スペイン料理 メソンバスカ

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スペイン料理 メソンバスカ

住所 :

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001253029/%3Fvos%3Devhppsg0007%26pog%3Dmt()ti(dsa-1040297777226)dv(m)cr(482560024038)fi()gi(112457372343)ci(11562143670)lc(1009324)ps()nw(g)%26gclid%3DCj0KCQiA2NaNBhDvARIsAEw55hjoAAE5iGNdq_WqhvQ9j8fw52REt0hr2TCDZlmVAttLdjTleWvoG4QaAjF4EALw_wcB%26gclsrc%3Daw.ds
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan
Eri Nunu on Google

It is a recommended restaurant where you can enjoy delicious food and relaxed meals. The recommended dishes, oven-baked mushrooms and paella, are excellent dishes that you definitely want to order. There was a wide variety of drinks.
yumi kawa on Google

千葉・船橋でスペイン料理と言ったら「タベルナ・カディス」。 ピンチョスやパエリア等、おしゃれで美味しいお料理が名物の老舗レストランですが、そのお店の1階にある、姉妹店の「メゾン・バスカ」のランチがものすごくコスパが良いと聞いて行ってみました。 店内はカウンターとテーブル席が複数あり、席と席の間にはパーテーションが設置されているなどコロナ対策もしっかりされていました。 当然、入店直後の手指のアルコール消毒もマストです。 ランチメニューから、限定5食の「日替わりパエリアランチ」(¥1300)。 大抵のお店では、パエリアって2〜3名以上からでしかオーダー出来ない所がほとんどですが(専用の大きなパエリア鍋で作るので)、こちらのランチでは一人前からパエリアが楽しめ、更に日替わりのメインも付いて、スープにドリンクまで付くって、、いいの? まず運ばれて来たのは、野菜の旨味が溶け込んだスープ。 具材もちゃんと入っていてインスタントでは無い、滋味深い味わい。 ドリンクは桃ジュースにしました。 こちらもさっぱり美味しい! 日替わりのメインはサラダたっぷり、魚介のグリルもボリューム満点!! バジルやバルサミコ酢を使ったソースと、脂が乗ったお魚が相性抜群。 自家製ドレッシングが美味しくて、たっぷりのサラダもペロリと食べられます。 てっきりパエリアがメインで、お料理はサブ的な感じかと思っていたのに、しっかり作られていてこの一皿だけで大満足できるレベル!! 本日の日替わりパエリアは魚介。 こちらもシーフードたっぷり、見た目も美しいパエリア。 なんだこれは、、、パーティーだなっっっ!! パエリアは、魚介の旨味をしっかり含んだお米が美味しく、しっとりしていて食べやすい。 今回は魚介でしたが、日替わりなので行く度に違う味わいで楽しめますよ。 グルメサイトのクーポンを使ってデザートも。 お店で人気の濃厚なガトーショコラは、添えられたバニラアイスとブルーベリーソースで一層美味しさが引き立ちます。 一つ一つのお料理が、ボリューム満点・味も絶品! これだけ揃ってこのお値段は、サービス精神旺盛が過ぎるっっ。 おひとり様でも入りやすく、土曜日もランチ営業していますよ。 船橋駅近辺でランチをお探しの際は是非訪れてみては。 instagram @yumikohappylife
Spanish food in Funabashi, Chiba is "Taverna Cadiz". It is a long-established restaurant that specializes in fashionable and delicious dishes such as pinchos and paella, but I heard that the lunch at the sister store "Maison Basca" on the first floor of that restaurant is extremely cospa. .. There were multiple counters and table seats in the store, and there were partitions between the seats, so corona measures were well taken. Of course, alcohol disinfection of fingers immediately after entering the store is also a must. From the lunch menu, the limited 5 meals "Daily Paella Lunch" (¥ 1300). In most shops, paella can only be ordered by 2 to 3 people or more (because it is made with a large dedicated paella pot), but at this lunch you can enjoy paella from one person, and it changes daily. Is it okay to have a main course and a drink in the soup? The first thing that was brought in was a soup with the flavor of vegetables. It has a rich taste that is not instant with the ingredients properly included. The drink was peach juice. This is also delicious! The main dish that changes daily is plenty of salad, and the grilled seafood is also full of volume! !! The sauce using basil and balsamic vinegar goes well with the fatty fish. The homemade dressing is delicious, and you can eat plenty of salad. The paella is the main dish, and I thought the food was sub-like, but it was well made and I was very satisfied with this one dish! !! Today's daily paella is seafood. This is also a paella with plenty of seafood and a beautiful appearance. What's this, it's a party! !! Paella is delicious with rice that contains the umami of seafood, and is moist and easy to eat. This time it was seafood, but since it changes daily, you can enjoy it with a different taste each time you go. You can also use the coupons on the gourmet site for desserts. The rich gateau chocolate, which is popular in the shop, is further enhanced by the vanilla ice cream and blueberry sauce. Each dish is full of volume and taste is excellent! With all this, this price is too service-minded. It's easy for one person to enter, and it's open for lunch on Saturdays. If you are looking for lunch near Funabashi Station, please come visit us. instagram @yumikohappylife
chisa on Google

