ふりそで工房 船橋店

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ふりそで工房 船橋店

住所 :

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://furisode-cobo.jp/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan
ペトラ893 on Google

It was a very polite customer service and I was happy to purchase it! I still want to use it!
N H on Google

The man who dressed was very polite. But this person seems to have retired.
サトエツ on Google

I think the price is general, but the person in charge was very kind.
ひのぼん on Google

日本語が通じないのか何度メールをしても、何度電話をしても名字も名前もかすっていない人宛てのDMが送られ続けていて我が家のポストがゴミ箱のように扱われています。 わかりました、止めますともう5回は聞いておりますがどうなっているのでしょうか? 昨年から言い続けて今年もまだ続くとは個人情報の管理もできていない会社としか思えません。 工藤千夏さんとそのご家族はもう引っ越しされていますよ。
Even if you email me many times if I can't communicate Japanese, I keep sending DM to people who have neither surname nor surname even if I call them many times and our home post is treated like trash . Okay, I stopped and asked five more times, but what happened? It seems that it is only a company that can not manage personal information to continue saying from last year and still going on this year. Mr. Chika Kudo and his family have already moved.
大力 on Google

Polite customer service. A cheerful female clerk who laughs often responded.
no mo on Google

The other day, I went to a special event to see the kimono for the coming-of-age ceremony. The telephone guide said, "The price of the rental set is the same and there is no other charge. That is the reason why we recommend it unlike other stores." I was offered options for everything from bags to collars to shawls. Even though I hadn't said that I would rent it yet, the charges were being added more and more. The number of furisode exhibits was surprisingly small, which was disappointing. Naturally, I came back after saying something.
Wakana on Google

対応にガッカリしました。もう二度と利用しません。絶対利用しない方がいいです。 長女が成人式から卒業式の袴までお世話になっていたので、こちらの工房を利用しました。次女はコロナだったので、ギリギリまで卒業式出るのをためらっていましたが、やっとの想いで出ることを決断。 長女と同じ要領で展示会を予約できる時期を考慮して電話しました。通知のハガキが来なかったのでおかしいなと思っていたのですが、いざ電話したら明日で展示会終了とのこと。その日は夜遅かったので、明日行くと伝えました。明日なら10:30~18:00までやっていると細かく教えていただきました。 そして次の日、私は行けなかったので、都合を付けた娘を一人で行かせました。 自宅から30分かけやっとの思いでお店に到着すると、迎えられる様子もなく、何しに来たのと言わんばかりの態度。「昨日母が電話したものです。今日展示会やってると言われて来たんですけど・・・」と伝えると、何やら店員は困った様子で、奥の方で他の店員と相談し始め、 「展示会は昨日で終わってます。」と言われ、もう見せれないという雰囲気だったそうです。 勇気を振り絞り娘は 「母が今日までやってると聞いたので、来たのですが、、」と伝えると、上の人が来るなり 「展示会は昨日で終わってしまって、今全部閉まってるところなんですよ〜」 娘はビックリしたみたいで、再度私に確認の電話を入れたみたいです。私は仕事で電話にでれなかったのですが、その様子を見兼ねた店員は 「袴だったらまだ残ってるので見ていきますか?」と袴だけ見せられました。上の柄もみてないのに決められないにきまってます。 娘も「袴って上の柄をみて決めますよね〜??」と店員に確認。すると、店員は少し残ってる箱ずめした着物を持ってきて(10着ぐらい)、ここから決めろと言わんばかりの態度。 店員さんに「どうしますか」と言われ、 娘も、いいのがあればそこから決めようと思ったみたいですが、気持ち的にも上がらず、結局「もういいです。今回は諦めます」とお断りしガッカリして、帰宅。 その後私がその事を聞き、確認の電話を入れました。すると、店員はまた「展示会は昨日までだったんです」の一点張り。 そして更には「ホームページには記載してました」とのこと。長女のときはハガキで知らせが来たのですが、次女にはこなかったことを伝えると、それでもホームページを確認しなかったのが悪いと言わんばかりの口調。そしてやっと昨日対応した電話の人に確認とるこのこと。 数分後に確認がとれ、やはりその方の手違いで誤情報を伝えてしまっていたそうです。 謝ってはくださいましたが、 娘がどんな気持ちで袴を借りに行ったのか考慮してくださらず、それを踏みにじるような態度をとられ、娘の気持ちを考えるとどうしても腑に落ちずこちらに書かせていただきました。 成人式の特典として袴が無料で借りれるとの事でしたが、結局借りずに諦めました。 長々と失礼いたしました。
I was disappointed with the response. I will never use it again. You should never use it. My eldest daughter was indebted to me from the coming-of-age ceremony to the graduation hakama, so I used this workshop. My second daughter was Corona, so I hesitated to attend the graduation ceremony until the last minute, but I finally decided to attend. I called in consideration of the time when I could book the exhibition in the same way as my eldest daughter. I thought it was strange because the postcard for the notification did not come, but when I called, the exhibition would end tomorrow. It was late at night, so I told him I would go tomorrow. I was told in detail that I will be doing it from 10:30 to 18:00 tomorrow. And the next day, I couldn't go, so I let my daughter go alone. When I finally arrived at the shop in 30 minutes from my home, I didn't seem to be greeted, and I just said what I was coming to. When I said, "My mother called me yesterday. I was told that I was holding an exhibition today ...", the clerk seemed to be in trouble and started to consult with other clerk in the back. He said, "The exhibition ended yesterday," and he said he couldn't show it anymore. With courage, my daughter I said, "I came because I heard that my mother is doing it until today," and the person above came. "The exhibition ended yesterday and it's all closed now ~" My daughter was surprised and she called me again for confirmation. I couldn't answer the phone at work, but the clerk who didn't see the situation Only the hakama was shown, "If it's a hakama, it's still there, so would you like to see it?" I haven't seen the pattern above, but I can't decide. My daughter also confirmed with the clerk, "You decide by looking at the pattern above, right?" Then, the clerk brought a little leftover boxed kimono (about 10) and just told me to decide from here. The clerk asked me what to do It seems that my daughter decided to decide if there was something good, but she didn't feel well, and in the end she refused and said, "It's okay. I'll give up this time." Then I heard about it and called for confirmation. Then, the clerk once again said, "The exhibition was until yesterday." Furthermore, he said, "I wrote it on the homepage." When I was the eldest daughter, I received a postcard to inform me, but when I told my second daughter that I didn't come, I just said that it was bad not to check the homepage. And finally this thing to confirm with the person on the phone who responded yesterday. After a few minutes, I was able to confirm it, and it seems that he had misrepresented the wrong information. I apologize, but I didn't consider how my daughter went to borrow the hakama, and she took an attitude of trampling on it, and when I thought about her feelings, I couldn't help but write it here. It was said that he could borrow hakama for free as a coming-of-age privilege, but in the end he gave up without borrowing it. Excuse me for a long time.
k__ on Google

