Honda Cars Osaka - Daito

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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About Honda Cars Osaka




    Contact Honda Cars Osaka

    住所 :

    2-23 Fukonominamicho, Daito, Osaka 574-0075, Japan

    電話 : 📞 +8787
    Postal code : 574-0075
    Webサイト :

    2-23 Fukonominamicho, Daito, Osaka 574-0075, Japan
    Shinichi Kurosawa on Google

    I had reserved a car for inspection, but there was no car on the day. I sent you back.
    朝一 on Google

    整備士さんが真面目 親切 丁寧 営業さんは話題豊富で関心します
    The mechanic is serious and kind The sales person has a lot of topics and is interested
    ぶるうすりい on Google

    来店するとすぐさま出迎えに来てくれる 待ち時間はジュース飲み放題サービスあり 高い買い物だが、アフターフォローは良いと思います
    Come to meet you as soon as you come to the store There is an all-you-can-drink juice service during the waiting period It's expensive, but after-sales follow is good
    新開久美子 on Google

    As soon as you come to the store, someone will welcome you, a vending machine is set up and you can drink as much as you want, of course free! It's a good place to go anytime.
    にゃんこのお守り on Google

    Everyone is kind and pleasant. I wonder if there is no choice but to be enthusiastic about making money ...
    山田太郎 on Google

    ここの整備士さんはとても優秀で安心して車を見てもらえます。 乗り換えて、残念ながらホンダの車でなくなりましたが、ずっと、こちらで点検、車検をお願いしてました。 某量販店や、乗っていた車のディーラーでは、不要な整備士を言われたりして、不信感がありましたが、こちらのディーラーは、そういったことが一切なく、安心して愛車をお願いできました。
    The mechanic here is very good and you can see the car with confidence. Unfortunately, I changed trains and it was no longer a Honda car, but I asked for inspections and vehicle inspections here all the time. At a certain mass retailer and the dealer of the car I was riding in, I was distrustful because I was told by an unnecessary mechanic, but this dealer never did that and I was able to ask for my car with confidence. ..
    下山栄一 on Google

    ジェイドRSの車検でした 五年で12万5千キロ はしっていたので いろいろと交換部品も多く かなり金額がいってしまいました が いろいろと細かく説明もしてもらい納得の車検でした
    It was an inspection of Jade RS I knew 125,000 kilometers in five years, Many replacement parts I paid a lot of money It was a convincing vehicle inspection that he explained in various ways.
    植田淳史 on Google

    情報、頂きました。 2月19日20日梅田 紀伊国屋書店のBIGMAN広場でステップワゴンが展示されます。
    I received the information. February 19th and 20th Step WGN will be exhibited at BIGMAN Square of Kinokuniya Umeda Bookstore.

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