新日本料理 伸幸

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新日本料理 伸幸

住所 :

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://014145.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–11PM
Sunday 11:30AM–5PM
Monday 11:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–11PM
Thursday 11:30AM–11PM
Friday 11:30AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan
永井宏紀 on Google

カジュアルな接待で利用しました。 この価格で個々に盛りつけて提供していただけた事やマグロも美味しかったので、また利用したいと思います。
We used for casual entertainment. The tuna served and served at this price was also delicious, so I would like to use it again.
wewreww koiie on Google

The worst shop. On the morning of the day, when I contacted only one person to cancel, I was laughed at and said that it was no good. It was a natural way of saying it. Why is the store looking up? Even though there was no such information at the time of booking. Never use it for family or entertainment in such a store.
いわっこ on Google

I used it several times for family meals and company banquets. The service was courteous and the private room was very comfortable. The food to enjoy the season was hearty and very delicious.
リョージ0000 on Google

お祝い事で使わせてもらいました。 値段に見合わない料理、配膳の段取りの悪さ、何を取っても良いところなどありません。 特に酷いのが料理です。どれを食べても基本的に味が濃すぎます。夜は居酒屋っぽいので、味が濃くなる傾向なのは仕方がありませんがあまりにも…だったので。
I used it for celebrations. There is nothing that is not worth the price, poorly prepared meals, or anything you can take. Cooking is especially terrible. No matter which one you eat, the taste is basically too strong. It's like an izakaya at night, so it's unavoidable that the taste tends to be strong, but it was too ...
冠光高 on Google

料理は懐石とは程遠い、かの国経営です ぶっちゃけこれで料理3240円はぼりすぎ? 500円で準備できます笑っ コースしかないし、味付けはくそ笑っ 接客はかの国の人ばかりで、最低レベルです笑っ 生ビールも瓶ビールもビールの味がしないです笑っ 上記写真とは似てるかもしれませんが、酢の物、卵焼きが市販の味で2品、ハマグリではなくホンビノスの胡椒が効いたお吸い物もどき、ハマチの刺身はガッツリ骨付き、500グラム400円台のステーキが4分の1、胸焼けする天ぷらもどき、ワカメのそうめんがついてお値段はびっくりする3240円プラス酒代で6000円でした。 満腹にならなかったので、土風炉行って仕切り直しました?
Cooking is far from kaiseki, and it is state management It's too hard to cook 3240 yen at this. You can prepare for 500 yen Laughing There is only a course and the seasoning is a laugh The customer service is the people of the country, the lowest level laughing No draft or bottled beer tastes like a beer laugh It may be similar to the above picture, but 2 dishes with vinegar and egg omelet with a commercial taste, remedies made with hombinosu pepper but not clams, hamachi sashimi with gutsuri bones, 500g 400 yen A quarter steak, heartwarming tempura mochi, wakame noodles were added, and the price was 6,000 yen at the amazing 3,240 yen plus liquor cost. As we did not become full stomach, we went to the earth blast furnace and re-divided ?
鈴木幸代 on Google

同好会の集まりで毎年利用しています。 5000円会費で飲み放題、追加無しが幹事にとって嬉しいです‼️ 料理もそこそこ、船橋産のホンビノス貝が味わえます。コスパかなり良かった‼️
It is used every year at a club meeting. All-you-can-drink with 5000 yen membership fee, no addition is nice for the secretary‼ ️ You can also enjoy Funabashi shellfish from Funabashi. Cospa was pretty good ️
Akiko Is on Google

I searched for a private store at a price that was not cheap but rather clumsy because of the meeting of the two families. The festive course of 5,000 yen looks good as it has many dishes and also grilled salmon. Because the staff was in the worst and the word of mouth, I was worried and I made a reservation and came to the store once and ate a 3000 yen course. There was staff other than Japanese, but there was no problem as Japanese was common. It was uneasy because there were people coming from afar because the weather was bad on the day when the reservation was made, saying that "we keep on time" and "change in number of people until the day before" when booking. Only there is minus for one piece ☆.
m i on Google

I used it for a family dinner. I could relax in a private room, the food was voluminous, and it was delicious with a sense of the seasons. I had a child's Shichigosan deliver grilled sea bream, etc., but I was very satisfied with the size of the sea bream, which was larger than the price. It is a response unique to a long-established store. I still want to use it.

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