Higashisumiyoshi Morimoto Hospital - Osaka

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Higashisumiyoshi Morimoto Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-2-番66号 Takaai, Higashisumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 546-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 546-0014
Webサイト : https://www.tachibana-med.or.jp/

3 Chome-2-番66号 Takaai, Higashisumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 546-0014, Japan
花ちゃん on Google

つい先日コロナワクチン2回目の副反応で搬送され、お世話になりました。 「来られても何もできない」と言われていたのですが、お医者さんが近くにいるほうが安心だったので「行きたい!」と言って、点滴と血液検査をして、こちらの要望で念の為PCR検査もしました。 ベッドが足りていないのかすぐに退かされてしまい、椅子に寝そべる事も許されませんでした。車椅子は使えたので良かったです。たいおしていただけたことはすごく感謝をしていて、ベッドのことも仕方ないと思っていますが、椅子で横たわるのはOKしてもらいたかった。 あと、数値的に問題がなくても生きるか死ぬか必死な思いでそこに来てベッドに横たわっているのに、患者さんへの愚痴とか笑い声とか聞かせないでほしいです。 私と同じように意識朦朧で運ばれてきた方が隣りにいて、そうゆう人が運び込まれる場所なのだから、愚痴や笑い声はやめてください。 朦朧としてても聞こえますもん。 対応してもらえて対処方法も教えてもらえた事は感謝しています。 救急隊員の方々、「大丈夫!ゆっくり呼吸すれば楽になるからね!」と声掛けを沢山して下さり、有り難う御座いました! 大変救われました。 大変なお仕事だと思いますが応援しています!
Just the other day, I was transported by the second side reaction of the corona vaccine, and I am indebted to you. I was told that I couldn't do anything even if I could come, but I was relieved to have a doctor nearby, so I said "I want to go!" I also did a PCR test just in case. I was soon dismissed because I didn't have enough beds, and I wasn't allowed to lie down in a chair. I'm glad I could use a wheelchair. I'm very grateful for what you did, and I think it's unavoidable to have a bed, but I wanted you to be OK to lie down in a chair. Also, even if there is no numerical problem, I want you to come there and lie in bed desperately to live or die, but don't let the patient complain or laugh. Please stop complaining and laughing because there is a person next to you who is carried with consciousness like me, and it is a place where such a person is brought. You can hear it even if it's stunned. I am grateful that I was able to respond and teach me how to deal with it. Thank you to all the rescue workers for saying, "It's okay! It will be easier if you breathe slowly!" I was saved very much. I think it's a tough job, but I support you!
Kenzou Yoneda on Google

I received a misdiagnosis at a certain clinic, and finally I was able to see it at Higashi Sumiyoshi Morimoto Hospital for a medical examination (orthopedic surgery). Due to the influence of Corona, I had to check my body temperature, disinfection, and mask to enter the hospital, and there were 3 nurses at the reception. In Higashisumiyoshi Ward, it is a private matter, but it is a good hospital. The story of the medical examination was easy to understand, and it became a bridge for future treatment. I am extremely grateful. However, if you enter by emergency, the emergency patient will have a rough emergency medical examination. (It's all about orthopedics)
たまっていー on Google

Since it is a large hospital, the waiting time is long, but I was taken care of by medical examination, examination, surgery, and hospitalization. The doctors, laboratory technicians, nurses, and receptionists have made it very good. The 24-hour night medical examination was also saved several times.
z Taka007 on Google

息子の怪我の救急対応や友人の盲腸手術に腫瘍摘出手術で結構お世話に成ってます。 何処の病院も色々悪い噂が付いて回るが自分には最高の病院です。 病院は合う合わないが非常に難しいけど納得して気に入ったら先ずは信頼するのが一番です。
I am very much indebted to the emergency response for my son's injury, the appendix surgery of my friend, and the tumor removal surgery. Every hospital has a lot of bad rumors, but it's the best hospital for me. The hospital doesn't fit, but it's very difficult, but if you're satisfied and like it, it's best to trust it first.
ステアカだよ on Google

Those that don't make money tend to go to other hospitals right away. In case of an emergency, we always ask you to stop only Morimoto Hospital. Corona's response is also sloppy. I hope that the director of the clinic will change and reorganize.
U Lala on Google

今回、肺炎のため、急遽検査して貰えました。 酸素飽和度も下がっており、受け入れ可能となり入院できました。その際にも、不安がる患者さんに対しても励ましてくれ、私は障害の為聞き取りが困難なので、紙とペンも渡してくれました。患者さんに対しても常に優しく努めてお薬などの処方も早く心のケアも良かった。 院内もコロナ対策が徹底しています。 保健所が繋がらない状態の間に重症化した可能性があります。保健所頼りにしていると命は守れないと思います。去年も肺炎で 「なにわ生野」病院へ入院しましたが職員や看護師の態度は最低でした。オムツ替えに40分は待たされ、カーテン越しに対応、必要以上の関わりを拒否する。障害のある人への配慮は全くありません。それでも「コロナ対策」の病院だと言うので、受け入れているんでしょう。 同じ病院でもこんなに差があると 思っても見ませんでした。 「なにわ生野」には 行かないで下さい。メンタル崩壊します。
This time, because of pneumonia, I was asked to have an examination in a hurry. Oxygen saturation was also low and I was accepted and was hospitalized. At that time, he encouraged the anxious patient, and he gave me a piece of paper and a pen because it was difficult for me to hear because of my disability. I always tried to be kind to the patients, prescribe medicines, etc. quickly, and the mental care was good. Corona measures are thoroughly implemented in the hospital. It may have become severe while the health center was not connected. I don't think you can save your life if you rely on the health center. Last year with pneumonia I was admitted to the "Naniwa Ikuno" hospital, but the attitude of the staff and nurses was the worst. After waiting for 40 minutes to change diapers, he responded through the curtain and refused to be involved more than necessary. There is no consideration for people with disabilities. Even so, it is said that it is a "corona countermeasure" hospital, so I think it is accepted. If there is such a difference even in the same hospital I didn't see it even though I thought. In "Naniwa Ikuno" Please do not go. Mental collapse.
Aman Verma on Google

Best place
Shé-marie on Google

Excellent hospital! Wonderful doctors and nurses!

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