山形 外壁屋根塗装 株式会社ハザマ

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山形 外壁屋根塗装 株式会社ハザマ

住所 :

Higashiyamagata, 〒990-0022 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://p-hazama.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–8PM
Sunday 8AM–8PM
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM
街 : Yamagata

Higashiyamagata, 〒990-0022 Yamagata,Japan
齋藤優子(アスナ) on Google

ちよだ線 on Google

ペンキ屋が電気の営業にきた 怪しさしか感じなかった。
Paint shop came to the electric business I felt only suspicious.
坂本比叡 on Google

As we had regular inspection and guarantee once a year, we asked, but it was good as we were able to correspond and act kindly!
本山と on Google

The technology is also high, but it is a good paint shop as after follow is firm more than that!
らもらもす on Google

昼間に営業マンが自宅を訪問してきた。 電気料金が安く出来るから電気の検針表を見せてくれとの話。具体的に何をすると電気料金が安くなるかの説明は一切なし。 昼時の食事中に営業に来られて迷惑極まりない。 常識はないのか?この時点で既に不快。 また、早口に「電気料金が安くなる」ということだけを話すだけ話して具体的な説明はない。貰った名刺に電気関係の記載もなければホームページを確認しても電気に関する記載はゼロ。そんな会社の何を信じろと? 塗装屋に電気料金が安くなるから検針表を見せろと言われても、具体的な商材の説明もなく一体なんなのか。非常に不信感と不快感を感じた。 追記:社長さん自らクチコミで自演する会社さんです。スクリーンショット添付しておきます。
A salesman visited his house in the daytime. He told me to show me the electricity meter reading table because the electricity bill can be cheaper. There is no specific explanation of what to do to reduce the electricity bill. It is extremely annoying to come to the business during lunchtime meals. Is there no common sense? Already uncomfortable at this point. In addition, there is no concrete explanation, just talking about "the electricity bill will be cheaper". There is no description about electricity on the business card I received, and even if I check the homepage, there is no description about electricity. What do you believe in such a company? Even if the paint shop asks me to show the meter reading table because the electricity bill will be cheaper, I wonder if there is no explanation of the specific products. I felt very distrustful and uncomfortable. Postscript: The president himself is a company that performs by word of mouth. I have attached a screenshot.
キック on Google

電気の営業に来ました。 最初は不信感ありましたが話を聞いていくとしっかりと説明していただけました。 電気の自由化しらない僕にとっては不安でしたが訪問にきた方はとても親身になって質問に答えてくれました。 電気も安くなったのでとても満足しています?
I came to the electric business. At first I was distrustful, but as I listened to the story, he explained firmly. I was worried that electricity would not be liberalized, but the people who came to visit were very kind and answered the questions. I am very happy because the electricity is cheaper ?
なかたまろう on Google

実家の塗装をお願いしたら迅速に動いてくれた? アフターフォローもしてくれてこの前も壊れてないか確認しにきてくれた! 若い人が来た時は、大丈夫かなと思ったけど凄くしっかりしている方で安心しました! また塗装をお願いする事が有ればハザマさんにお願いします!よろしくお願いします?
When I asked for painting of my parents' house, it moved quickly ? He also did after-sales follow-up and came to check if it was broken before! When a young person came, I thought it was okay, but I was relieved that he was very solid! If you have any requests for painting, please ask Mr. Hazama! Thank you ?
平川裕太 on Google

信頼できる塗装屋さんです。 若い方が多いイメージですが技術ももちろんですが1人1人の配慮が素晴らしく しっかり教育の行き届いた会社だなと感心を致しました。 今後ともまた機会があればお願いしようと思っております!
It is a reliable paint shop. The image is that there are many young people, but of course the technology is also wonderful, but the consideration of each person is wonderful. I was impressed that it was a well-educated company. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity in the future!

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