motorcycle at Honda Dream! The customer service of the clerk and the maintenance staff is very wonderful! Also, maintenance etc. are easy to understand for beginners and will teach you very carefully ? I'm very glad I bought a bike at this shop ❗
徳倉泰広 on Google

HONDAのCBR650Rの試乗の為に行きましたが、店員さんの親切な対応、接客がすごく良かったです。 どうしても欲しくて購入を検討しているバイクでしたので、試乗もできて良かったです。 ですが、道路状況的には試乗するにも渋滞が多くて、なかなか思うようには乗れませんでした。 また、バイクを見に行きたいです。
I went for a test drive of HONDA's CBR650R, but the kindness of the clerk and the customer service were very good. It was a bike that I really wanted and was considering purchasing, so it was good to be able to test drive it. However, due to the road conditions, there was a lot of traffic even when I tried the test drive, so I couldn't get on as I expected. I also want to go see a motorcycle.
Tahara Red on Google

It is a long-established dream store, and it is a store that we can recommend with confidence to people who like motorcycles for the first time and riders who mainly aim for sports driving.
candy train on Google

It was nice to be able to straddle the main products lined up in a beautiful store. You can also rent or test drive.
hrnr aksh on Google

会社の同僚のバイク試乗についていきました。綺麗な店舗でした。 モデルにもよるかと思いますが、このご時世のバイク乗りの増加と半導体の供給不足から納車は3ヶ月待ちとのことです。購入の方は中古も高騰しているし、新車を辛抱強く待つしかないか?
I followed the bike test drive of a colleague of the company. It was a beautiful store. I think it depends on the model, but due to the increase in motorcycle riding and the shortage of semiconductor supply at this time, delivery is waiting for 3 months. For those who purchase, the price of used cars is soaring, so is there no choice but to wait patiently for a new car?

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