
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレンドパークむかわ

住所 :

Hokuto, 〒408-0307 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.kaidouraku.net/
街 : Yamanashi

Hokuto, 〒408-0307 Yamanashi,Japan
UN KNOWN on Google

It was a wonderful campsite where you can play in the river in a clear stream. The child was looking forward to the experience of catching fish, but it is a pity that it was canceled because the fish he was raising was wiped out by the heat. I would like to visit again next year.
1984 kzy on Google

2泊3日で利用。芝生の電源サイトでトイレとつかみ取りに近い場所。近くのトイレは和式だったけど男は基本問題なし。後ろには流し台もあるのだけど一台だけだから混雑時間もあり。 子供が遊べる池(海)があり、隣には川、その奥には駒ヶ岳が望めファミリーにとっては絶好の場所。
Use for 2 nights and 3 days. A place near the toilet and grab at the lawn power site. The nearby toilet was Japanese style, but the man had no basic problems. There is a sink in the back, but there is also a busy time because there is only one. There is a pond (sea) where children can play, a river next to it, and Komagatake in the back, which is a great place for families.
tak kato on Google

キャンプ利用。お盆休みを過ぎてからの利用でしたので、空いていました。 芝サイトは空いてましたが、オートサイトの方は結構埋まっており、お隣との距離も近そうでした。 芝サイトに行くためには途中、公園を横切ることになり、初めての利用だったため一瞬、車で通ってよいのか迷ってしまいました。 芝サイトは日差しを遮るものがないとカンカン照りの日は厳しいので暑さ対策が必要です。夜は晴れてれば星が綺麗だったかも。 花火は自サイトにて20時まで可能でした。
Use the camp. It was vacant because it was used after the Obon holiday. The turf site was vacant, but the auto site was quite full, and it seemed that the distance to the neighbor was close. I had to cross the park on the way to the turf site, and since it was my first time to use it, I was wondering if I could drive there for a moment. If there is nothing to block the sunlight on the turf site, it will be difficult on a sunny day, so it is necessary to take measures against the heat. If it was sunny at night, the stars might have been beautiful. Fireworks were available on my site until 20:00.
satomi chako on Google

林間サイトにと泊まりました 上に木があったのですが多分どんぐりの木?かもしれないです。ほんの少し小雨が夜振りその際に木から垂れた雨のせいなのか樹液でタープがベタベタになりました 常に日陰なサイトだったので乾燥も大変でした 場所によっては陽が当たっていたので夏は木陰でいいのかもしれませんがこれからの時期はあまりおすすめできないです
I stayed at the forest site There was a tree on top, but maybe it's an acorn tree? A little light rain shook at night, and the tarp became sticky with the sap, probably because of the rain dripping from the tree at that time. It was always a shaded site, so it was hard to dry. Depending on the location, the sun was shining, so it may be okay to shade the trees in the summer, but I can't recommend it in the coming season.
sD- S on Google

9月下旬。シーズンオフに差し掛かり、祝日でも閑散としていて、キャンプもマス掴みもやっておらず、人はまばら。 壊れてしまっている遊具が何点かあり、寂れ間は否めないが、川遊びを楽しみたかったので良かった。 水がきれい景色も良し。
Late September. The season is approaching, it is quiet even on holidays, there is no camping or trout grabbing, and people are sparse. There are some broken playsets, and I can't deny that I'm lonely, but I'm glad I wanted to enjoy playing in the river. The water is beautiful and the scenery is good.
瀧沢純 on Google

川とキャンプ場のロケーション、 川綺麗で冷たく最高❗ 景色も、最高ですが、、遊具があちこちボロボロ、危なすぎる、 そのうち字読まない小学生が 怪我しそうな予感がしなくもない。 トイレが遠い、、、 村のおじいちゃん達の運営愛想ゼロ仕事が、楽しくなさそうです。(笑) 芝生エリアに入って行く場内の道が分かりずらいです、後から来た 車両2台うろうろしてました。 うちのバスでギリギリ、、 クラスC,クラスAは、入っていくの 大変です。木が低く当たります。
River and campsite location, The river is beautiful, cold and the best ❗ The scenery is great, but the playset is tattered here and there, too dangerous, Among them, elementary school students who do not read I have a feeling that I might get hurt. The toilet is far away ... It seems that the zero-friendly work of the village grandpas is not fun. (smile) It's hard to find the way to enter the lawn area, I came later I was wandering around two vehicles. Last minute on our bus ... Class C and Class A are going in It's hard. The tree hits low.
Radu Berdan on Google

Not very woody in our camper van plot but the owner was a peach.
Jacob Newcomb on Google

Nice place to have a bbq and enjoy the shallow, flowing river. I wouldn’t call it a “campsite” but it’s enjoyable as a park like area

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