カットファクトリー ダイエー相武台店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カットファクトリー ダイエー相武台店

住所 :

Hironodai, Zama, 〒252-0012 Kanagawa,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.cut-factory.net/shop/detail.php%3Fid%3D75
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hironodai, Zama, 〒252-0012 Kanagawa,Japan
土生さん on Google

I sometimes use it when I do not have time, but the cut is certainly finished early, but there is a feeling that there are many uncut parts. And there is a gender identity disorder staff, but it is physiologically unpleasant.
大野幸治 on Google

上手な方、残念な方、当たり外れの差が大きいです。 しかし、値段は安いので妥協できるでしょう。 最近は込み合っていてカットしてもらうまでに時間がかかります。
There is a big difference between good people, unfortunate people, and hits and misses. However, the price is cheap and you can compromise. It's been crowded these days and it takes time to get it cut.
みつま on Google

1080円で散髪できてコスパ高いと思います。 私みたいな40代男性で髪型にあまりこだわりがない方にはオススメです。 客層としてはおじいちゃんやおばあちゃんが多そうです。
I think I can cut my hair for 1080 yen and it is expensive. Recommended for men in their 40s who are not very particular about their hairstyle. There seems to be many grandpas and grandmas as customers.
チャンネルいずみ on Google

まあまあやな おどおどした男の方がなかなか良い 大股おっ広げている女の方は、私には、無いな! ミニスカでパンツ出してる女の人は、なかなか面白かった今は、どっかに飛ばされたの?
Okay The frightened man is pretty good I don't have a woman who is wide open! The woman who puts out her pants in a miniskirt was quite interesting now, has she been blown away somewhere?
眞下直子 on Google

I had a junior high school boy cut. The price of 1,100 yen including tax was good enough.
オカロー on Google

他の1,000円カットがほぼ1,200円になった中、こちらは1,100円❗店員さんも愛想よく好印象でした。近くに引っ越して来たのでこれからも通います。 ~追記~ その後1,200円になってしまいましたね。仕方ないですね。
While the other 1,000 yen cuts were almost 1,200 yen, this one was 1,100 yen ❗ The clerk was also friendly and impressed. I've moved nearby so I'll continue to go. ~ Addition ~ After that, it became 1,200 yen. It is inevitable.
Pingちゃん on Google

歯医者の帰りにちょっと気分転換の気持ちで寄りました。 髪質は普通で今まで他で癖があると言われたこともなく初めまして[癖ひどい、強い…]メガネ掛けてるおばさんはは大きい声で連発されました、にもかかわらず10分足らずのカットでした。 うるさいし、丁寧さない。安いと謳えるだけで技術、プロ意識がないおばさんでした。2度と行かないですね。
On my way home from the dentist, I stopped by for a change. Hair quality is normal and I have never been told that I have a habit elsewhere [Terrible habit, strong ...] The aunt wearing glasses was fired in a loud voice, but in less than 10 minutes It was a cut. Noisy and not polite. He was an aunt who just said it was cheap and had no skill or professionalism. I will never go again.
3355 yoshi on Google

1/8この店の男の従業員にカットしてもらったが毎回に注文通り2cmカット耳出し刈り上げ無しで注文するも両サイドと後ろはカットしたが頭頂部から前髪がカットされてなかったので最後の鏡での確認時に、ここ(頭頂部)と前髪を切ってと言ったら 「再注文は受けていないんですよね〜みたいな事と最初に言ってください」と 最初に2cmカットって言っただろう! 男従業員は不満気に2、3度軽くカットして、顔に着いた毛も払ってもらえず、有難う御座いましたも言わず 女性従業員から有難う御座いましたの声があったが、なんだこの店と思ってしまいます 客商売です最低限の事はやろう、じゃなきゃ金を取る資格無しだね。
1/8 I had a male employee at this shop cut it, but every time I ordered it, I cut it by 2 cm. I ordered it without cutting the ears, but I cut both sides and the back, but the bangs were not cut from the top of my head. When I said to cut my bangs here (top of my head) when I checked in the last mirror "I haven't received a reorder, right? Please say something like that first." You said you cut 2cm first! The male employee was dissatisfied and cut lightly a couple of times, and he couldn't even get rid of the hair on his face. Thank you very much. There was a thank-you voice from a female employee, but I wonder what this store is. It's a customer business. Let's do the minimum, otherwise we're not qualified to take money.

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