大衆串焼酒場我家 我孫子店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大衆串焼酒場我家 我孫子店

住所 :

Honcho, Abiko, 〒270-1151 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honcho, Abiko, 〒270-1151 Chiba,Japan
莊司昌典 on Google

I got yakitori. A good amount of grilled shioume. The degree of completion of the sauce is also high. it tastes very good. However, it is a little smaller. One house that I want to drop by on my way home from work.
山崎泰生 on Google

我孫子で焼鳥食べるならココです! 特にオススメは きも こころ はさみ レアレバーガーリック
If you want to eat yakitori with Abiko, it's here! Especially recommended Kimo Heart Scissors Rare liver garlic
tokiume on Google

Yakitori is delicious. The neighbors were refilling the levers and bonjiri. It's good that the clerk is young and working hard. You can smoke inside the store, which is good for smokers. If you don't make a reservation because the store is small, you may not be able to enter even if you go suddenly. I had been drinking for 4 hours, but I stopped ordering! I was able to eat and drink as much as I wanted without being told that it was unfashionable. A favorite shop that I don't want to teach people too much.
建(Takeru) on Google

A restaurant with a reputation for being delicious with yakitori. I came to the store after 5 pm on weekdays, but it was quite crowded because there were originally only 10 seats at the counter and 3 tables for about 12 people.
飯高真吾 on Google

カウンター+奥にテーブル 粋な日本酒あり 串も旨いが、お通しの春雨の和え物も美味い 馬力(にんにく梅酢しそ?)がウマい。 馬力、馬力、馬力。クセになる。
Counter + table in the back There is stylish sake The skewers are delicious, but the vermicelli sauce is also delicious. Horsepower (garlic plum vinegar perilla?) Is good. Horsepower, horsepower, horsepower. Become a habit.
3 26 on Google

When I first started, I was impressed by the delicious taste, so I came back to the store, but there seemed to be many smokers at the store, which had no smoke separation, so I couldn't go there.
Yoshichika Watanabe on Google

Abiko also has some kushiyaki restaurants, but this yakitori is the most delicious. Especially, "kimo" and "heart" are the best! I recommend salt, but you can also enjoy the sauce and the sauce. Other than yakitori, you can't miss the radish salad, and the thickly cut radish texture is nice.
ひろろ on Google

焼き加減絶妙!!串焼きが旨いお店! ?料理・ドリンク お通し └この日は白菜と豚肉の煮物でした。スープ感覚なので、寒い日には有難いです! 大根サラダ └ハーフサイズがあるのが◎ ドレッシングが醤油ベースと、明太マヨの2種類かかっています。 つぶ貝わさび └少し少なく感じました。 長芋わさび漬け └こちらも少し少ない感じがしました。 焼き物 └生つくね、しそ巻き、こころ(ハツ)、にんにく、ぼんじりなどを注文! どれも焼き加減が良く、美味しいです!! レバーガーリックソテー └程よい加減の火入れでレアな状態で食べれます!少し薄味だったので塩いただきました。 ?雰囲気 カウンター8席、テーブル3席ほど。 少し狭さを感じましたが、あれくらいがちょうど良いです! ?‍?接客 店員さんが和気藹々と喋ってました! 店長様はとっても気を遣ってくれます! (前澤社長、もしくは巨匠ギャンブル好きの方に似ています笑) ?値段 3000円程 ?このお店ならではのポイント とにかく串焼きが食べたい時はおすすめです!!
Stunning baking! ! A shop with delicious skewers! Crab dishes and drinks Through └This day was boiled Chinese cabbage and pork. Thank you for the cold soup! Radish salad └ There is a half size ◎ There are two types of dressing, soy sauce base and menta mayo. Mussels wasabi 感 じ I felt a little less. Japanese pickled wasabi └ This also felt a little less. pottery Order Mibu Tsukune, Shiso Maki, Heart, Garlic, Bonjiri and more! Everything is well cooked and delicious! ! Lever garlic saute You can eat it in a rare state with moderate heating! I had some salt because it was a little light. ? atmosphere There are 8 counter seats and 3 tables. I felt a little narrow, but that is just right! Customer service The store clerk sang happily! The manager is very caring! (Similar to President Maezawa or master gambling lovers) ?Price 3000 yen ポ イ ン ト Points unique to this restaurant If you want to eat skewers anyway, it is recommended! !

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