Hiratanoson Kankyokaizen Center - Sakata

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiratanoson Kankyokaizen Center

住所 :

Keiyakuba-70-1 Asuka, Sakata, Yamagata 999-6711, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 999-6711

Keiyakuba-70-1 Asuka, Sakata, Yamagata 999-6711, Japan
Nobu on Google

コロナのワクチン1回目を接種しました 大勢のスタッフの方々のおかげで、とてもスムーズに済みました ありがとうございました
I was vaccinated with the first corona vaccine Thanks to a lot of staff, it went very smoothly. thank you very much
佐藤光男 on Google

This time, this place was used as a venue for corona vaccine inoculation. I was impressed by the inoculator's support staff, doctors, nurses, and everyone who worked wonderfully.
酒田もしぇのん on Google

I went with vaccination, but it ended smoothly without any problems ?
d- 98 on Google

コロナワクチン集団接種で行きました! 可もなく不可もなし( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I went with a corona vaccine mass inoculation! Neither good nor bad (´ ▽ `) no
Metal Hide on Google

コロナワクチン接種会場になっており、 スタッフの取り回し素早い対応がスムーズで、何事もなく接種できました。
It is a corona vaccination site, The staff was able to handle the inoculation smoothly, and I was able to inoculate without incident.
よっちゃんいか on Google

ワクチン接種で行きました。 ちょっと古い建物でしたね ワクチン接種の段取りは、いい感じでスムーズでしたよ 係りの人も皆さん感じ良かったし? ただ問診の先生は、私はハズレでしたw ちょっと待合のロビーはパイプ椅子の間隔が狭い感じでしたね
I went by vaccination. It was a little old building The vaccination setup was nice and smooth. Everyone in charge was also nice ? However, the interview teacher, I was lost w In the lobby of the waiting room, the space between the pipe chairs was narrow.
SR mama on Google

I used a group inoculation. The response was quick and polite, and I didn't feel long waiting. Sakata City I thought it was wonderful
佐藤ととちゃん on Google

The weather was good and it ended in a smooth manner. It doesn't hurt and it's okay everywhere. At the turn of the season, it's easy to get sick, so I wonder if it's better to vaccinate early. I can't die from corona.

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