
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ふじ

住所 :

Honanchonishi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0816 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Osaka

Honanchonishi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0816 Osaka,Japan
まーまー on Google

Kengo Terai on Google

shun shun on Google

値段以上の味が楽しめます。 サービス精神旺盛な女将さんのおかげで、頼んだ以上に色々頂けました( ๑ ❛ ڡ ❛ ๑ )
You can enjoy more than the price. Thanks to the landlady who has a strong spirit of service, I received more than I asked for (๑ ❛ ڡ ❛ ๑)
水越宏 on Google

女将さん 最高に美味しかったです!! お米最高!!キムチ最高!!お肉最高!!
Female general It was delicious. ! Great rice! ! Kimchi is the best! ! Meat is the best! !
a on Google

45年やってるからあって、美味いお肉安く仕入れることが出来るらしい。肉が美味い。 おすすめはユッケ。 秘伝のタレがめちゃくちゃ美味い。やみつきになります。 この値段でこの美味しさは素晴らしいと思います。女将さんも明るくて元気いっぱいで良い方でした。 よく通っています。
I've been doing it for 45 years, so it seems that I can buy delicious meat cheaply. The meat is delicious. Yukhoe is recommended. The secret sauce is insanely delicious. You will be addicted to it. I think this deliciousness is wonderful at this price. The landlady was also cheerful, energetic and good. I often go there.
橋爪遼 on Google

ふじ、焼肉屋さんです。 数々のチェーン店や個人店の焼肉屋を訪れましたが、この店のタンは格別です。 お値段は1皿600円で、肉厚で噛めば噛むほど旨味が出てくる食感が特徴の塩タンにありつけます。 他にもユッケや自家製キムチ、ピビンバや手羽先など様々なバリエーションのメニューがあります。 基本的に上肉以外は1皿600円で食べれます。 上肉も1皿750円とかなりお買い得。 店主はとても会話上手で家族で行くのはもちろん、1人焼肉にも向いています。 是非とも1度、ここの塩タンをご賞味下さい
Fuji, it is a grilled meat shop. I visited a number of chain stores and private barbecue barbecue shops, but this store's special is special. The price is 600 yen per dish, and if you chew with thick, you will find it in the salty tongue with a sense of texture that deliciousness chews. There are various variations menu such as Yukke, homemade Kimchi, Pinba bar and chicken wings. Basically except for the upper meat you can eat at 600 yen per dish. The upper meat is also 750 yen per dish and it is quite a bargain. The shopkeeper is very good at conversation and not only goes with his family, it is suitable for 1 meat. Please by all means once, please salty tongue here
バズ on Google

こちらのお母さんとは、私が小学生の頃からのお付き合いで、悩みなどいろいろ聞いてくれて、とてもアットホームなお店です。 徒歩1分以内で行けるのも私には魅力! 昨今の和牛ブームで、高級焼肉店があちこちに出店してるはるか昔から、但馬牛をメインに安く提供されていました。 とにかく、どれも安くて美味しいです! お母さんの自慢は“自家製タレ”だそうですが… 付だしキャベツやらは出てきますが、その他の野菜はなくなったのかな?? 昔はメニューに野菜があったような気が…。 お母さん自家製野菜をたっぷり食べたいです!
I have been with my mother since I was in elementary school. It is attractive to me that you can go within a one minute walk! In the wagyu beef boom in recent years, Tajima beef has been offered mainly at low prices since long ago when high-class yakiniku restaurants are opening here and there. Anyway, they are all cheap and delicious! Your mother's pride is “homemade sauce” ... The cabbage is coming out and the other vegetables are gone? ? I feel like there was a vegetable in the menu in the past. I want to eat plenty of mom's homemade vegetables!
陳思王植 on Google

Cospa is the best! A purveyor to Panasonic in the neighborhood. I've never met a restaurant where you can eat such good meat at such a low price. Self-accounting is necessary because the aunt is alone. That is charming. It is 100 times better than the long-established yakiniku restaurant in front of Hankyu Sonoda Station.

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