洋食ダイニング Hiro's Kitchen

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 洋食ダイニング Hiro's Kitchen

住所 :

Iguchido, Ikeda, 〒563-0023 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Osaka

Iguchido, Ikeda, 〒563-0023 Osaka,Japan
稲垣奈巳 on Google

1人でも入れる雰囲気です。 ハンバーグとチキン南蛮のランチを頂きましたが、スープもサラダもライスも付いて850円(税込)はなかなか良心的かな。 定番デミグラスソースのハンバーグもチキン南蛮も柔らかく美味でした。 スープもソースも丁寧に作られてる風味を味わえました。
It is an atmosphere that even one person can enter. I had a hamburger and chicken nanban lunch, but the 850 yen (tax included) with soup, salad and rice is quite conscientious. Both the hamburger steak with the classic demiglace sauce and the chicken nanban were soft and delicious. I was able to taste the flavor of the soup and sauce that were carefully made.
道正志郎 on Google

I ate a hamburger and shrimp fry lunch. The shrimp fries were thin and shrimp were large and delicious. The hamburger sauce also tasted good. The garnish salad was easy to eat with an apple-grated sauce. The price was conscientious.
yuta kino on Google

美酒フェスタというイベントでお邪魔しました。 洋食屋さんでしたが、日本酒のイベントということで、日本酒に合う料理を選んでいただきました。 とても親切な方で、料理もとても美味しかったです。 次に来るときにはちゃんと洋食を楽しみたいと思います‼️笑 ワインのイベント、やってくれると嬉しいなー?笑
I visited you at an event called Bishu Festa. It was a Western-style restaurant, but since it was a sake event, we asked them to choose a dish that suits sake. He was a very kind person and the food was very good. I would like to enjoy Western food properly the next time I come! ️Lol I'm glad if you do a wine event ? lol
ナナヒナのパパ on Google

I had lunch. I ate a hand-made hamburger steak, salmon and mushroom cream croquette, and a cold spring soup of potatoes. The cream croquette was really delicious and awesome. The hamburger is also delicious and the grated radish sauce matches the hamburger and complements it. The pasta is curry and the faint curry taste is good without disturbing other ingredients ? It's time because the owner is doing it alone It takes a while, but I'm not angry at all even if I wait for a while ? The owner's personality, taste, and cleanliness inside the store are the best ? Can I bring the cream croquette back when I go home? I heard that it was OK ? I will take it home the next time I go. This is a waste to have only one visit
K季弘 on Google

It's a very nice shop. Warm and delicious food is served at a very good time! The shop is also warm ❗
わぼん on Google

手ごねハンバーグ&エビフライ&チキン南蛮の大好物尽くしのランチを食べたくて、予約して訪問しました( ^ω^ ) お座敷に座らせてもらえて、店内の居心地のよさも◎ 座るとシェフの方がキッチンから「こんにちは~」って声をかけてくださったのもすごく印象的でした! 写真には写ってないのですが、ランチに付いてるカボチャのスープが優しい味で美味しくて… サラダの上のドレッシング的なものもほのかにリンゴの味がして、スパゲッティもカレーの風味がして、付け合わせからまず美味しいです★ エビフライのエビも身が詰まっててタルタルと一緒に食べたらもう最高すぎますです~~ ハンバーグの和風ソースがまた絶妙な味で、ソースをかけた白米の美味しいこと。。。 思い出しただけでもお腹すきます(笑) わがままでしかないですが、チキン南蛮がもう少しボリュームあったら嬉しかったなあと思います。
I made a reservation and visited because I wanted to have a lunch full of my favorite hamburger steak, fried shrimp, and chicken nanban (^ ω ^) You can sit in the tatami room and feel comfortable inside the store. It was very impressive that the chef said "Hello" from the kitchen when I sat down! Although not shown in the photo, the pumpkin soup that comes with lunch is delicious with a gentle taste ... The dressing on the salad has a faint apple taste, and the spaghetti also has a curry flavor, which is delicious from the garnish. Fried shrimp is also packed and it's too good to eat it with tartar sauce ~~ The Japanese-style hamburger steak has an exquisite taste, and the white rice with the sauce is delicious. .. .. I'm hungry just to remember (laughs) It's just selfish, but I'd be happy if the chicken nanban had a little more volume.
Hitoshi Tamura on Google

It is a Western-style restaurant in the back alley near the station. The number of seats is not so many and it is a small shop. I ate a set called Manpuku set, and all the fried foods were very crispy and delicious. The amount was just right for me personally, but it may be less for some people if I expect it to be eaten under the name of Manpuku. There is no parking lot, so it seems better to use a nearby coin parking lot.
Terra Bon on Google

I had a hamburger and fried shrimp lunch. The fried shrimp has a crispy garment and the inside is crispy, and the hamburger is fluffy and gravy. It was delicious. The corn soup was also delicious! I would like to try other dishes as well. I will drop by again.

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