数年前から月1で通わせてもらっています。 スペインビールの品揃えも良いし、ご飯も美味しい!そして何より店長さんのホスピタリテが最高です!これからもお世話になります^ ^
I have been attending once a month for several years. The assortment of Spanish beers is good and the rice is delicious! And above all, the store manager's hospitality is the best! Thank you for your continued support ^ ^
中村貴之 on Google

毎週2回ほどランチでパエリアセットを注文してます‼️パエリアは、魚介類がたくさん入っていて味も格別?セットには、スープとサラダ、お肉料理or お魚料理がついています!これもまた美味です! マスターもスタッフの方も優しく温かい人たちでお店もアットホームな感じでオススメのお店です?‍♂️
I order a paella set for lunch about twice a week! ️Paella contains a lot of seafood and tastes exceptional ? The set includes soup and salad, meat dishes or fish dishes! This is also delicious! The masters and staff are kind and warm people, and the shop is recommended because it feels at home ?‍♂️
H I on Google

味も値段もとても良くて、通わせてもらっています! 雰囲気もいいですし、ランチはボリュームが多くて、男性はとても嬉しいです。女性は少し多いかもしれないですが、シェアもできるようにお皿も用意してくれました。お店の対応も嬉しかったです。 二階のタベルナカディスも系列ですが、こちらもコスパがとても良くて、船橋を案内する時に連れて行くとこの2店舗はとても喜ばれます。ありがとうございます。
The taste and price are very good, and I am allowed to go there! The atmosphere is nice and the lunch is big and men are very happy. There may be a few women, but they also prepared plates for sharing. I was happy with the store's response. The Taverna Cadiz on the second floor is also affiliated, but the cospa is also very good here, and if you take it when you guide the Funabashi, these two stores will be very pleased. thank you.
DML 61z on Google

I went there for the first time, but I don't think there is such a delicious restaurant in the neighborhood. All the food is delicious, but the sauce is especially good. The omelet and cod are also plump and nice. It looks fashionable and delights your eyes. The clerk is also polite and comfortable. Thank you for the treat ?
Suzu Suzu on Google

以前から行ってみたいな〜と思っていたスペイン料理屋さん。 ふわふわのスパニッシュオムレツ、彩りもキレイなスパニッシュバーニャカウダ、とっても柔らかいチキンのグリル。。。 人気No.1のマッシュルームのオーブン焼きはおかわりしたくなるほど美味しかった〜! 今度はランチでお邪魔したいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした♪
A Spanish restaurant that I've always wanted to visit. Fluffy Spanish omelette, beautifully colored Spanish Bagna cauda, ​​and a very soft grilled chicken. .. .. The most popular mushrooms baked in the oven were so delicious that I wanted to refill them! I would like to bother you at lunch this time. Thank you for your feast ♪
団長 on Google

2022年4月 パエリアランチをチェックしていたけど、パスタ気分だったのでボンゴレビアンコ。イカ墨のスパゲッティもそそられたのだけど。。。 サラダのドレッシングはやや甘め?スープも美味しい。 アサリたっぷりの、白ワインもたっぷりボンゴレビアンコ!ワインの風味がそこそこ強めかな? パスタの食感がゴツゴツで良い感じ。ヴォイエロのパスタを思い出した。なかなか手に入らないから違うパスタだとは思うけど。 次回はパエリア食べにこようっと。
April 2022 I was checking the paella lunch, but I felt like pasta, so I went to Vongole Bianco. The squid ink spaghetti was also intriguing. .. .. Is the salad dressing a little sweet? The soup is also delicious. Vongole Bianco with plenty of white wine and plenty of asari! Is the wine flavor so strong? The texture of the pasta is rugged and nice. I remembered Voyero's pasta. I think it's a different pasta because it's hard to get. Next time, let's go eat paella.

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