
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ひさご食堂

住所 :

Hirata, Ishikawa District, 〒963-8202 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Hirata, Ishikawa District, 〒963-8202 Fukushima,Japan
モモの助 on Google

ジンギスカンで人気のあるお店なのですが、モツ炒め定食を頼んでみました。結構、旨い! 味噌汁も、あう~~~。 午後2時頃いったら、ほかのお客さんはいませんでした(σ゚∀゚)σ
It's a popular restaurant in Genghis Khan, but I ordered a set meal with stir-fried offal. Quite delicious! Miso soup also meets ~~~. At around 2:00 pm, there were no other customers (σ ゚ ∀ ゚) σ

バイクツーリングで食べに行きました。 開店前で数名の待ち、待たずに席につけました、店内は結構広いです。 主軸の生ラムを頼みましたが、肉の切り方からこだわりが感じられます。 脂身と赤身のバランスが丁度よい。 タレはかなり強いです。 全体の量が上手くバランスされていて、流行る理由がわかります。 とても美味しいです。
I went to eat by motorcycle touring. I waited for a few people before the store opened and took a seat without waiting. The inside of the store is quite large. I ordered raw lamb for the main shaft, but I can feel the commitment from the way the meat is cut. The balance between fat and lean is just right. The sauce is quite strong. The total amount is well balanced and you can see why it's so popular. It is very tasty.
日立のガリクソン on Google

生ラムジンギスカンを食べました。 肉は焼いても、とても柔らかく、ご主人の仕事の丁寧さが伺えます。 また行きたい
I ate raw lamb Genghis Khan. Even if the meat is baked, it is very tender and you can see the politeness of the husband's work. I want to go again
あいうえおあいうえお on Google

生ラムジンギスカン1750円。 お高いけど、高評価だったし入ってみた。 値段なりに、死ぬほど美味しかった。臭みなく噛むとほどに肉汁溢れるラム、肉汁と脂を吸った野菜、味が濃いニンニクの効いたつけダレ、これら全てに調和をもたらす白米。 一つ一つそれぞれおいしいけれども、真の主役はつけダレかもしれない。こいつが肉、米についた瞬間に、米が飲み物になる。スイスイ食べれてしまう。 米のお代わり250円だけど、米が欲しくなってしまう。旨すぎてテンションが上がりすぎ、つい大盛りおかわりをしてしまい、午後の仕事は全くやる気にならなかった。 店の前に4台ほど車を置ける。12時前から地元の人たちが次々来店して席が埋まったので、平日昼時は1145より前に入った方が良いと思う。 ※別の方の口コミより。 30mほど離れた場所に駐車場があるらしいので、混雑時はそちらを利用とのこと。また、土日は行列必死らしい。
Raw lamb Genghis Khan 1750 yen. It's expensive, but it was highly rated and I went in. It was delicious enough to die for the price. Lamb that overflows with gravy when chewed without odor, vegetables that have absorbed gravy and fat, and garlic-flavored sauce that has a strong taste, white rice that brings harmony to all of these. Each one is delicious, but the true protagonist may be a slapstick. The moment it gets on the meat and rice, the rice becomes a drink. I can eat it. It's 250 yen instead of rice, but I want rice. It was so delicious that I was so excited that I had a big refill, and I wasn't motivated to work in the afternoon. You can put about 4 cars in front of the store. Locals came to the store one after another from 12 o'clock and the seats were filled, so I think it's better to enter before 1145 at noon on weekdays. * From another person's review. It seems that there is a parking lot about 30m away, so use that when it is crowded. Also, it seems that the procession is desperate on Saturdays and Sundays.
ocean on Google

