濃厚肉そばセンター よし虎 - Hiroomote

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 濃厚肉そばセンター よし虎

住所 :

Hiroomote, 〒010-0041 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 010-0041
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php%3Fid%3D100005276737819
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Akita

Hiroomote, 〒010-0041 Akita,Japan
咲愛 on Google

オープン当初は行った事ないのでメニュー変わったのかもしれません。 2021年秋頃行きました。 濃厚中華を食べました。かなり濃厚な鶏白湯?で美味しかったです。 チャーシューはそんな好みではありませんでしたが丼に乗ってると美味しいかもと思うチャーシューでした。
I haven't been there at the beginning of the opening, so the menu may have changed. I went there around the fall of 2021. I ate rich Chinese food. A fairly rich chicken plain hot water? It was delicious. I didn't like the char siu, but I thought it would be delicious when I was on the bowl.
雨四光 on Google

I had bigeye tuna dandan noodles. It was pretty spicy. I'm glad I didn't add spiciness. Is the soup toro? It was muddy and entwined with the noodles and it was very delicious ? It's a treat.
ハナケイHANAKEI on Google

肉中華そば醤油を食べました。久々に出会えた私にドンピシャなラーメンでした。麺の太さを選べるシステムで、今回は細麺を選びました。動画有り。 来店 肉中華そば醤油を食べました。トッピング黒バラのり。動画有り。
I ate meat Chinese noodles soy sauce. It was a ramen that I didn't like when I met him after a long time. This time, I chose thin noodles because it is a system that allows you to choose the thickness of the noodles. There is a video. I visited the store and ate meat Chinese noodles soy sauce. Topping black rose glue. There is a video.
RISU (chanRISU) on Google

Zangi was delicious. The volume is perfect. You can choose from 6 Zangi, 10 15 and 1 additional. Exotic dishes such as Gapao Rice and Jambalaya
aほじねっす倶楽部 on Google

Not too dark unexpectedly. It's nice to have a taste even though it's light. When I thought it was an egg, it was "Tamakon". Surprised! ️
Chun Jun on Google

The meat is delicious. The amount is also mega giga, so I think it's good for people who want to eat a lot
to sa on Google

2021/02/12(金曜日) 肉二郎醤油に煮卵をトッピング注文。 醤油とニンニクソースのような風味がガツンと効いています。 麺は太麺で硬め、芯が残っている茹で加減でした。 はじめこそ美味しく食べましたが、脂の影響ですぐに満腹感に達します。もう脂っこいのを受付けない身体、年代になってきたのか… 部活動をやっている学生はペロリと食べるでしょう。 チャーシューはよく煮込まれていて、シーチキンのように良くほごれてくれます。
2021/02/12 (Friday) I ordered meat Jiro soy sauce with boiled eggs as a topping. The flavor like soy sauce and garlic sauce works very well. The noodles were thick and hard, and the core was left in the boiled noodles. I ate it deliciously at the beginning, but soon I feel full due to the influence of fat. Is it the age of the body that can no longer accept greasy things? Students doing club activities will eat lickingly. The char siu is well-cooked and dusts well like sea chicken.
りぃだ on Google

分厚いチャーシューの肉そばが無くなって、鶏そばになっていた。油そばは健在で、担々麺などもある。クリーミーな鶏SOBAには黒もある。 分厚いチャーシューが焦がしてあって、スープも焦がした旨みが詰まる。細麺か太麺か選べます。肉濃厚中華味噌は、濃厚な味噌で麺も好みでした。醤油も濃厚にすればかなりいい味ですが味噌のほうが好み。太麺といってもそこまでの太麺ではない。肉の塊は一塊なので若干食べにくく、脂身も多い。伝説のあとめしは煮た玉ねぎの乗った油そば用のライスで小さめ。
The thick char siu meat soba was gone and it was chicken soba. Abura soba is alive and well, and there are also dandan noodles. Creamy chicken SOBA also has black. The thick char siu is charred, and the soup is full of charred flavor. You can choose thin noodles or thick noodles. The meat-rich Chinese miso was rich miso and I also liked the noodles. If you make the soy sauce rich, it tastes pretty good, but I prefer miso. Thick noodles are not that thick noodles. Since the chunk of meat is one chunk, it is a little difficult to eat and has a lot of fat. The legendary aftermeshi is a small rice for abura soba with boiled onions.

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