Hokkeji - Tōno

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hokkeji

住所 :

31 Chiwari-69-1 Miyamoricho Shimomiyamori, Tōno, Iwate 028-0304, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Postal code : 028-0304
Webサイト : https://hokeji.jsv-web.com/

31 Chiwari-69-1 Miyamoricho Shimomiyamori, Tōno, Iwate 028-0304, Japan
平子横澤 on Google

Mr. Oshima is a nice person and will be kind and will listen to the story.
佐藤れいこ on Google

久しぶりに行きました。 月初めだったので 凄い人でした。 霊談まで二時間近く待ちました。 言われた事 全て当たってました!!
I went there for the first time in a long time. It was a wonderful person as it was the beginning of the month. I waited nearly two hours for a spirit. I was hitting all the things I told you! !
平山清志 on Google

Previously, I was lost in life. I was introduced to a certain person and went to Hokkaji Temple. I was saved by receiving a lot of advice from Mr. Osho. There is no answer anywhere. It hurt me to be myself. I am living without hesitation now.
Number.8 on Google

ここの住職は霊感凄いよ。 霊的な相談とか先祖供養も頼れる。 何となく霊の仕業かもと感じるなら行っても損はない。 てか、目に見えないもがあるならここに行かさるはず
The priest here is inspiring. You can also rely on spiritual counseling and ancestral memorial services. If you feel that it is the work of a spirit, there is no loss in going there. If there is something invisible, I should go here
月と光 on Google

霊断は当たります…が最近では 僧侶の態度がかなり傲慢になり お金の話しかしません。 結局修業した身とはいえ一般の人間と 同じ生活に戻り或いはそれ以上に 贅沢な生活に慣れてしまえば 遺族の気持ち等解る筈もないでしょう 僧侶も普通の人間と変わらないという事 でしょうね。
It’s a heartbreak... but these days The monk’s attitude became quite arrogant Only talk about money. After all, even though he was a trainee, Return to the same life or more Once you get used to living a luxurious life There is no way to understand the feelings of the bereaved That monks are no different from ordinary humans I guess.
美紀 on Google

人気のあるお寺です。 和尚さんはとても優しい人で会えれば声をかけてくれます。 いろんな相談もしているので来る人が結構いますね(予約が必要) ただ和尚さんは忙しい人なのでいつ居るかはわかりません。
It is a popular temple. Mr. Osho is a very kind person and will talk to me if I can meet him. There are quite a few people who come because we also have various consultations (reservation required) However, Mr. Osho is a busy person, so I don't know when he will be there.
ぷーさん on Google

住職がとても話を聞いてくれますよ 私も聞いてもらい、楽になって 帰ってきます 悩んだら、独りで悩まず! 聞いてもらってください!
The priest will listen to you very much. I asked him to listen and it became easier I will be back If you're worried, don't worry alone! Please listen!
ras1043 tk on Google

行ったとたん センスのあるお寺だと思いました
As soon as I went, I thought it was a temple with a sense

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