クチコミ通り、本当に美味しかったです。 しっかり目にラムを焼いても柔らかくて感動しました! お味噌汁やたくあんまでも美味しくて大満足です。 少し辛めのニンニクたっぷりのタレも美味しかったのですが、お仕事される方は要注意です(笑) ご夫婦だけで営業されているのか、提供まで少し時間はかかりましたが、許容範囲内でした。 テーブルや換気扇などベタベタせず、清潔な感じで好印象。 お気に入りのお店がまたひとつ増えました。
As the word of mouth, it was really delicious. Even if I baked the rum firmly in my eyes, it was soft and impressed! Even miso soup and takuan are delicious and very satisfying. The sauce with a little spicy garlic was also delicious, but those who work should be careful (laugh) It took some time to provide it, probably because it was open only by the couple, but it was within the permissible range. The table and ventilation fan are not sticky, and the clean feeling gives a good impression. One more favorite shop has been added.
Kazumi Koizumi on Google

福島県でこんなに美味しい生ラムが食べられるとは、感動✨ 薬味が効いた自家製の濃いめのタレも、ご飯がススム♪ススム♪ 家が近ければ生ビールなんだけどなぁ(笑) 週末は開店から13時位までは激混みだけど座敷席が広く、しかも割と回転が早いからそれ程待たずに着座出来ますよ。 奥の座敷は、田舎の本家に規制法した雰囲気が味わえます。
I was impressed to be able to eat such delicious raw lamb in Fukushima prefecture. Homemade thick sauce with condiments is also delicious with rice ♪ Susumu ♪ If the house is near, it's draft beer (laughs) On weekends, it's very crowded from the opening to around 13:00, but the tatami mat seats are wide, and the rotation is relatively fast, so you can sit down without having to wait that long. In the back room, you can enjoy the atmosphere regulated by the head family in the country.
SS SKMT on Google

生ラムジンギスカン定食をたべました。 肉はだいたい十数切れです。 すごく美味しいです‼️ しかし、値段が1750円‼️‼️‼️‼️ たかすぎ‼️‼️ 2人で3500円‼️‼️ スタミナ太郎の方がいいm(__)m うまいけど、高いからからもう行きません(^。^;) 平田ドライブインで同じジンギスカン定食を1100円でたべた方がとくだと思います。 記念に試す分にはいいかもですね?
I ate a raw lamb Genghis Khan set meal. The meat is about a dozen pieces. It ’s really delicious! ️ However, the price is 1750 yen! ️‼ ️‼ ️‼ ️ It's too hot! ️‼ ️ 3500 yen for 2 people! ️‼ ️ Stamina Taro is better m (__) m It's good, but I won't go anymore because it's expensive (^. ^;) I think it would be better to eat the same Genghis Khan set meal for 1,100 yen at Hirata Drive-in. It may be good to try it as a memorial ?
はなぶさ on Google

ジンギスカンが絶品との事で伺いました。 店舗前に2台上手く停めれば3台は駐車可能。 その他未舗装の合同駐車場?️あり、5台駐車可能。 店内は広場で小上がりとテーブルがあり収容人数は結構ありますが蜜です。 お店はご年配のご夫婦が2人で切り盛りしているとの事。 なので時間帯が悪いと提供までに少し時間が掛かりますが気長に待ちましょう。 お味は噂にたがわぬいいラム使ってますよ!(通ではないが)臭みもなくて柔らかい、野菜も甘くて美味しい少し濃いめの甘辛いタレに付ければメシ泥棒間違いない‼️ 自分は単品ですが? ジンギスカン好きは1度ご賞味あれ。
I heard that Genghis Khan is exquisite. If you park two cars in front of the store, you can park three cars. There is also an unpaved joint parking lot ?️, and 5 cars can be parked. The inside of the store is a square with a small rise and a table, and the capacity is quite large, but it is honey. It is said that the shop is run by two elderly couples. So if the time is bad, it will take some time to serve, but let's wait patiently. The taste is good rum that doesn't follow the rumor! (Although I'm not a connoisseur) It's soft without smell, and the vegetables are sweet and delicious. ️ I'm a single item, but ? If you like Genghis Khan, please try it once.

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