前撮りで予約した時間の30分前にこちらに着きました。予約の時間になってもなかなか呼ばれず、予約時間から30分以上待たされました。 待っている間もなんの気遣いなしで、椅子すら出さないし一言もお詫びもない。この時点で気分悪かったです。前撮りするのにも気分下がった。 やっと呼ばれ、まずはヘアメイクから。 その際も何も言われずヘアメイク開始。 ヘアメイクさんが二人いて、上司と新人さんだったのかな、上司の方が私のヘアメイクをしてくださいました。 かなり時間も遅れていて残業だったのか知りませんが、新人の方が隣で片付けをしていて、終わりましたと上司に報告していて、帰って大丈夫だよー、遅くまでごめんねーなど話しており、内容はあやふやですが、かなり不愉快でした。こっちは、待たされている側なのに、ギリギリに予約したと思われていて不快で仕方なかった。 ヘアメイクさんは常にタメ口、20歳だとわかっていても有り得ない。 写真を撮ってくださる2人はとても優しく、気分が下がっていて写真撮る気にもなれず、終始真顔でしたが、カメラマンさんたちには申し訳ないですが一生懸命頑張ってくれました。 カメラマンさんの1人が撮影後、写真確認の待ち時間椅子を出してくれるなど、待たせているからとお詫びもしてくれました。完璧すぎました。 あと受付の若い女の人寝てましたよ。暇だったのか知らんけど。受付にずっと突っ立って、やることも探さず、自分の仕事だけやっている感じ。周りを見れば分かるでしょ。椅子くらい用意すればいいのに、私はいいですが、母も一緒で体が悪いので待たせている間可哀想でした。 皆さん気をつけて?
I arrived here 30 minutes before the time I booked for the previous shoot. It was hard to be called even when it was time to make a reservation, and I had to wait for more than 30 minutes from the reserved time. While I was waiting, I didn't care, I didn't even put out a chair, and I didn't apologize for a word. I felt sick at this point. I felt down to take the pre-shoot. Finally called, first from hair make. At that time, I started making hair without being told anything. There were two hair make-ups, maybe my boss and a newcomer, and my boss did my hair make-up. I don't know if it was overtime because it was too late, but the newcomer was cleaning up next to me and reported to my boss that it was over, so it's okay to go home, sorry until late, etc. The content is unclear, but it was quite unpleasant. This was the side that was waiting for me, but I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable because it seemed that I had made a reservation at the last minute. Hair make is always tame, and even if you know that you are 20 years old, it is impossible. The two people who took the pictures were very kind, I was feeling down and I didn't feel like taking pictures, and I was straight from beginning to end, but I'm sorry to the cameramen, but they did their best. One of the photographers also apologized for making me wait, such as putting out a waiting chair for checking the photo after shooting. It was too perfect. Also, the young woman at the reception was sleeping. I don't know if I was free. It feels like I'm standing at the reception desk all the time, not looking for something to do, and doing only my own work. You can see it by looking around. I should have prepared a chair, but I'm fine, but my mother was also ill, so I was sorry while I was waiting. Everyone be careful ?

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